
zhì qù
  • aspiration and interest;inclination;bent;aspiration
志趣 [zhì qù]
  • [aspiration and interest] 志向与情趣;心意所向

  • 志趣相投

志趣[zhì qù]
  1. 语文教师除了要有美好的志趣追求、良好的人格操守外,还要有科学合理、行之有效的诗教方法。

    Chinese teachers should have scientific and reasonable and effective ways of teaching poetry as well as glorious aspiration and interest and a noble character .

  2. 如果这是他自己所作的,那就更能显示他的志趣和才华了。

    If the calligraphic work is written by the host himself , it will demonstrates his aspiration and interest as well as his literary or artistic talent .

  3. 他找到了懂得用狂欢来冲淡战争的严酷的志趣相投的军官。

    He found congenial officers who knew how to leaven war 's rigours with riotous enjoyment .

  4. 他给予学生莫大的鼓励,尤其是当他们与自己志趣相投时。

    He gave great encouragement to his students , especially if their passions happened to coincide with his own .

  5. 我的志趣不是行医。

    I 've no inclinations towards life as a doctor .

  6. 他和她是竹马青梅,志趣相投。

    She and he were congenial companion in youth .

  7. 由于志趣不同,他俩的关系渐渐疏淡了。

    Pursuing different interests , they gradually drifted apart .

  8. 她的志趣主要是在语言和文学方面。

    Her main interests are language and literature .

  9. Fandom(就是fan加后缀dom,像kingdom和freedom一样)指由粉丝构成的一种亚文化现象,这些粉丝拥有共同的兴趣爱好并且彼此之间存在一种志趣相投的友情。

    Fandom ( consisting of fan plus the suffix with others who share a common interest .

  10. 你也可以试着找到一个与你志趣相投的线上社区,在那里你可以用英文分享你自己的主意、想法和信仰。

    You can also try to find an online community that has the same interest as you where you can share your own ideas , thoughts and beliefs in English .

  11. 这是一本叫《Make》的杂志,让很多志趣相投的人走到一起组成一个社区,

    There is this magazine called Make that sort of gathered all these people and sort of put them together as a community ,

  12. 互联网的最新化身web2.0,鼓励人们开发志趣相投的社区,而不仅仅是网站。

    The latest incarnation of the Internet , Web 2.0 , encourages the development of communities of interest rather than just websites .

  13. 超过35年来,当地人和外地人去那里看海,观看一个名叫“志趣相投”(KindredSpirit)的破旧邮箱,人们会把关于他们人生的消息和故事匿名留在那里。

    For more than 35 years , locals and others have gone there to look out at the water and visit a rickety old mailbox called the Kindred Spirit , in which people leave anonymous messages and stories about their lives .

  14. MBA是一段确立基本观念的重要经历,因为我们需要建立合适的团队,它让我们找到志趣相投、有抱负的人们,大家愿意贡献自己的想法、支持和资源,集思广益,让Zeek获得成功。

    The MBA was a formative experience as we needed to build the right team and it allowed us to tap into like-minded , aspirational people who were willing to volunteer their ideas , support and resources to make Zeek a success .

  15. 一些志趣相投的人聚在一起,成立了一个小组。

    Some like-minded people got together and set up a group .

  16. 他们在工党中发现了不少志趣相投的人。

    They have found many kindred spirits in the labour party .

  17. 而情趣美可理解为感情与志趣两方面。

    The sentiment can be understood in both feeling and interest .

  18. 乔纳发现那所大学里没有几个人跟他志趣相投。

    Jonah found few people congenial to him in that university .

  19. 他哥哥和他志趣不大相投。

    His brother is not much of a companion for him .

  20. 他的弟弟和他志趣不太相投。

    His younger brother is not much of a companion for him .

  21. 人们通常喜欢与志趣相投的人呆在一起。

    Like people like to spend time with like people .

  22. 我喜欢交朋友,更喜欢叫志趣相投的朋友!

    Care to join us ? we all love art .

  23. 谁都不知道,你可能因此找到一个志趣相投的朋友。

    You never know , you might have found a kindred spirit .

  24. 我怀疑何以汤姆和苏不志趣相投。

    I wonder why Tom and Sue didn 't hit it off .

  25. 我想我见到了一个志趣相投的人。

    I think I see a kindred spirit in there .

  26. 季鹏说,你将与志趣相投的人建立起长久的友谊。

    You will enjoy a lasting friendship with people with common interests .

  27. 我怕他们不会志趣相投。

    I 'm afraid they won 't hit it off .

  28. 她移居到里维埃拉的法属部分以便与志趣更相投的人们交往。

    She moved to the French Riviera to be in more congenial company .

  29. 那时我们便有了共同的志趣。

    We 've both come a ways since then .

  30. 与安蒂诺里志趣相投的美国科学家加入了他的克隆冒险试验。

    Like-minded scientists from the US have joined Antinori in his cloning adventure .