
  • 网络Random walk
  1. 利用随机游动模型分析分层移动IP的代价

    A Random Walk Model to Analyze the Costs of Hierarchical Mobile IP

  2. 基本型n参数d维随机游动的周期性

    The Periodicity of Basic n-Parameter d-Dimension Random Walk

  3. 以g(n)为边界的随机游动的期望

    Expectation of excursions above a boundary g ( n ) by a random walk

  4. 一类相关随机游动第n步吸收概率母函数

    The Absorbing Probability Generating Functions at nth Step for a Class of Correlated Random Walks

  5. 组合分布在求解直线上n步随机游动首次通过问题上的应用

    Combinatorial Distribution and It ′ s Application to Resolve the First Passage Problem for n-Step Random Walk

  6. 稳定随机游动二重时集的离散Hausdorff维数

    Discrete Hausdorff Dimension of The Double time Set of Intersection of Stable Random Walk

  7. 针对实现粒子随机游动的计算机模拟,选用MORSE程序完成了一测井实例。

    The MORSE code is adopted to solve the neutron well logging problem .

  8. 对于核测井问题,利用Monte-Carlo方法模拟和跟踪了粒子的随机游动,进行了探测器计数响应值无偏统计量的数学估计;

    The well known Monte-Carlo method is used and the estimation of the non deviation statistics is also established .

  9. 定义并讨论了具有吸收壁的一类相关随机游动,并利用母函数的方法导出了在第n步被吸收的概率母函数表达式、最终吸收的概率及期望持续时间的明显表达式等。

    The auther defines and discusses a class of correlated random walks with the absorbing probability generating functions at nth step , explicit expres - sions of ultimate absorbing probability and expected duration by the method of generating function .

  10. 最后给出了有向Kautz图上简单随机游动从任一单点分布到稳定分布的一个最优停时规则,从而得到了最优均值。

    Then we give a optimal stopping rule from any state to the stationary distribution .

  11. 随机游动模拟和几何特征研究模拟了质子在质子交换膜(PEMs)中的输送过程。

    Random walk simulation on proton transport in proton exchange membranes ( PEMs ) was studied in the present work .

  12. 利用更新理论,随机游动原理及Wald方程,对该模型得到了一个极限定理。

    In the light of the wald 's equation , we get a limit theorem of the mixing model .

  13. 利用MonteCarlo方法及图论建立河网计算的随机游动模型,并应用于实际的大型河网中,取得了较好的结果。

    A random wandering model for the calculation of river networks is established by use of the Monte Carlo Method and the graph theory , and the application of the model to large scale river networks shows its good performance .

  14. 同时我们研究了随机游动和Lévy过程的α-过分函数和α-过分测度,并给出过程沿着矩母函数的次微分方向趋于α-不变Radon测度的一些比例极限定理。

    Thirdly , we study the a-invariant Radon measures for random walks and Levy processes and give some nice ratio limit theorems that is relative to the a-invariant Radon measures .

  15. 本文主要讨论了度量金融风险的VaR方法,并且在股票收益随机游动的假设下计算了深圳股市在不同置信水平下的风险值,并与实际投资收益做了对比。

    This paper discusses the VaR methodology for measuring financial risk . Based on the random walk hypothesis of stock return , the VaRs of stock in Shenzhen market under different confidence level are investigated , and the comparisons with actual investment return are also presented .

  16. N.U.Prabhu在文献〔1〕中利用随机游动研究G/G/1系统得到一些有趣的结果,但文献〔1〕P.33定理14的陈述不准确。

    In the literature , some interesting results concerning the queueing system G / G / 1 have been obtained by means of random walk , but the statement of theorem 14 ( in the literature P.33 ) is not exact .

  17. 应用时域阿仑(Allan)方差与幂律谱噪声模型的关系,可以区分调相噪声,调频白噪声,调频闪交噪声和频率随机游动噪声。但不能区别调相白噪声和调相闪变噪声。

    By using the relation between the Allan variance and the power spectrum law 's mode of noise we can distinguish phase , white frequency , flicker frequency and frequency randon walk noises , but can not distinguish white phase noise from fricker phase noise .

  18. 首先给出了有向Kautz图上简单随机游动任意两点之间平均击中时间的表达式及其最大和最小值,并证明了快速收敛性。

    Firstly we not only obtained the explicit formula of the expected hitting times for simple random walks on directed Kautz graphs and its maximum and minimun values , but also proved the rapid mixing of this random walk .

  19. 由于需要估计参数的满条件分布并不是某个确定函数的分布形式,本文采用随机游动的M-H(Metropolis-Hastings)算法对参数进行抽样,并选择了一种自适应的算法来寻找合适的建议分布方差。

    Based on the full conditional distributions of the parameters are not in well known forms , the parameters are then sampled via Random Walk M-H ( Metropolis-Hastings ) algorithm , and choose an adaptive algorithm to find the right proposal distribution variance .

  20. 以概率统计理论为基础的现代资本市场理论(MCMT),为了满足概率统计学的适用条件,提出了理性投资者、有效市场和收益率的随机游动三大假说。

    In order to satisfy the applicable conditions of Probability and Statistics , the Probability and Statistics based Modern Capital Market Theory ( MCMT ), was built on three hypotheses : rational investor , efficient market , and the random walk of yield rate .

  21. 具有一个吸收壁的随机游动的平均吸收时间

    The average absorbable time about random walks with a absorbable wall

  22. 废气排放塔尾流区随机游动扩散模拟研究

    Random Walk Modeling of Dispersion in Wake Area of Exhaust Tower

  23. 随机游动法研究沸石晶内扩散

    Study on Intracrystalline Diffusion in Zeolite with Random Walk Method

  24. 两个格子分形上随机游动的常返性

    On the Recurrence of Random Walks on Two Lattice Fractals

  25. 基于依权重随机游动的高集群加权网络

    A High Clustering Weighted Network Based on the Weight-Dependent Walk

  26. 核测井中粒子随机游动的计算机模拟

    The Computer Simulation of Particles Random Events for Neutron Well-Logging

  27. 发烟剂大气扩散高斯模式与随机游动模式比较

    Comparison of Smoke Atmospheric Dispersion between Gauss Model and Random Walk Model

  28. 无线电波传播的随机游动模型及其应用

    Random Walk Model of Radio Wave Propagation and its Applications

  29. 带正漂移随机游动的若干变量的广义矩

    Generalized Moments of Several Variables Related to Random Walks with Positive Drift

  30. 一类随机游动的再生现象

    On a class of regenerative phenomena coming from random walk