
zhōng jí
  • ultimate;final;paroxysm
终极 [zhōng jí]
  • [ultimate] 最终;穷尽

  • 终极目的

终极[zhōng jí]
  1. 第二部分为王家新创造的诗学美学标准,从对自我的存在和生命的选择、对话孤独的灵魂、生命的苦难意识以及追求生命的终极价值四方面详细论述。

    Poetics aesthetics standard that Part II is Wang Jia Xin creates , four aspect comments that detailedly from the lonely soul choosing , having a dialogue , the life suffering consciousness and the paroxysm value running after life to oneself existence and life .

  2. 纽约是美国价值观的终极体现。

    New York is the ultimate manifestation of American values .

  3. 当球员、教练和主教练的经历锻炼了我,使我能够应对这一终极挑战。

    My experience as player , coach and manager has prepared me for this ultimate challenge .

  4. 生产并消费商品和服务是一切经济活动的终极目标。

    The production and consumption of goods and services is the ultimate aim of all economic endeavour .

  5. 不过,飞行汽车始终是个人出行自由的终极象征。

    However , the flying car has always remained the ultimate symbol of personal transport freedom .

  6. "这是一场终极噩梦,"一家知名连锁店的零售主管向《时代》杂志承认。

    " It 's the ultimate nightmare , " a retail executive from a well-known chain admitted to TIME .

  7. “一个终极的人脸识别算法应该可以识别数据集中数以十亿计的人,”研究人员写道。

    " An ultimate face recognition algorithm should perform with billions of people in a dataset , " the researchers wrote .

  8. 流行性感冒病毒是终极的变形怪。

    The influenza1 virus is the ultimate shape-shifter .

  9. 本文首先简要地介绍了WTO争端解决制度,着重论述作为争端解决终极手段的报复机制;

    This paper gives a brief introduction to WTO dispute settlement system and then directly comes to the theme .

  10. 第四章:对策篇&当下维度和终极维度的和声。超流Hell中第一声、第二声和第四声声速的测量

    Part Four , Countermeasures : harmony of the current and the ultimate . MEASUREMENTS OF FIRST , SECOND AND FOURTH SOUND - VELOCITY IN SUPERFLUID Hell

  11. 在分析了公司治理的终极目标和CEO体制的基础上,提出了建立CEO管理体制能够解决竞争环境带来的决策与执行的矛盾。

    Based on the analysis of ultimate goal of corporate governance and the CEO system , the article presents that the establishment of CEO management system can solve the contradiction between decision-making and execution brought by competition .

  12. 客户是所有企业经营活动的终极元素,客户关系管理(CRM)是以客户为中心的现代管理理念和IT技术结合的产物,能够提高企业的核心竞争力。

    Customers are the ultimate elements of all business ; Customer Relationship Management ( CRM ) combined modern management principle and the advanced IT technique , which can increase the core competitive capability of the business enterprise .

  13. 像我说的,这不是终极目标。

    As I said , it is not the final destination .

  14. 目的是为了研发终极的国家安全武器。

    The idea was to create the Uitimate nationai security weapon .

  15. 刑罚的终极价值是正义、秩序和自由。

    The ultimate penalty value is justice , order and freedom .

  16. 两性和谐是大部分女权主义者的终极目标。

    Sexual relationship of harmony is the ultimate aim of feminists .

  17. 论文学的人文终极关怀是其最高使命

    The Ultimate Care for Human Is the Supreme Mission of Literature

  18. 提倡尊贵、奢侈的生活方式,引领终极驾驭乐趣。

    Advocating royal and luxury life style , leading ultimate control fun .

  19. 可持续发展的终极关怀:人的全面发展

    An Ultimate Aim With Sustained Development & the Whole-man Development

  20. 物理学家研究复杂网络的终极问题是什么?

    What is the ultimate goal of the study of complex networks ?

  21. 环境法的终极价值之思考

    Considerations about the Ultimate Value of the Law of Environment

  22. 自由化是一个终极目标,也是一个相对概念。

    The liberalization is the target and the relevant concept as well .

  23. 大股东终极控制与掠夺行为研究

    A Study on the Ultimate Control and Predatory Behavior of Big Shareholders

  24. 历史学的终极目标应是科学性和文学性的完美结合。

    The ultimate aim of history is put science and literature together .

  25. 反垄断法的终极目的及其司法保障

    The Ultimate Aim of Antitrust Law and its Judicial Protection

  26. 对于商茶管理的主要目的是增加政府收入,因此征税是其终极目标。

    The commercial tea is mainly for the purpose of government tax .

  27. 利益兼顾,是解决冲突的终极目标。

    Interests into account , is the ultimate goal of conflict resolution .

  28. 这就是为什么我说终极是大涅磐。

    That is why I say that the Ultimate is Great Nirvana .

  29. 之后你就可以一边在家安心睡觉一边赚大钱了,当然,这是我们的终极目标。

    You can then be making money while you sleep .

  30. 绘画的终极&绘画形式观念与语言的意义

    Ultimate of Painting & Meaning of formal language and concepts in painting