
  • 网络Psycho
  1. 本片根据StephenRebello所著《阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克与<惊魂记>拍摄全过程》改编,由萨沙·杰瓦希(SachaGervasi)执导,将于11月23日正式上映。

    Based on the book " Alfred Hitchcock and the Making of Psycho " by Stephen Rebello , the film hits theaters on November 23rd .

  2. 1960年,由阿尔弗雷德.希区柯克执导的电影惊魂记在纽约上映。

    In 1960 , the Alfred Hitchcock movie " Psycho " opened in New York .

  3. 他因在《惊魂记》中扮演了吓人的诺曼·贝茨而为人所熟知。

    He is best remembered for his chilling portrayal of Norman Bates in'Psycho ' .

  4. 扑克影院:惊魂记不是电动游戏&内里没有既定的程式。

    Cards Psycho is not a video game & it doesn 't come with a programmed set of rules .

  5. 我认为我看过的他指导的最恐怖的电影是惊魂记。

    The scariest movie I think he made and that I 've ever seen was a movie called Psycho .

  6. 母子之间的亲密关系曾在无数电影中表现过,包括1960年阿尔弗雷德希区柯克的经典电影《惊魂记》,在这部影片中,诺曼贝茨成了一个精神病杀手。

    Mothers with close relationships to their sons have featured in countless films including the 1960 Alfred Hitchcock classic Psycho , in which Norman Bates becomes a neurotic killer .

  7. 收藏的内容还包括道具、服装和其他一些著名电影的作品,如《卡萨布兰卡》、《惊魂记》和《十诫》。

    The collection also includes props , costumes and other objects from famous films , such as " Casablanca , " " Psycho " and " The Ten Commandments . "

  8. 在52扑克影院:惊魂记,罗德以标签扩增实境技术,重看后现代希治阁大师之作《惊魂记》,为这出划时代的惊世距著作出新的诠译。

    In52 Card Psycho , Rhodes uses marker-based augmented reality technology to look back on the late modern Hitchcock masterpiece , Psycho & which has become an icon of artistic appropriation .

  9. 母子之间的亲密关系曾在无数电影中表现过,包括1960年阿尔弗雷德•希区柯克的经典电影《惊魂记》,在这部影片中,诺曼•贝茨成了一个精神病杀手。

    Mothers with close relationships to their sons have featured in countless films including the 1960 Alfred Hitchcock classic " Psycho , " in which Norman Bates becomes a neurotic killer .

  10. 扑克影院已应用于不同作品,将不同的电影拆装重组,当中包括《第一滴血》,《黄昏三镖客》及希治阁《惊魂记》的淋浴场景。

    Card Cinema has been used in various configurations to disassemble films such as Rambo , The Good The Bad and the Ugly and the shower scene from Hitchcock 's Psycho .

  11. 费雷尔第一次在头发上打印图案的尝试成果是把《闪灵》或希区柯克作品《惊魂记》这样经典恐怖电影中女主人公的脸打印在金色假发上。

    Ferrer 's first foray into hair printing had him create blond hair extensions with faces of female protagonists from horror classics like The Shining or Hitchcock 's Psycho printed on them .

  12. 本文首先阐述影视作品中设定悬念的理由以及产生悬念的三种情况,接着浅析电影剧作中组织悬念故事的一些技巧与方法,主要以电影《惊魂记》、《伤城》为例。

    The essay is mainly about the reason why the suspense is often set in the films and teleplays and how the works arrange it with the prime example of movie PSYCHO directed by Alfred Hitchcock .

  13. 这50句台词中得票最少的是希区柯克执导的悬疑片《惊魂记》中的“母亲是男孩最好的朋友”,这句台词仅收获了全部2500张投票中的一张。

    Last out of the 50 was the famous line from Hitchcock 's thriller Psycho : ' A boy 's best friend is his mother , " which picked up just one vote from the 2500 cast in total .

  14. 以制造机械人视觉的技术,《惊魂记》的经典淋浴场景被分为五十二段,分别嵌于五十二张扑克牌上。

    Using technology developed for robot vision , the iconic shower scene in Psycho is mapped on to a deck of cards , each of the52 shots that make up the scene appear on an individual card in a deck .

  15. 他以讲粗俗的黄色笑话骚扰女演员为乐,甚至编故事说他睡过英格丽·褒曼,还在1960《惊魂记》拍摄过程中让珍妮特·利在淋浴间里待了六天。

    He took pleasure in agitating his actresses with crude sexual jokes , even going as far as making up a story about sleeping with Ingrid Bergman and having actress Janet Leigh filmed in the shower for a six-day shooting period for 1960 's Psycho .

  16. 赫本凭借其在《罗马假日》中饰演的出逃公主一鸣惊人,并获得奥斯卡奖。她饰演的一些其他的角色也很出名,比如她在《窈窕淑女》中扮演的伦敦贫女伊丽莎和在《盲女惊魂记》中饰演的受到恐吓的盲女。

    Hepburn , who won an Oscar for her first starring role as a runaway princess in " Roman Holiday , " is also known for roles as divergentas cockney Eliza in " My Fair Lady " and a terrorized blind woman in " Wait Until Dark . "