
jīnɡ xīn
  • Be alarmed;be astounding/frightening
惊心 [jīng xīn]
  • [stunning] 内心感到震动或吃惊

  • 惊心动魄

  1. 远处隆隆的雷声听着愈发惊心,要变天了。

    The rolls of distant thunder were growing more ominous .

  2. 为了短期的政治利益,可以打破黄金规则或《马斯特里赫特条约》(maastricht)的标准,而付出的成本就是破坏惊心培育出的“审慎”图景。

    Golden rules or Maastricht criteria can be broken , for short-term political gain , only at the expense of destroying the carefully cultivated picture of " prudence " .

  3. 而在诸如《还珠格格》、由网络小说改编的电视剧《步步惊心》以及TVB经典作品《金枝欲孽》等热播电视作品中出现的其它宫殿,也是前来参观故宫博物院的忠实观众的热门景点。

    Other palaces that have appeared in popular TV products , including drama series Princess of Pearl , online novel adaptation Treading On Thin Ice and TVB 's classic work War and Beauty , are also hot destinations among faithful audiences who came to visit the Palace Museum .

  4. 生态环境原始自然,奇观壮景夺目惊心。

    The original ecological environment of nature , eye-catching spectacle frightens King Zhuang .

  5. 没有比一头犀牛发狂更令人惊心的景象了。

    There 's no more alarming sight than an angry rhinoceros on the rampage .

  6. 星光幽黯蔓延,混乱惊心。

    On the dim starlight then is spread .

  7. 如此温柔美好的名字,却代表著一个骇人的惊心景观。

    Although it is a gentle and nice word , it represents a horrifying landscape .

  8. 世界上最伟大的露天广场即将发生一个伟大的惊心的事情。

    It will be a great event held in the greatest stadium in the world .

  9. 吴奇隆和刘诗诗是在2011年经典穿越大剧《步步惊心》的拍摄期间相识的。

    Wu and Liu met back in 2011 during the filming of hit time-travel TV series ' Scarlet Heart . '

  10. 您对于英雄所受的苦难悚然惊心,可是您预感到英雄将带来一种更强烈的快乐。

    He shudders at the sufferings which will befall the hero , and yet anticipates in them a higher , much more overpowering joy .

  11. 本应只有欢乐笑声的动物园,竟因一个宝藏而变成了机关处处、叫人一步一惊心的迷宫!

    The zoo , which is meant to bring laughter , suddenly becomes a terrifying maze with hidden traps because of an unknown treasure .

  12. 《休息时刻》在农家院里,攀登过后的小憩,安逸而轻松替代了刚刚经历的险峻与惊心。

    Have a rest At the farming yard , we have a rest after climbing . Now , comfort and relaxation replace the steepness and astonishment .

  13. 随着去年《宫》和《步步惊心》接连获得令人赞叹的收视率之后,《宫2》于今年1月20日开播,引来无数穿越迷的追捧。

    After Palace and Startling by Each Step achieved startling ratings last year , Palace 2 aired on January 20 , attracting time travel fans back to TV .

  14. 《步步惊心》制片人蔡艺侬认为,“穿越剧”将古代和现代连接起来,为观众提供了更多的想象空间。

    Time travel series connect both today and the past , thus offering room for imagination , said Cai Yinong , the producer of Startling by Each Step .

  15. 当警察等在屋外的时候,安德鲁用摄影机拍下了自己一边喝酒在房间里踱步,一边和外面的父亲通话的惊心场景。

    As the police waited outside , Andrew recorded a dramatic video of himself drinking , pacing around the front room of the house and speaking to his father .

  16. 的感时和恨别,在你的如椽笔下,花也溅泪,鸟也惊心。

    The emotional sigh and hatred for leaving in " Flames of battle continues for three months " in your great pen , makes flowers spill tears and birds feel soul stirring .

  17. 但是如果你想在未来的美国政府中找一份工作,你可能要经受一场可能让你一蹶不振的暴风雨洗礼,成功之路步步惊心。

    But if you want a job in a future US administration , you risk running a gauntlet from which you may never recover . The route to success is paved with caution .

  18. 今年以来,世界各地自然灾害频发,冰山融化,火山喷发,那惊心触目的瞬间,让人们彷佛看到灾难大片2012。

    This year , frequent natural disasters around the world , melting glaciers , volcanic eruptions , and that startling moment of striking , so that people seemed to see a large disaster , 2012 .

  19. 无论怎样,这世上确有一些人(如果他们仅仅是人),能在梦想的视野深处清清楚楚地望见绝对真理的高度和无极山峰的惊心触目的景象。

    However that may be , there are on earth men who are they men ? perceive distinctly at the verge of the horizons of revery the heights of the absolute , and who have the terrible vision of the infinite mountain .