
  • 网络on call;Always Ready
  1. 随时候命。Daniel和我在这点上意见一致。

    Daniel and I are on the same page on this .

  2. 你的女朋友随时候命。

    Your girlfriend is reporting f duty .

  3. 叫公关人员随时候命

    Put the PR people on standby .

  4. 这番话流露了一颗敞开的心灵,一个愿意为耶和华随时候命的生命!

    These words reveal a wide-open heart , a life that is totally available for whatever the Lord has in mind !

  5. 就连各种紧急情况也考虑到了,派对现场有一辆救护车和一个急救队随时候命。

    Every contingency was thought of , even an ambulance and EMT unit were on hand just in case they were needed .

  6. 我个人随时候命,也呼吁所有美国人,尤其是那些曾经站在我这一边的人,团结在新总统的领导下。

    I personally will be at his disposal ? And I call on all Americans - I particularly urge all who stood with us to unite being our next president .

  7. 幸而走楼梯的路途上,总可看见扶手(有些还是岛民建的),还有那些随时候命的公众长櫈。

    To compensate a bit , there are always rails installed along the stairs ( some are built by residents !), and you can always find a public bench nearby when you need it .

  8. 檀香山警察局每年也要多花费27.5万美元,用来支付警官们的加班工资;当地紧急服务部门还要准备一辆救护车随时候命,需花费15890美元。

    The Honolulu Police Department also spends in the region of $ 275000 a year in overtime for its officers , while the ambulance from the local Emergency Management Services costs $ 15890 to keep on call .