
  1. 最后,文章对教育评价模式进行了研究,着重分析了教育评价中的非线性关系、综合评价系统模型(CES)及评价模型的检验。

    At last , this article studied the model of the education evaluation . It raised the CES model , explored the nonlinear relations of the model of the education evaluation , and discussed the evaluation models inspection .

  2. 略论多元化素质教育评价模式

    On the Evaluation Standard of Pluralistic Quality - oriented Education

  3. 母乳喂养健康教育评价模式初探

    Evaluation Model of Breast-feeding Health Education

  4. 论我国的教育评价模式中小学生发展性教育评价模式的建构

    Ideas on China Education Evaluation Model The Research of Middle and Primary School Student Develpment Education Appraisal Pattern

  5. 中小学生发展性教育评价模式的建构浅谈素质教育评价模式的构建

    The Research of Middle and Primary School Student Develpment Education Appraisal Pattern Structure of the Evaluation Model of Quality Education

  6. 近年来,国内部分护理院校借鉴这一新型的医学教育评价模式进行护理综合能力的评价,取得了一定的成绩。

    In recent years , some inland nursing colleges have adopted this new medical education evaluating mode to estimate students ' comprehensive ability and have made some progress .

  7. 研究并构建了基于全面质量管理的军校本科军体教育管理评价模式。

    The thesis researches on and constructs the evaluation mode of TQC-based military sports education management .

  8. 教育质量的评价模式及其比较

    Evaluation Model in Education Quality and it 's Comparision

  9. 基于任务的高师生教育技术能力评价模式的研究与实践

    The Practice and Research of the Appraisal Pattern of the Ability of Educational Technique Based on the Task in Normal University

  10. 新课程改革过程中需要正确处理几对矛盾,即教育评价的理论模式与操作程序的矛盾,量化评价与质性评价的矛盾,以及评价方法的西化与本土化的矛盾。

    Several pairs of contradictions should be correctly handled in the course of the new curriculum reform , which involve the contradiction between the theory model of educational evaluation and operational procedures , the contradiction between quantitative evaluation and qualitative evaluation , the contradiction between evaluation 's westernization and nationalization .

  11. 试论基础教育新型课堂教学评价模式的建构

    On Establishing the Mode of Classroom Teaching Evaluation in Primary Education

  12. 中等职业教育教学质量评价的模式研究

    On the Evaluation Model of Teaching Quality in the Secondary Vocational School

  13. 高校教育资源利用效率评价模式研究

    Study on the Appraisal Pattern of Utilization Efficiency of Universities ' Educational Resources

  14. 主要研究了教育情感评价的基本模式,教育情感评价模式选择问题,目标游离模式和应答评价模式在教育情感评价中的运用。

    It is studied the basic model of education emotion , choice of education model of emotion , target free mode , response evaluation model and the practice of model in education emotional evaluation .

  15. 这种传统的、应试教育体制下的评价模式只注重分数和升学,片面强调评价的甄别功能,而忽视了评价的导向、激励功能。

    This kind of traditional education examination system , the evaluation mode only paying attention to score and unilateral emphasize entrance , the evaluation function , and ignore the screening of orientation and evaluation incentive functions .

  16. 现代职业教育必须突破传统的教育评价模式,从职业教育的特点和职业学生的特点出发,突显职业教育学生的能力。

    Modern vocational education should breakthrough traditional educational evaluation model and highlight the competency of vocational school students on the basis of the characteristics of vocational education and students .

  17. 本研究在多元智能评价理念指导下,建构基于任务的非教育技术专业高师生教育技术能力评价模式。

    This research based on the theory of multiple intelligence , constructed an evaluation method , which was used to evaluate the Educational technology ability of the students of non-educational technique-major in teachers college based on tasks .

  18. 其教育组织方式为综合主题教育:其教育评价以行为目标模式为主。

    A compositive theme education is the way of the practice , and the behavior & target model is a main assessment of the MDECC .

  19. 本文首先阐述了现有军体教育评价体系的主要内容,在分析了其内涵的基础上,构建了基于全面质量管理理念的军体教育评价模式,并给出了评价模式主要内容。

    The thesis explains the main contents of current military sports education evaluation system , analyzes the connotation of the current system , constructs a TQC-based new mode , and explains the contents of the new mode .