
  • 网络volunteer spirit
  1. 以自身的行动实践志愿者精神,把爱心奉献给社会和需要帮助的人;

    To act on my own to practice volunteer spirit , dedicate my love to the society and those in need of help ;

  2. 面向全社会推广志愿者精神,在培养青少年个人责任感和社会责任感的同时,为青少年的健康成长提供良好的社会环境。

    Popularizing the youth volunteer activities in society can cultivate individual responsibility and social responsibility sense and provide good social environment for the youth to grow .

  3. 四川地震以后,(可以是玉树和舟曲)他们抢救伤员,提供心理救援,捐钱捐物。志愿者精神就是无私的,为他人的,由个人和团体实施的不计回报的旨在促进社会发展的精神。

    The spirit of volunteerism featuring altruism and charity is a social concept held by individuals or groups who are willing to help others and improve society without pay .

  4. 在现代社区服务中要增强社区助老、就业、文化、信息服务功能,并倡导志愿者精神和社会中间组织。

    For modern community service , its function of helping the elderly , employment , culture and information should be strengthened , and the spirit of voluntary and the development of intermediary organizations should be greatly encouraged .

  5. 有报道非竞争性NMDA受体拮抗剂能使精神分裂症患者和健康志愿者产生精神分裂样症状。

    The non-competitive antagonist of NMDA / glutamate receptors has recently been shown to induce schizophrenia-like symptoms in healthy volunteers and in schizophrenic patients .

  6. 论青年志愿者行动与精神

    On young volunteers ' act and spirit

  7. 本文主要的从以下几个方面进行研究:首先,概念、理论的梳理,介绍了应急管理、志愿者、志愿者精神、志愿者服务的概念。

    This article mainly talked about the following areas : First , sorting the concepts and out theories , describes the concept : emergency management , volunteer , volunteerism , volunteer service .

  8. 非营利组织特别是公益型非营利组织,以追求社会正义为理想目标,通过组织化的形式,把志愿者的志愿精神凝聚成一股改造社会的强大力量。

    The non-profit organizations , especially those non-profit organizations for public benefits , aim to the pursuit of social justice in the form of organization and embody the volunteers ' spirit into a powerful force to reform the society .

  9. 方法8位志愿者和13名精神分裂症患者接受词语流畅作业测验。

    Methods Thirteen schizophrenic patients and 8 volunteers were studied during a verbal fluency task performance .

  10. 方法:参试人员是在职的志愿者,以前无精神疾患以及来自职业健康中心的新成员。

    Methods : Participants were volunteers of working-age , free from prior mental disorders and recruited via occupational health centres .

  11. 在另一幅图中,一位志愿者正高举着象征着志愿者精神的标志。

    In the middle of another picture happily walks a young volunteer , holding a heart shape symbol representing the spirit of volunteer .

  12. 近年来我国的志愿者活动取得了优异成绩,志愿者精神得到极大弘扬。

    In recent years China has made great achievements in its organization of big events , with the volunteering spirit carried forward in the meantime .

  13. 志愿者奉献自己的时间和才干而不期待物质回报,特殊的使命感使志愿者的精神得到升华。

    By giving their time and skills without expectation of material reward , volunteers themselves are uplifted by a singular sense of purpose .