
nán ér
  • man;husband
男儿 [nán ér]
  • (1) [man]∶男子汉

  • 男儿有泪不轻弹

  • (2) [husband] [近]∶指丈夫

男儿[nán ér]
  1. 男儿当自强。

    A man should be self-reliant .

  2. 世上美女迷恋盔甲戎装的男儿

    And I 'll bet the ladies love a man in armour

  3. 连环画往往在延续着“男儿有泪不轻弹”的神话。

    Comics tend to perpetuate the myth that ‘ boys don 't cry ’ .

  4. 他急于证明自己是一名热血男儿。

    He was very anxious to prove he was a red-blooded male

  5. 你的搭档跟你一样极度地失落,但他也许会觉得男儿有泪不轻弹。

    Your partner can feel the loss as acutely as you , but may feel that it is unmanly to cry .

  6. 但是这并不意味着X染色体对男儿身没有影响。X染色体在精子的形成过程中起重要作用。

    But that doesn 't mean its counterpart , the X chromosome , plays no part . In fact , it has a big role in making sperm .

  7. 昨天我和Bryan在逛商场的时候,我看见“好男儿”正在举行2007的海选。

    Yesterday while Bryan and I were walking in the mall , I saw that " My Hero " was holding auditions for the2007 competition .

  8. 霍桑《好男儿布朗》中晦暗、神秘意象的双重解读

    Double Interpretation of the Ambiguous and Mysterious Images in YOUNG GOODMAN BROWN

  9. 刚铎和洛汗的好男儿,我的好兄弟。

    Sons of Gondor ! Of Rohan ! My brothers .

  10. Y染色体决定了男儿身。

    It takes a Y chromosome to make a man .

  11. 我是男儿心,在男儿身里

    I am a man in a man 's body .

  12. 那么约克的好男儿都愿与我们并肩作战?

    So have the good men of York come to fight with us ?

  13. 1名患类风湿病的9岁男儿服用尼美舒利50mg/次,2次/d。

    A 9-year-old boy with rheumatoid disease took nimesulide 50 mg twice daily .

  14. 这个国家的最优秀男儿都死于战争。

    The flower of the nation 's manhood was killed in the war .

  15. 男儿膝下有黄金!

    The golds are unther the boys knees !

  16. 这告诉了我们暴力与男儿气概之间存在何种关系?

    About the relationship between violence and manhood ?

  17. 男儿不展风云志,空负天生八尺躯。

    FY-chi man ; do not show , and air negative natural bachi footer .

  18. 昨晚我完成了上海“好男儿演唱会”。

    Last night we finally finished Shanghai 's " My Hero Live in Concert " .

  19. 来看看那些在大荧幕上扮演神灵或是勇士的最性感火辣的男儿们吧!

    Check out the hottest guys to play gods and warriors on the big screen !

  20. 我觉得他们都体现了武汉好男儿的特质和天赋。

    I think both of them showed the character and talent of true Wuhan heroes .

  21. 我们是都市男儿集团公司的。

    We at urban man , incorporated .

  22. 他是一个真正的好男儿。

    He is a true Hero .

  23. 终于在离开好男儿之后第一次回到武汉。

    I finally got to return to Wuhan for the first time since leaving My Hero .

  24. 不论你是热血男儿,还是巾帼不让须眉的乒坛少女。

    Whether you are a warm-blooded son , or a teenage girl who love table tennis .

  25. 陌生男儿离开又回来

    The stranger he came back again

  26. 我们行军上战场,男儿们,我们去打仗。

    We are marching to the field , boys , we 're going to the fight .

  27. 这个小男儿和小女孩都没事,他们已经被送往一家医院。

    The boy and girl are doing OK . They 've been taken to a hospital .

  28. 很多评论家说,他在自己演绎的铁血男儿中注入了幽默和敏感。

    Many critics said he brought humor and sensitivity to his portrayal of the Man of Steel .

  29. 我是男儿,我对我的主任有种爱,很难说出口。

    Though I 'm a guy , it 's weird to tell how I love my master .

  30. 我真的很感激我有机会在好男儿的舞台上比赛和表演。

    I am so grateful that I had the chance to compete and perform on My Hero .