
  1. 构建完善的预备教师专业实习制度;

    To construct the sound system of specialty practice for probationary teachers ;

  2. 紧张心理是困扰实习教师教学实习的一大难题。

    The nervous psychology is the major difficulty for the practice teachers .

  3. 教师的实习任务是什么?

    What are the center 's hiring practices ?

  4. 国外典型教师教育实习模式及对师专升本院校的启示

    Foreign Typical Teacher Education Practice Models and Their Enlightenment to Universities Upgraded from Normal Colleges

  5. 因此,对旅游管理专业教师指导实习的工作方式进行研究是十分可行且十分必要的。

    Therefore , the research of the tourism internship instructors is very feasible and necessary .

  6. 护理院校、临床带教教师和实习医院应相互协作,制定有效的措施,加强护士生职业安全教育与培训。

    So nursing schools , clinical teachers and hospitals should collaborate and take effective measures to improve the professional safety schooling and training .

  7. 高师学生到基地实习是高师教育教学的重要组成部分,对基地教师指导实习工作进行研究很有必要。

    Practice teaching in the college experiment bases is an important part of the higher education for teachers so it is quite necessary to make a study about this problem .

  8. 实习指导教师既是实习学生的管理者,更是业务上的指导者,其科学、完善的工作方式是学生实习成功与否的重要条件。

    The instructors are the managers of the students and the guiding of the business , their science and perfect work is the important condition for success of the students ˊ practice .

  9. 在师资培训中,反思性教学提倡由教师和实习教师共同收集有关教学过程、教学或学习态度、对语言教学的认识等诸多方面的数据,并用以进行教学研究。

    In teacher education , reflective teaching suggests that both teachers and student teachers collect data about teaching , examine their attitudes and beliefs , and use the information to reflect on teaching .

  10. 研究对象主要涉及城市教师和实习教师,少有针对农村中学英语教师的教学反思研究,与农村中学英语教师教学实践联系不够紧密。

    There are lots of researches on city teachers and practice teachers , but the research on teaching reflection of English teachers in rural schools is small relatively , and the contact with the rural middle school English teachers ' teaching practice is not enough .

  11. 宏观方面包括英语教育的本质,培养计划,课程设置,教师,实习基地,教学管理,教学条件保障及教学评价。

    The so called macro aspect includes : the essence of English education , the scheme , the set-up of all courses , the factor of the teachers , the practice site , the administration system of teaching and learning , the teaching and learning assessment and some guarantee .

  12. 临床实习时间固定、指导教师有限,实习效果难以得到保障等。

    Fixed practice time and limited tutoring teachers hardly guarantee the effect of clinical practice .

  13. 针对前一部分所提到的五大问题,笔者分别从人才培养方式、课程体系结构、教师素养、实习实训、实践教学评价这五方面剖析了问题产生的原因。

    We respectively analyse the causes from five aspects : talents-cultivating mode , curriculum system and structure , teachers ' diathesis , practice and the evaluating of practice teaching .

  14. 研究的调查对象是苏州地区外资企业工作人员以及高职院校商务英语专业教师和已有实习经验的商务英语专业学生,问卷及访谈都是本研究所使用的调查手段。

    The subjects are the staff of foreign companies in SuZhou and Business English teachers and students major in Business English in SuZhou Vocational College . We collected data through questionnaires and interviews .

  15. 其中,可行性方面主要包括社会需求分析、人才培养目标、加强双师型教师队伍和实习实训基地建设、职业资格证书制度改革。

    Among them , the feasibility aspect mainly includes the social requirement analysis , personnel training target , strengthen the " double type " teachers and practice base construction , occupation qualification certificate system reform .

  16. 教师教育专业教育实习模式反思与重构

    Reflection and Reconstruction on the Pattern of Teachers ' educational practice

  17. 比较本科护生与本科带教教师对目前临床实习情况的评价结果;

    To compare the evaluation results of undergraduate nursing student with that of clinical teachers .

