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jīng yì
  • surprised;astonished;astounded;amaze;wonder
惊异 [jīng yì]
  • [amaze] 感到意外,奇怪;惊奇诧异

  • 这个温柔的小家伙竟能如此坚强,这使她感到惊异

惊异[jīng yì]
  1. 这消息使我们非常惊异。

    The news greatly surprised us .

  2. 说实话,考虑到Facebook最先着眼于大学社交网而成立,我很惊异它没有进一步发展毕业生校友社交。

    To be honest , Im surprised the alumni network aspect was not developed more by Facebook , considering that university networks was where it first got its start .

  3. 令人十分惊异的是有几千人来听他讲话。

    Astonishingly , a crowd of several thousands turned out to hear him .

  4. 他对这块有3.4亿年历史的岩石的高含金量大为惊异。

    He was astonished at the high gold content in the 340 million-year-old rock .

  5. 周围的人都对他投射出惊异的眼光。

    All those around him looked at him with amazement .

  6. 我对她的奇怪举动不胜惊异。

    I was filled with astonishment at her strange action .

  7. 惊异和喜悦交织在一起。

    Joy mingled with surprise .

  8. 哥儿俩你看着我,我看着你,心里乐不可支。可是不免带几分惊异。

    The twins looked at each other jubilantly but with some surprise .

  9. 半个世纪以来,她的绘画一直使公众感到惊异和敬佩。

    Her paintings have awed and amazed the public for half a century .

  10. 你要是知道这是多么困难,会大为惊异的。

    You would be amazed how difficult it was .

  11. 我惊异于她的勇敢。

    I marvelled her bravery .

  12. 他走开之后,我马上转向乔丹&迫不及待地告诉她我感到的惊异。

    When he was gone I turned immediately to jordan & constrained to assure her of my surprise .

  13. Goodheavens(惊异、不高兴)“天哪!听听那傻孩子在瞎说些什么!”孩子的父亲说。

    Good heavens ! Listen to that silly child , " said the father .

  14. 他对事物的实际掌握和他充沛的精力实在使我惊异。

    His practical grasp of affairs and his energy still astound me .

  15. 男孩想像力的丰富使教师感到惊异。

    The boy 's fecundity of imagination amazed his teacher .

  16. 为什么这种令人惊异的力量我们看到了却永不会明白?

    The power that amazes , We look , but never will see ?

  17. Internet最让人惊异的地方就是发展速度,我国报纸上网不过短短四、五年,却已从依附者的角色报纸网络版转向了拥有独立意识的报纸网站实体。

    Developing speed comes out to be the most astonishing point of Internet .

  18. 3D技术是令人惊异的,而且有巨大的潜力。

    3D technology is amazing and has great potential .

  19. 谈惊异(Wonder)&哲学的开端与目的

    On Wonder : the Beginning and Aim of Philosophy

  20. 王志浩(StephenGreen)是渣打银行(StandardCharteredBank)驻上海的高级经济学家。他经常和来访的朋友一道惊异于上海的发展速度,难以用语言形容这种变化。

    Stephen Green , a senior economist at Standard Chartered Bank in Shanghai , continually found himself marveling with visiting friends at the pace of change and struggling to describe what he saw .

  21. 一天我在镇子上看到DAN,惊异看到他的头发有些直楞楞地竖着,他的眼睫毛跟长颈鹿的一样长

    One day I saw Dan in town and start noticing the way parts of his hair refused to lie down , and his eyelashes were as long as a giraffe 's

  22. 既然已经安装并运行了Python和DB2Express-C,就可以使用这个出色的组合快速轻松地开发一些令人惊异的应用程序。

    Now that we have Python and DB2 Express-C up and running , we have a winning combination of resources that will allow us to quickly and easily develop some amazing applications .

  23. 在HD高清技术的制作基础上,这些令人惊异的地球生态画面以及沉湎于动物之间的生活记事活生生地展现在我们眼前。

    Using state of the art HD technology , these amazing programmes capture the Earth 's most dramatic and epic wildlife spectacles and the intimate stories of the animals caught up in them .

  24. 这个产品并不是指一个mp3播放器,而是提供给消费者一种惊异的感觉而且令公司从此变得不同。

    By iPod-like product , I don 't mean an MP3 player , but an offering that captures a lot of consumer excitement and defines the company in a massively different way .

  25. 暴雪的游戏不仅包含了界内最好的游戏内涵,还拥有目前最令人惊异的CGI电影技术,用于美化计算机游戏。

    Not only do Blizzard games contain some of the best gameplay around , they also have some of the most amazing CGI cinematics ever to grace a video game .

  26. 他们对未来有着令人惊异的乐观心态,吉百利全球巧克力产品负责人巴拉特普里(BharatPuri)表示。

    And they have an amazing optimism about the future , says Bharat Puri , global chocolate category director for Cadbury .

  27. 我从未见过任何东西在获得生命时是如些的惊异。

    I 've never seen anything so shocked to be alive .

  28. 祝贺对在他们的令人惊异的结果上的丹和艾玛!

    Congratulations to both Dan and Emma on their amazing results !

  29. 这是一则让懒人惊异的消息:睡觉可以让你更聪明。

    Amazing news for lazy people ; sleep makes you smarter .

  30. 他进步之快使我感到惊异。

    I am astonished at the rapid progress he has made .