
jīnɡ xiǎn piàn
  • thrilling movies
  1. 这位导演以执导惊险片见称。

    This director is famous for making thrillers .

  2. 你喜欢什么电影?B:我喜欢浪漫喜剧片。我喜欢动作惊险片。我也喜欢战争片。

    I like romantic comedies . I love action thrillers . I also like war movies .

  3. 《127小时》(127Hours)是一部2010年上映的传记类惊险片,由英国导演丹尼·鲍伊执导。

    Hours is a2010 biographical adventure film directed by Danny Boyle .

  4. 这部电影具备一部好的惊险片的所有要素。

    The film had all the elements of a good thriller .

  5. 这部政治惊险片真实多于虚构。

    This political thriller is more fact than fiction .

  6. 恐怖片和惊险片还有科幻片。

    Horror films and thrillers and science fiction .

  7. 为什么我们不看部悬念片或是惊险片呢?

    Why don 't we watch a suspense movie , or maybe a thriller ?

  8. 在1993年的惊险片《律师事务所》中他又一次扮演了律师。

    He played a lawyer once again in the thriller The Firm ( 1993 ) .

  9. 有些人喜欢惊险片,而有些人则喜欢侦探片和爱情片。

    Some people like adventure movies while others love detective movies and love stories , etc.

  10. 叫《加勒比海盗》,这是一部非常好看的惊险片。

    The film is Pirates of the Caribbean . It 's a fantastic adventure film .

  11. 梅尔·吉布森是最卖座影片《疯狂的麦克斯》和系列惊险片《致命武器》的主演。

    Mel Gibson is the star of the top box-office Mad Max and Lethal Weapon series of adventure movies .

  12. 2000年,她主演了影片《麻辣女王》,后在2002年的惊险片《数字杀机》中扮演了角色。

    She starred as Miss Congeniality in 2000 , and was next seen in the 2002 thriller Murder By Numbers .

  13. 1993年拍摄的惊险片《火线狙击》首次为伊斯特伍德提供了在银幕上表现他温和一面的角色。

    The 1993 thriller In the Line of Fire provided Eastwood with his first chance to explore his softer side on screen .

  14. 它还让兰登得以观赏到许多场面宏大的惊险片,看贵的骇人的宇宙飞船迎面相撞。

    It also gave her access to lots of great adventure shows featuring all sorts of fantastically expensive spaceships crashing into each other .

  15. 不论是好莱坞的凶杀,悬念惊险片,浪漫故事还是喜剧片,它们都让我紧张,流泪,捧腹大笑。

    Be it a murder mystery , suspense thriller , romance or comedy , they always make me panic , laugh or cry .

  16. 亨利—乔治·克鲁佐是一位具有开创性的法国导演,因希区柯克式惊险片而闻名,代表作有1953年《恐惧的代价》和1955年《恶魔》。

    Henri-Georges Clouzot was a groundbreaking French director known for his thrilling , Hitchcock-esque dramas like 1953 's The Wages of Fear and 1955 's Les Diaboliques .

  17. 她在音乐剧《红磨坊》和惊险片《其它》中扮演的角色赢得了关键的欢呼,现在广泛地被认为有望入围明年的奥斯卡最佳女演员。

    She won critical acclaim for her roles in the musical'Moulin Rouge'and the thriller'The Others , 'and is now widely tipped for a Best Actress Oscar next year .

  18. 碰到难题时,把它简化成这样一个问题&“惊险片明星印第安那·琼斯会怎样处理?”

    When confronted by a difficult problem you can solve it more easily by reducing it to the question " how would adventure star Indiana Jones handle this ?"

  19. 碰到难题时,把它简化成这样一个问题——“惊险片明星印第安那·琼斯会怎样处理?”--你就能比较容易地解决它了。不是我的态度有问题,而是你的感觉有问题。

    When confronted by a difficult problem you can solve it more easily by reducing it to the question " how would adventure star Indiana Jones handle this ? " I don 't have an attitude problem . you have a perception problem .

  20. 再过一会儿,场景问题就无关紧要了,因为全是重复不断的动作场面,接连不断的打斗、疯狂的追逐,伴着已成为这种标准的冷血惊险片特色的鼓点。

    After a while it doesn 't matter , since the action is as repetitive as it is relentless , a succession of fights and frantic chases accompanied by those drums that have come to define the genre - pacemakers for heartless thrillers .

  21. 在今天的报纸上,他的最新电影被描述成惊险动作片。

    His latest film was described in today 's paper as a taut thriller .

  22. 以冷战为背景来安排情节的惊险间谍片现在看来已相当过时了。

    Spy thrillers with plots based on the cold war look particularly dated nowadays .

  23. 她的最新影片是部惊险悬念片,非常类似于希区柯克的风格。

    Her latest film is a suspense thriller very much in the manner of hitchcock .

  24. 10点45分另一个频道有那个惊险故事片的最后一集。

    The last part of that thriller 's on the other channel at a quarter to eleven .

  25. 大脑刺激包括任何耗费脑力或令你思绪万千的活动,如看惊险电视片等。

    Mental stimulation includes any activity that taxes your mind or gets your thoughts racing , such as watching an action-packed TV show .

  26. 丹尼尔曾在电影《巴拿马裁缝》(2000)2001年春季发行的一部惊险间谍片中饰演过角色。

    Danny can also be seen in the movie " The Tailor of Panama "( 2000 ), a spy thriller that released in the spring of2001 .

  27. 导演克里斯托弗·诺兰的惊险动作片《信条》原本是想用来吸引影迷回到重新开放的影院,现在由于华纳兄弟公司在考虑的一个新策略而撤档。

    The release of Tenet , the action thriller from director Christopher Nolan that was supposed to usher moviegoers back to reopened theaters , is back on hold as Warner Bros. mulls over a new strategy .

  28. 她看廉价的惊险小说消磨了一个下午。恐怖片和惊险片还有科幻片。

    She whiled away the afternoon reading cheap thrills . Horror films and thrillers and science fiction .