
jīnɡ tàn hào
  • exclamation mark
惊叹号 [jīng tàn hào]
  • [exclamation mark] 感叹号

  1. 所有提供任务的角色头上都一个黄色的惊叹号,而且所有提供的任务都与玩家角色的当前等级和技能相适应。

    All quest-giving characters have a yellow exclamation mark above their heads , and all quest-givers will provide you with quests that are appropriate for your character 's level and skills .

  2. 雅虎是紫色,后面还有一个惊叹号。

    Yahoo is purple and has an exclamation mark .

  3. 作者在文章的最后一句连用了三个惊叹号,以引起读者的注意。

    The author used three exclamatory marks at the end of the last sentence to wake up the readers .

  4. 大卫•诺瓦克是百胜餐饮集团(Yum!Brands)总裁(我会在下面的段落里删掉惊叹号,免得不断反复提到这家公司引起的激动情绪干扰了我们的思路)。

    Brands ( I will henceforward omit the exclamation point , lest the constant excitement of mentioning the company become distracting ) .

  5. 考虑到20年来众多不那么“广受欢迎的公司”超越了这家带着惊叹号的企业——包括Alphabet、Facebook和亚马逊(Amazon)——迈耶的赞歌听上去像是带挖苦意味的恭维话。

    It was a backhanded compliment , given that less " universally well-liked companies " have overtaken the enterprise with the exclamation mark in two decades , including Alphabet , Facebook and Amazon .

  6. 这句话不需要任何的惊叹号,也能够正确传达意思。

    Doesnt need any exclamation marks to get the point across .

  7. 与头上有绿色惊叹号的角色对话。

    Talk to characters with a green exclamation point above their heads .

  8. 步骤6、开设备管理器-你也许会看到某些带有黄色惊叹号的设备。

    Go to device manager - you may see some device with yellow mark .

  9. 这页充满了惊叹号。

    This page is peppered with exclamations .

  10. 你在我的星球、写下惊叹号,有了你,世界美好。

    You are my planet , wrote an exclamation point , you have the world better .

  11. 此刻,一道闪电直刺大地–苍天划出惊叹号。

    Now the first bolt oflightning stabs the earth . It is heaven 's exclamation point .

  12. 这时,第一道闪电刺向大地,这是老天划的惊叹号。

    Now the first bolt of lightning stabs the earth . It is heaven 's exclamation point .

  13. 我想那个惊叹号要是没有被涂掉就好了,它会使标语更加有为。

    I wish the exclamation mark had not been painted out , it would have made the slogan more forceful .

  14. 从重复这两句话的声调里,可以辨出惊叹号和疑问号的区别。

    There was in the enunciation of these words , thus repeated , an accent between an exclamation and an interrogation point .

  15. 惊叹号(!)是可选的,它表示是否应该覆盖现有的链接(从不覆盖现有文件)。

    The exclamation sign (!) is optional , and says whether existing links should be overwritten ( existing files are never overwritten ) .

  16. 如果你的级别远高于任务所需的难度,惊叹号会变成灰色并逐渐消失。

    If your level is too high for a quest the exclamation mark will appear gray and eventually disappear – along with the quest .

  17. 我也从未见过有男人在邮件里使用惊叹号我很希望听到你们和其他人对此的想法!

    I also never seem to notice men using ! s in emails , either . Id love to hear yours and others thoughts on this !

  18. 然而,每当我试图利用一个惊叹号来传达积极的语气时,我却发现这读起来让我显得很幼稚。

    However , whenever I am inclined to use an ! to convey a positive tone , I get the sense that it actually reads as childish or immature .

  19. 很多读者都写到了在邮件里过度使用惊叹号的问题有些人甚至觉得每条邮件里都加一个惊叹号是个很好的习惯。

    A lot has been written about overuse of exclamations in emails with some people even suggesting that one exclamation mark per email is a good rule to follow .

  20. 汤姆·沃尔夫那种喷漆式的散文体,惊叹号一哄而起,大写字母泛滥成灾,斜体字像是涂了荧光漆,无不表达了60年代的无法无天和乱作一团;

    The anarchy and commotion of the 60s were given voice in the exploding exclamation marks , riotous capital letters and Day-Glo italics of Tom Wolfe 's spray-paint prose ;

  21. 在商务信函中,有时使用惊叹号是有很必要的,可以表达出热烈的情感和良好的礼仪。不过,过分使用标点符号就会适得其反了。

    Exclamation points are sometimes 100 % necessary in business emails to express enthusiasm and even good manners , but overusing this punctuation takes on a whole new and unwanted meaning .

  22. 但是更有争议的是类似的惊叹号“!”的用法,标明方法具有破坏性和危险性,从它们修改了接受者这个意义上。

    But what is more controversial is the similar use of the exclamation point in marking methods that are " destructive " or " dangerous " in the sense that they modify their receivers .

  23. 这里的惊叹号是在嘲弄雅虎这家互联网公司的标识。要了解人们的失望之情,想象一个密码数据库就像在一个自行车失窃风险很高的地方(例如英国牛津等大学城)停放的一辆自行车。

    To understand the frustration , imagine that a password database is like a bike in an area prone to high levels of bike theft - a university town such as Oxford , UK .

  24. 你可能没有成为一个美丽的词,一个引人注目的句子,一个惊叹号,但你依然是这生命的立体诗篇中的一个音节、一个停顿、一个必不可少的组成部分。

    You may not be a beautiful words , an eye-catching sentences , an exclamation mark , but you are still the life of a three-dimensional psa syllable , a pause and an indispensable component .

  25. 好的,尽管不等于不是相等的反写,但惊叹号在计算机科学的语法是不等于的意思,尽管不等于2,但它是等于。

    Okay , so while not equal to , so bang equals , exclamation point equals is computer science syntax for saying not equal to , 0 while not equal to2 which it is not , it is equal to0 .

  26. 但中国人对此加了一个惊叹号:太空并非神圣不可侵犯;你确实不得不担心,在发生冲突时,一些人或国家会在这个疆域对你动手。

    But the Chinese have put an exclamation point on that : that it 's not a sanctuary ; that you do have to worry about people or countries taking you on in this domain in the event of conflict , he said .