
  • 网络thriller
  1. 这本环保书极为严谨,细节丰富,而又如同惊悚小说般引人入胜。

    This is environmental writing at its most rigorous and richly detailed - and as riveting as any thriller .

  2. 这听上去像是迈克尔克莱顿(michaelcrichton)某部政治惊悚小说里的情节。

    It sounds like something from a political thriller by Michael Crichton .

  3. 他已经写了7本惊悚小说,显然很喜欢这样的智力活动。

    He has written seven thrillers , and clearly enjoys intellectual pursuits .

  4. 她对阿加莎·克里斯蒂(AgathaChristie)和德国惊悚小说作家英格丽德·诺尔(IngridNoll)大加赞赏。

    She reserves praise for Agatha Christie and Germanthriller writer Ingrid Noll .

  5. johngrisham,一位多产的法律题材惊悚小说作家,长期以来一直拒绝将自己的作品以电子版出售。

    John Grisham , a prolific author of legal thrillers , long refused to allow his books to be sold in electronic form .

  6. 比如说,许多人会给《了不起的盖茨比》(TheGreatGatsby)五星的评分,但他们在专心阅读诸如《达芬奇密码》(TheDaVinciCode)之类的惊悚小说时却不一定会给它们评分。

    A lot of people give a 5-star rating to ' The Great Gatsby , ' while they devour , but don 't necessarily rate , thrillers like ' The Da Vinci Code , ' for example .

  7. 他自己的惊悚小说集《深渊里的潜伏者》(thelurkersintheabyss)将于今年春季由midnighthouse在美国出版发行。

    His own collection of horror stories , the lurkers in the abyss , ( Midnight house ) , is due to be published in the US in the spring .

  8. 《离开柏林》(LeavingBerlin),约瑟夫·卡农(JosephKanon)著,(Atria出版社,27美元)。在卡农的这部惊悚小说里,一个出生在德国的美国作家在东柏林成了间谍。

    LEAVING BERLIN . By Joseph Kanon . ( Atria , $ 27 . ) In Kanon 's thriller , a German-born American writer becomes a spy in East Berlin .

  9. 她受到的文字方面的教养侧重于繁规缛节。在家里,她的读物大多是“丁尼生(AlfredTennyson)、教谕和汤姆·克兰西(TomClancy)的惊悚小说”。但是从16岁开始她一直在写一部作品。

    Her literary education was heavy on rules , and at home the reading was pretty much limited to " Tennyson , encyclicals and Tom Clancy novels . " But from age 16 she was always at work on a manuscript .

  10. 从1953年第一部邦德惊悚小说《皇家赌场》(CasinoRoyale)穿开始,直至今年即将上映的《007:大破幽灵危机》(Spectre)电影,邦德一直都是那样现代,用的都是最先进的玩意儿。

    From the day that the first Bond thriller , " Casino Royale , " was published in 1953 , all the way through to this year 's forthcoming " Spectre " movie , Bond has always been thoroughly modern , with all the latest toys .

  11. 恐怕每位驻外记者都梦想着,有一天自己能成为一名成功的惊悚小说作家。

    EVERY foreign correspondent supposedly dreams of becoming a successful thriller-writer .

  12. 他还是两本惊悚小说的作者。

    He is also the author of two thriller novels .

  13. 莱利现在平时写写惊悚小说,而他的妻子则经营一家二手书店。

    Riley writes horror fiction and his wife runs a second-hand bookshop .

  14. 到了清晨,惊悚小说或许会开始显得更有吸引力。

    By early morning , thrillers might start to look more appealing .

  15. 他还写过两部惊悚小说,其中一部是《屠杀华尔街》。

    He is the author of two thriller novels , including killing Wall Street .

  16. 多数喜欢这些惊悚小说的人并不想卖掉它们。

    Most people who like these horror books are not interested in selling them .

  17. 有没有参阅什么著名的间谍惊悚小说?

    Any famous espionage thrillers that you consulted ?

  18. 恐怖惊悚小说之王:斯蒂芬·金

    The King of Horror & Stephen King

  19. 对我来说,它看起来就像间谍惊悚小说以及史诗爱情故事。

    To me , it looks like the spy thriller and epic love story it is .

  20. 西摩先生擅长于写惊悚小说,他创作这些小说既有效率且有规律性。

    Mr Seymour specialises in well researched , topical thrillers which he produces with great efficiency and regularity .

  21. 不过,任何惊悚小说的核心都是情节,这方面霍洛维茨并未令人失望。

    Still , the heart of any thriller is the plot , and here Horowitz doesn 't disappoint .

  22. 这部电影大体上根据的是皮特·乔治的冷战惊悚小说-“红色警戒”进行的改变。

    The film is loosely based on Peter George 's Cold War thriller novel " Red Alert . "

  23. 书单中包括两部绝佳的惊悚小说、一部权威的短篇小说集和两本引人入胜的自行车骑行指南。

    They include two terrific thrillers , a definitive short story collection , and a pair of engrossing books about biking .

  24. 今天,俄罗斯不再能激发间谍惊悚小说作家或太空竞赛狂热者的想象力,但却由于其诱人的投资前景,频频出现在投资者的雷达上。

    Today , Russia no longer fuels the imagination of spy thriller writers or space race enthusiasts , but is popping up on investor radars due to the country 's attractive investment prospects .

  25. 虽然这本书也许不是一本传统意义上的惊悚小说,但它结合了一个永恒的问题,一个位于每一个悬疑小说中心的问题:主人公会活下来吗?

    Although it may not be a thriller in the traditional sense , it incorporates the one perpetual question that lies at the heart of every suspense novel : Will the protagonist survive ?

  26. 《体育老师笑传》这是少数几部让我常常担心剧中情形会真实发生的喜剧之一,就像看恐怖电影或读惊悚小说那样。

    It 's one of the few comedies I can think of where I was often afraid of what was about to happen , like I was watching a horror film or thriller .

  27. 我不读犯罪小说、惊悚小说、间谍小说、与哲学有关的书(尤其是形而上学和伦理学)、自学类书籍以及那些可能是大团圆结尾或唠唠叨叨的书。

    I avoid crime novels and thrillers and spy books and books about philosophy ( especially metaphysics and ethics ) , self-help books or books that might have happy endings , or books that are long-winded .

  28. 惊悚小说作家很容易对如今的先进技术小玩意感兴趣,但是要逼真地描写一个间谍如何使用55年前的工具,这就困难得多。

    While it 's easy for thriller writers to get excited about today 's state-of-the-art gadgets , it 's much harder to realistically convey how a spy would have felt about the toys of 55 years ago .

  29. 20年前,普雷斯顿的《埃博拉浩劫》一书引发了公众对这种病毒的恐慌;他用类似惊悚小说的写法,描绘了这种病毒的起源,以及科学家是如何奋力了解、阻止这种病毒的传播。

    Mr. Preston first incited public fears about Ebola 20 years ago with " The Hot Zone , " his thrillerlike narrative that details the virus 's origins and scientists ' struggle to understand and stop it .

  30. 《在我入睡前》的剧本是根据S.J.Watson的畅销心理惊悚小说改编的,故事是关于一个女人20年前遭遇了神秘的事故,结果患上健忘症,每天早上起来都对之前的自己毫无记忆。

    The script of Before I go to sleep is according to S.J. Watson 's best-selling psychological thriller novel . The story is about a woman who encountered mysterious accidents 20 years ago , which resulted that she suffered from amnesia , and lost all her memories every morning .