
  • 网络Teach Chinese
  1. 我是一名中学老师。我教中文。

    I am a middle school teacher . I teach Chinese .

  2. 由于中文是我的母语,我还可以教中文。

    Since Chinese is my native language , I am also able to teach Chinese .

  3. 我是个老师,在高中教中文。

    I am a teacher , teaching chinese in a high school .

  4. 甲:是的,我在这里教中文,同时学习英文。

    A : Yes , I 'm teaching Chinese and studying English .

  5. 晚上在看电视时或玩游戏时教中文。

    At night in casual setting while watching TV or playing games teach me chinese .

  6. 他教中文太糟了,因为他自已中文都说不好。

    He has no business teaching Chinese because he doesn 't speak it very well .

  7. 我喜欢教中文。

    I like to teach Chinese .

  8. 您可以是教中文的老师或是中国艺术和文化的业余倡导者。

    You could be an instructor to teachers in Chinese or an amateur promotor of Chinese arts and culture .

  9. 这两名女孩的带队老师说,尽管英语很重要,该学校也教中文,特别是阅读。

    The girls ' coach said that while English is important , the school does teach Chinese , especially reading .

  10. 你说你中文太差,所以不能教中文。还要我举个例子。

    M : For instance , I have no business teaching Chinese because I don ' 't speak it very well .

  11. 一名现在在南梦安县教中文的爪哇族老师就曾被迫在1997年的教堂组织里暗中学习中文。

    One Javanese man who now teaches Chinese in Lamongan had to study the language secretly in a church group in1997 .

  12. 希望某一天我可以到海外教中文,现在我大四了,所以我必须面对找工作的问题。

    I hope one day I could teach Chinese overseas . I am a senior now , so I have to face finding a job .

  13. 我是即将去美国读硕士的中国女孩,我想要练习英语口语,我也乐意教中文。

    I am a Chinese girl and will go to USA to continue my graduate study . I would like to practise my oral English and teach chinese .

  14. 来自福州的林丹秋,在竹板杏镇的华侨学校教中文,外边太热,只好躲在有空调的电脑室避暑。

    A Chinese teacher from Fujian ( SE China ), she said it was too hot outside and came to seek for a refuge in this air-conditioned computer room .

  15. 想到美国教中文,最好不要抱太多希望,因为有这种打算的新移民太多了。

    Think of the United States to teach Chinese , it is best not to expect too much , because there is this going to new immigrants too much .

  16. 一些教中文的教师说,对于讲英语的人来说,中文是最难学的语言之一,且需要背诵几千个汉字,但这正是吸引他们学习中文的地方所在。

    The difficulty of the language – ranked among the hardest for English speakers and requiring the memorization of thousands of characters – is part of the attraction for some students , say teachers .

  17. 行!你教我中文,我帮你学英语。

    OK ! You teach me Chinese . I help you learn English .

  18. 反过来说,请你教我中文。

    In turn , you please teach me Chinese .

  19. 我可以教你中文,你要教我英语!

    So I will teach you Chinese and you will teach me English !

  20. 我要勉力教好中文。

    I 'll try to study Chinese well .

  21. 一个来教我们中文的新老师昨天到我们学校来了。

    A new teacher who will teach us Chinese came to our school yesterday .

  22. 与父亲相依为命的穗(音)靠教外国人中文维生。

    And the father of ear ( sound ) by teach foreigners Chinese to survive .

  23. 我的赴澳旅游签证被拒了,然后我开始教老外中文。

    My tourist visa to Australia was denied and then I had to teach foreigners Chinese .

  24. 我教他中文。

    I teach him Chinese .

  25. 只是想要交朋友和提高自己的英语水平!也许我还能教你中文呢!

    Just want to make friends and improve my english ! And I can teach you chinese as well !

  26. 正在找一份可以教小孩子中文课后辅导工作。

    I 'm looking for a job as a tutor who can help children with their Mandarin after their school .

  27. 那天我还真的以为我能真的正儿八经教教中文了,虽然说我从来没有当过教师。我是为了蹭钱而来的(每小时薪水为人民币五十块钱)。

    I was actually really hoping to teach the little girl some Chinese , even though I have absolutely no experience in teaching anyone and I am basically here for the10 dollars an hour .

  28. 我是地道的中国人,我可以教你中文,你教我英语,想和您交朋友,大家相互学习进步。

    I 'm a native chinese , I can teach you chinese , you teach me english , let 's make friends , and we can learn each other and improve our language level together .

  29. 汤姆:你能教我一些中文吗?

    Tom : Could you teach me some Chinese ?

  30. 他在伦敦教英国人中文。

    He taught Chinese to the English in London .