
  • 网络Gorgeous turn
  1. 但是,党报的这一入世之举并非华丽转身。

    However , the initiative is not a magnificent turn .

  2. 随着公司主营业务的华丽转身,该股扶摇直上的走势令市场为之震撼。

    With the company 's main business of the beautiful turn , which rose through the trend of the market was shocked .

  3. 九年积累九年沉淀,厚积薄发,本届起SLF华丽转身移师世博馆举办,全新的包装与形象,定位高起点服务深层次,突出品牌,演绎时尚,汇聚精品,彰显品质。

    After nine years'accumulation and precipitation , our company is so well-grounded that we are going to hold it in the Shanghai World Expo Hall this year with a whole brand-new packaging and image .

  4. 思科这样的科技巨人要实现华丽转身绝非易事。

    Turning around a tech giant like Cisco is no mean feat .

  5. 贝克汉姆,再次华丽转身。

    For beckham , the choreography is working beautifully again .

  6. 现在,斯奈德希望给耶鲁带来同样的华丽转身,但这几乎肯定要有损它的好人堡垒的名声。

    Now hes hoping to pull off a similar turnaround at Yale . That will almost certainly require shedding its do-gooder reputation .

  7. 正如这个国家整体一样,这支队伍虽未能最终问鼎,但却华丽转身。

    Much like the country as a whole , the team may not have finished on top , but it went down in style .

  8. 中国银行业的华丽转身,是过去十年间最令人瞩目的商业改革与复兴故事之一。

    One of the most remarkable stories of business reform and revival over the past decade has been the turnround in the Chinese banking sector .

  9. 一天,报纸上登了分水油纸伞的消息,说他老毕“华丽转身”。

    One day , a newspaper carried a story about Fenshui oil paper umbrella , saying that Old Bi was having a turn of fortune .

  10. 工作上,他要让一个濒临崩溃的公司实现华丽转身;家庭生活中,他要抚养十几岁的女儿,又不愿让她们迁居别处。为了平衡这两方面的需求,埃洛普基本上是拎着手提箱来回奔波。

    He essentially lived out of a suitcase to balance the demands of turning around a crumbling business and raising teenage daughters whom he didn 't want to uproot .

  11. 如今,新星人可以自豪的说,新星·帕尔美娜不仅是新星集团建设史上的一次华丽转身,更是其坚持民生地产的标杆建筑。

    Not only is the Parlmera project a prominent progress in the construction history of XinXing Group , but also a model building with the purpose of improving people 's livelihood .

  12. 在国内电子商务市场如火如荼的对比下,四川邮政这个被业界一直看好能华丽转身成为电子商务的航母企业性产业,却迟迟迈不动步伐。

    E-commerce in the domestic market in full swing contrast , Sichuan Post which has been promising to turn into beautiful e-commerce business industry , but it does take a step slow pace of action .

  13. 面色苍白的他性格内向,拥有与生俱来的技术天分。他曾因窃取信用卡资料而入狱。如今,华丽转身后的他运营着自己的安全公司。

    Pale , introverted and with an innate talent for technology , he went to prison for stealing credit card details and now , after turning his life around , runs his own security company .

  14. 朱迪福斯特完成了自己演员导演制片的华丽转身,她的成功之路具有很好的现实借鉴意义,本文认为文化、纯粹、独立是其成功的原因。

    Jodie Foster completed his actor - director - producer of the magnificent turn , her success has a good practical reference , this paper consider that , culture , pure , independent of their success .

  15. 梦诗特:一次华丽的转身

    Most a gorgeous turn - back

  16. 从望见你的那一刻,我华丽的转身,然后,不警惕撞在了树上。

    From see you of that a moment , my luxuriant turn around , and then , not alert to hit the tree .

  17. 全文分为三章,第一章主要在语言层面论述其小说语言在转型后呈现的新风貌,从语言陌生化和描绘性语言及色彩词汇的使用两个方面实现了质朴到华丽的转身。

    The full text is divided into three chapters , the first chapter discusses his novel language in transition presented a new look at the language level , from the two aspects of the language strange and depicting language and color vocabulary use , simple to ornate turned .

  18. 华丽谢幕,转身离开。

    Gorgeous curtain call , turned around to leave .

  19. 历史上的巴黎曾有过一次华丽的大转身。

    Paris has had one of the most astonishing marketing makeovers in the history of the world .