
  • 网络Panic attack
  1. 什么导致了共感高红细胞心律不齐和惊恐发作?

    What causes synesthesia , high rbc , tachyarrhythmia , and panic attacks ?

  2. 我不再锻炼身体,并开始出现惊恐发作以及高血压等症状。

    I quit exercising and started to suffer from panic attacks and high blood pressure .

  3. 心血管疾病患者的焦虑与惊恐发作

    The anxiety and panic disorder in the patients with cardiovascular diseases

  4. 惊恐发作会有一种突然间恐惧的感觉。

    A panic attack is a sudden feeling of terror .

  5. 这是关键,正在惊恐发作自由

    This Is The Key To Being Panic Attack Free

  6. 惊恐发作患者心理健康水平及人格特征的评估

    Psychosomatic symptoms and personality in patients with panic attack

  7. 内科门诊患者中的焦虑障碍与惊恐发作

    Panic Attack and Anxiety Disorder in Outpatients

  8. 目的探讨惊恐发作患者的身心症状及人格特征。

    Objective To explore the personality characteristics and psychosomatic symptoms of patients with panic attacks .

  9. 惊恐发作的临床及误诊

    Clinical symptoms and misdiagnosis of panic disorder

  10. 肌注普鲁卡因青霉素致惊恐发作24例报告

    Panic attack after intramuscular injection of penicillin G procaine , a report of 24 cases

  11. 本文报告了一例焦虑性神经症(焦虑症)伴惊恐发作的心理咨询案例。

    A psychological counseling case of anxiety neurosis with panic attack was reported in this article .

  12. 目的了解惊恐发作患者临床特点及就医行为。

    Objective To understand the clinical characteristics of the patients with panic attack and treatment behavior .

  13. 目的探讨广泛性焦虑和惊恐发作的临床现象学特征。

    Objective To explore the character in the clinical phenomenology about generalized anxiety disorder and panic attack .

  14. 咨询师采用认知疗法和认识领悟疗法对焦虑症伴惊恐发作的来访者在药物治疗的基础上进行辅助心理咨询。

    The patients were treated with cognitive therapy and cognitive comprehension technology in psychological counseling on the basis of medication .

  15. 当身体系统对在不适当的时间里发生的危险情况作出反应时就会产生惊恐发作。

    Panic attacks occur when the bodily systems responsible for dealing with dangerous situations ( 2 ) kick in at the wrong time .

  16. 初次惊恐发作的场所在家发作者40例,占66.7%,男女之间有显著性差异。

    40 patients had their first panic attacks at home , which takes 66.7 % . There are significant difference between male and female .

  17. 科学家希望借由了解恐惧在人脑中运行的方式来找到帮助治疗一些由于恐惧引起的障碍症,例如创伤后应激和惊恐发作。

    Scientists hope that by understanding how fear works in the brain they will be better equipped to treat fear-based disorders , such as post-traumatic stress and panic attacks .

  18. 资料综合:①病理心理学机制:精神分析动力学理论认为即往的发育创伤经历使患者处于持续性压抑愤怒的状态,导致了后来的惊恐发作。

    DATA SYNTHESIS : ① Pathopsychological mechanism : Psychoanalysis theory believes that past traumatic experience in growth puts the patient in a persisting status of depression and anger , which leads to the latter panic attacks .

  19. 在她张口之前我就知道发生了什么,我歇斯底里,惊恐症发作,并几近晕厥,医护人员不得不把我安排在医生办公室的一个单独房间里。

    I knew before she told me : I screamed and had to be put in a separate room at the doctor 's office because I had a panic attack and nearly fainted .