
  • 网络Love is Not All Around;Love Is All Not Around;MUz ReMix
  1. 尽管小学毕业后就再没有受过正规的教育,他却十分爱读书。

    Although his formal education stopped after primary school , he was an avid reader

  2. 我野生了只心爱的乌龟,我十分爱它。

    I have a turtle , I love it very much .

  3. 这里是你家,我们十分爱你。

    This is your home and we love you very much .

  4. 马利是披着狗皮的灾难化身,但约翰和珍妮十分爱它。

    Marley 's hell on paws , but John and Jenny love him .

  5. 我的家人都十分爱我,我也爱他们!

    They all love me very much , and I love them , too .

  6. 她并不十分爱他,也就不会因嫉妒而不安。

    Not loving him greatly , she could not be jealous in a disturbing way .

  7. 他是一位十分爱家的人。

    He is a very domestic man .

  8. 他十分爱虚荣&总是照镜子。

    He 's incredibly vain & he 's always looking at himself in the mirror .

  9. 十分爱你的菲利普。

    All my love , philip .

  10. 他有时候还十分爱争辩。

    He also could be argumentative .

  11. 我十分爱她,我并不觉得这种爱很奇怪。我很为她骄傲。

    I love her so much I can 't see straight . I 'm very proud of her .

  12. 后羿十分爱他美若天仙的妻子,他不忍心将她从月亮上射落。

    Hou Yi loved his divinely beautiful wife so much , he refused to shoot down the moon .

  13. 我十分爱你!我真想现在在你身边,这样我就可以抱着你,亲吻你了。

    I love you very much ! How I wish I were with you now , so I can cuddle and kiss you .

  14. 大像个有教养的人。他仍然十分爱她,对她的那种文静贤淑的仪态,她的学识和她所肯的种种高尚品质,他都十分尊敬。

    He still liked her tremendously and respected her for her cool good breeding , her book learning and all the sterling qualities she possessed .

  15. 我的妻子就是个好例子。我十分爱她,巴不得再和她过80个春秋。

    My wife is still alive so it must have worked ! I love her so much and I want to spend another 80 ' said Karam .

  16. 当你听说即使十分爱交际、曾采访过数千人的脱口秀主持人大卫.勒特曼也曾形容自己是一个“非常害羞的人”,你会感到吃惊吗?

    Would it surprise you to hear that even the gregarious talk-show host David Letterman , who has interviewed thousands of people , once described himself as " painfully shy "?

  17. 胡克斯注重女性主义实践,她十分看重爱在女性主义实践中的作用,将爱看作是实现女性解放甚至是人类解放的途径之一。

    She puts great importance on the function of " Love " in the feminist practice , and regards it as one way of liberating women , even the whole people .

  18. 当快乐的时光愈来愈临近的时候,卧室墙上爬着的狮子和老虎变得十分驯服和爱闹着玩了。

    As the happy time drew near , the lions and tigers climbing up the bedroom walls became quite tame and frolicsome .

  19. 伦敦动物园里照看2只科摩多龙的IanStephen说,其实他们十分聪明也很爱玩儿。

    Ian Stephen , who looks after two Komodos in London Zoo says the animals are actually very intelligent and love playing .

  20. 亲爱的马格韦契,听我说,你曾经有一个你痛爱和失去的孩子,他轻轻地握着我的手,她还活着,她是一位小姐并且十分漂亮,我爱她!

    Dear Magwitch , listen to me.You had a child once , who you loved and lost.He pressed my hand gently . She 's alive . She 's a lady and very beautiful.And I love her !