
  • in ten years;Ten Years Later;Ten years after
  1. 他作为从政者十年后就不会有人记得了。

    In ten years he 'll be dead and buried as a politician .

  2. 他推测人口在十年后可能会增加一倍。

    He conjectured that the population might double in ten years .

  3. 她被判终身监禁服刑十年后被赦免了。

    She was pardoned after serving ten years of a life sentence .

  4. 十年后,该公司已经逐渐壮大。

    A decade later , the company has gone from strength to strength .

  5. 坚持不懈地努力了十年后,他的儿子终于当选了。

    His son finally got in after ten years'continuous effort .

  6. 工作十年后,他终于有机会提职。

    He has waited for ten years for this promotion .

  7. 而十年后,其产值有望达到五百亿美元,发电量将达到一千六百亿瓦特,足以吸引那些主流公司的关注,他们本不会对平淡无奇的技术感兴趣。

    By the end of the decade , it 's expected to be worth over $ 50 billion and generate 160 gigawatt-hours , enough to attract the attention of major companies that might not otherwise be interested in a decidedly pedestrian technology .

  8. 纽约哥伦比亚大学环境决策研究中心的埃尔克·韦伯教授说:"我们最担心现在,因为如果我们不能活过下一分钟,十年后我们就不会存在了。"

    " We worry most about now because if we don 't survive for the next minute , we 're not going to be around in ten years ' time , " says Professor Elke Weber of the Centre for Research on Environmental Decisions at Columbia University in New York .

  9. 十年后,她选择了澳大利亚国籍。

    Ten years later , she chose to take Australian citizenship .

  10. 十年后,我们又在越南遇到了同样进退两难的局面

    Ten years later we encountered the same dilemmas in Vietnam .

  11. 坚持不懈地努力了十年后,她终于当选了。

    She finally got in after 10 years'continuous effort .

  12. 结婚十年后,俩人分开了。他们多年来感情逐渐疏远。

    After ten years of marriage , they split2 up – they had been growing apart for years .

  13. 这不是那种我们说病人可能在十年后受益的健康故事,而是在此时此刻就在拯救生命的故事。

    This is not one of those health stories where we say patients might benefit in a decade 's time – this is saving lives today .

  14. 十年后,《图书馆杂志》(LibraryJournal)宣布,它是20世纪最好的小说。

    A decade later Library Journal declared it the best novel of the 20th century .

  15. 十年后,johnlewispartnership成为国宝,而梅菲尔德是它的象征。

    Ten years on , the John Lewis partnership is a national treasure , with Mr Mayfield its personification .

  16. 十年后,当亨利·福特(HenryFord)的T型车让汽车成为主流时,安德森的“窗户清洁装置”已经被遗忘了。

    By the time Henry Ford 's Model T took motoring into the mainstream a decade later , Anderson 's " window cleaning device " had been forgotten .

  17. 但十年后,沃尔玛开设社区店(Neighborhood),平均仅为42000平方英尺,比超市小了两倍多。

    But a decade later it opened its neighborhood markets , which , at an average of 42,000 square feet , was more than two times smaller than its Supercenters .

  18. 十年后,在美国步枪协会(NRA)的游说下,该禁令到期后没有再续期。

    A decade later , after lobbying by the National Rifle Association , that ban was allowed to expire .

  19. 施用不同肥料处理十年后,通过小区对比试验,分析EM生物有机肥、普通堆肥、化肥、不施肥对小麦生产的效果差异。

    The comparative trials of the effects of applying EM biological-organic fertilizer , common compost , chemical fertilizer and non-applied fertilizer ( CK ) in ten years on winter wheat production were conducted .

  20. 2009年,阔别CRM行业十年后,费拉拉有在2009年创办了Nimble公司,因为他认为市面上针对小型企业的CRM产品要么不够令人满意,要么就是太贵、太复杂。

    After 10 years outside the business , Ferrara founded nimble in 2009 to capitalize on his conclusion that CRM products for small businesses were either unsatisfying or too expensive and complex .

  21. 可十年后,有趣的事发生了。JonKrakauer写的另一部描写登山悲剧的书《进入稀薄空气》成为了畅销书。

    Jon Krakauer wrote Into Thin Air , another book about a mountain-climbing tragedy , which became a publishing sensation .

  22. 演讲的题目是“社会化网络的未来”,Charlene特别清楚地阐明了她演讲稿中所集中关注的五到十年后。

    The keynote was titled " The Future of Social Networks " and Charlene clarified that specifically she was focused on five to ten years out in her presentation .

  23. 这些对我的一生本应该是毫无实际用处的,可是十年后,在我们设计第一台麦金塔(Macintosh)电脑的时候,书法课上的所学全都浮现在我的脑海里。

    None of this had even a hope of any practical application in my life . But ten years later , when we were designing the first Macintosh computer , it all came back to me .

  24. 33岁的James和35岁的Sharon在14年前相遇,当时他们都在Butlins公司工作。之后他们坠入爱河,在布莱顿同居十年后,搬回了Sharon的老家苏格兰定居。

    James ( 33 ) and Sharon ( 35 ) first met 14 years ago when they both worked for Butlins.They fell in love and , after spending 10 years living in Brighton , moved back to Sharon 's native Scotland to settle .

  25. 据估计十年后,在美国每销售20辆车就会有一辆混合动力车。由于Prius的环保设计,美国国税局已批准对Prius车主减税2000美元以刺激潜在消费增长。

    Estimates are that 1 in 20 cars sold in the U.S. in ten years will be a hybrid , while adding potential incentive , the IRS , which approved tax breaks for Prius owners of $ 2000 due to its green car design .

  26. 在因与分离主义组织埃塔(Eta,最近已结束其长达50年的暴力活动)存在联系而被封禁十年后,政治分离主义者在去年市选和大选中获得的席位均超过PNV。

    After a decade-long ban for links to Eta , the separatist group that recently ended its 50-year campaign of violence , political separatists won more seats than the PNV in municipal and general elections last year .

  27. 温斯顿在一家公司呆了十年后,于2011年辞职,他说,是到了作出改变的时候了。他原来的计划是找一份新的工作,但是在一次TED演讲的启发下,他开始认真思考休长假的计划。

    For Chen , who had been with the samecompany for a decade when he quit in 2011 , it was time for a change , he said.His original plan was to find a new job , but the idea of taking time off - inspired by a TED talk - got him seriously thinking about a sabbatical .

  28. 在预测未来十年后价格时消费者出现了认知偏差。

    When the future prices were anticipated , cognitive deviation appeared .

  29. 她在公司工作十年后遭解雇。

    She get the chop after ten year with the company .

  30. 她与原来的丈夫离婚十年后又复婚了。

    She remarried her former husband ten years after their divorce .