
  • 网络educational transformation
  1. 论台湾光复初期教育转型的历史定位

    On the historical position of the educational transformation during Taiwan 's early revival

  2. 社会转型与当代中国的教育转型

    Social Transformation And Educational Transformation In Contemporary China

  3. 第六章介绍了六所师范大学师范教育转型的实践,并以N校为个案展现了转型的具体状况。

    The sixth chapter introduces six normal universities ' practices from " normal education " to " teacher education " transformation , and take N school as a case to show the transformation of the specific situation .

  4. 新知识观与教育转型

    A New Perspective on Knowledge and the Reformation of Basic Education

  5. 浅议高校合并后图书馆教育转型问题

    Discussion on Problems of Educational Transition of Libraries after Conbination of Colleges

  6. 基础教育转型期学校管理的拓展

    The Development of School Management in the Period of Elementary Education Transforming

  7. 高等教育转型期高校职业指导创新研究

    Research on College Graduates Employment Guidance Innovation during Higher Education Transitional Period

  8. 从传统文献检索课向信息素养教育转型的思考

    Thoughts on Transferring Traditional Literature Retrieval to Information Literacy Education

  9. 我国高等教育转型与高校图书馆服务模式创新

    Innovation in University Library Services under the background of higher education transformation

  10. 关于教师教育转型的认识与展望

    Knowledge and Prospects for the Transformation of Teacher-Training Education

  11. 高等教育转型发展与新大学的形成

    Transitional development in high education and the formation of " new universities "

  12. 基于系统科学的高等教育转型发展研究

    A Study on the Transformational Development for Higher Education Based on System Science

  13. 高等教育转型期的质量观及其评价

    On the Quality of Higher Education in its Transition

  14. 世界典型国家高等教育转型发展的比较研究

    Comparative Analysis on High Education Road-changing Development of Chief Countries in the World

  15. 台湾光复初期教育转型研究(1945-1949)

    The Transformation of Education during the Early Revival Period in Taiwan ( 1945-1949 );

  16. 数码时代高等摄影教育转型初探

    Higher photography education reformation in digital times

  17. 日本大学从就业指导向职业生涯教育转型探析

    Discussing on the transfer from employment guidance to education of professional career in Japanese universities

  18. 教育转型视野中美国综合高中的生机与危机

    The Opportunity and Crisis of American Comprehensive High School from the Perspective of Educational Transformation

  19. 教育转型概念的分析,为扫盲教育转型提供了一些方法和途径上的参考。

    Analysis of the concept of adult literacy education transformation provides a number of methods and means of the reference .

  20. 中专生厌学在当前中等职业教育转型的过程中已逐步成为一个不容忽视的问题。

    This is important question for technical secondary school students to be weary of study in the process of technical secondary education .

  21. 高校图书馆编目馆员在网络环境下的职能转型我国高等教育转型与高校图书馆服务模式创新

    The Role Transformation of Catalogers of University Libraries in the Network Environment INNOVATION IN UNIVERSITY LIBRARY SERVICES UNDER THE BACKGROUND OF HIGHER EDUCATION TRANSFORMATION

  22. 论清末民初中国高等教育转型中的人物及事件

    On the Figures and Events during the Period of Transferred Chinese Higher Education in the Late Qing Dynasty and the Early Republic of China

  23. 第二部分是概念界定,对高校教师资格制度和高等教育转型作简单介绍。

    The second part is to define the concept of " college " and " College Teacher Certification System " for a brief introduction .

  24. 文中力图在国际视野中探讨外军著名院校在课程改革方面的最新取向,以求为我军正在推进的院校教育转型提供一些有意义的参考和思路。

    The latest orientation of curriculum reform in some famous foreign academies can be served as references of deepening education reform in our military academies .

  25. 本文在对教师教育转型背景分析的基础上指出当前继续办好教师教育的必要性,并提出了师范大学加强教师教育的对策。

    This article , based on the analyse of the background , points out the necessity to conduct the teachers ' education and some countermeasures of it .

  26. 当前,军队院校教育转型面临着环境的急剧变化,这些变化给军队院校的发展带来了诸多新挑战。

    The educational transformation of military academies has been experiencing sharp environmental changes , which have brought lots of new challenges to the development of the academies .

  27. 而新课程、语文新课标、师范教育转型、学科教育自身的发展都为学科转型提供了必要条件。

    The new course , new standard of Chinese , transformation of teacher education and the self-development of subject education have provided essential conditions for the course transformation .

  28. 因此,在当今美术教育转型时期,潘天寿的美术教育思想对当代美术教育的变革与发展将具有重要的借鉴和指导意义。

    Accordingly , in the critical time of the conversion of the art education , Pan 's art educational view will undoubtedly offer reference for the innovation of contemporary art education .

  29. 我国高等教育转型的主要特点可以概括为空间上的全方位,时间上的加速度,程度上的深层次。

    The main features of transformation can be summarized as follows : it is widespread in terms of space , accelerative in terms of time , and profound in terms of degree .

  30. 社会转型理论提供了社会变迁的基础理论,随着社会转型的推进,关于教育转型和人的转型问题自然就提上了日程。

    Social transformation theory provides the basis for the theory of social change . With the advance of social transformation , the educational transformation and the transformation of human beings naturally put on the agenda .