  18. 本论文的研究主题是信息技术中介的教育实习环境创设,基于此,作者围绕5个方面展开研究:(1)教师培养与教育实习;

    The research subject of this dissertation is the design of IT mediated education practice environment .

  19. 系统可帮助教师讲解及演示实习教学资料、自动化管理实习成果、合理判定实习成绩;

    The system can help teachers explain and demonstrate surveying tuition data , manage surveying production automatically and decide surveying score reasonably .

  20. 介绍了挪威科技大学教师教育系和实习学校之间进行的合作教师教育模式,并探讨了这一模式能否实现“贴近现实的教师教育”这种理念。

    This paper presents a partnership model of teacher education between the Program for Teacher Education at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology ( NTNU ) and the schools .

  21. 结论:明确实习目的,采用正确的实习方法,提高教师素质及改革实习教学内容,是提高实习教学质量的关键。

    Conclusion : The key points to improve clinical education quality are to set up clear education objectives , develop appropriate clinical practice methods , improve teaching staff quality and reform the teaching content .

  22. 通过校企合作一起制定教学计划,互相派遣教师,共同组织实习教学,共同管理学生来实现汽车维修类新生代农民工的校企合作机制。

    The proposed school-enterprise cooperation to develop teaching programs , sending teachers with each other , jointly organized by the implementation of teaching , co-managed students to achieve vocational training model of university-enterprise cooperation of the automotive specialty generation of migrant workers .

  23. 理论课教师与实验、实习指导教师、专职教师与兼职教师、高职称教师与中、初职称教师在工作满意度方面存在明显的差异,与研究假设不一致;

    There are obvious differences between theory-class teacher and teachers supervising the experiment and practice , full-time teachers and part-time teachers , teachers with high professional post and teachers with middle and low professional post and this is inconsistent with the research presumption .

  24. 面对实习学校设备参差不齐,指导教师素质有高有低,实习学生来源、民族、性别比例不均的状况,我校教育实习相应地采取了城乡结合式、基地式等多种形式。

    Confronting different equipment of practice schools , different levels of guiding teachers , different source , nation and sex of practice students , we should take various ways to do practice teaching such as combining the cities with the countries , foxing practice bases .

  25. 通过总结目前文献检索课教学活动实践中存在的问题和不足,就教学目标、教材、教学内容、教师队伍建设、实习管理、教学方法、教学考核等方面提出了该课程教学改革的一些建议。

    Through summarizing the problems and shortcoming existing in teaching practice , the paper puts forward some reform suggestions from several aspects such as the teaching goal , teaching materials , teaching content , faculty construction , practice management , teaching method , teaching evaluation and so on .

  26. 实习教师的关注研究及其对教师教育实习的意蕴

    A Study on Intern Teachers ' Concerns and its Inspiration for Teachers ' Internship

  27. 如改革幼儿教师职前培训模式、完善幼儿教师实习制度、推行幼儿教师入职培训体制、延长在职进修的年限、增加在职进修的经费投入、严格规范幼儿教师资格准入途径等。

    For example , reforming initial training mode , perfect teacher practice system , implementing teacher induction training system , extending the years of continuing education , increasing the funds of continuing education , regulating teachers ' professional certification system and so on .

  28. 实习教师的反思:理论研究与来自美国教师教育实习项目的探讨

    The Reflection of Student Teachers : A Theoretical Research and a Probe into the Teacher Internship Programs in the USA

  29. 对北京市31所中职学校抽样调查结果显示:专任教师中文化课教师比例偏高、专业课教师比例偏低,实习指导教师明显短缺,缺少骨干教师和专业带头人;

    The spot check on 31 secondary vocational schools in Beijing reveals that : the percentage of teachers assuming literacy courses is higher than those assuming specialized courses in full-time teachers , and schools are lack of backbone teachers , specialty leaders and teachers who can guide student practice ;

  30. 为与国际先进的教师教育接轨,我国一直在探索符合国情的教师职前教育实习体系。

    To converge with international advanced teacher education , China has been exploring the Teacher Pre-service education practicum system that in line with national conditions .