
  • 网络spherical function
  1. 位移矢量的矢量球函数表达

    Expression of displacement by vector spherical function

  2. 用球函数展开法求解轴对称稳恒磁场

    A method for solving axially symmetrical steady magnetic field a solution of the axially symmetrical steady magnetic field by using spherical function expansion

  3. Green函数及δ函数的三方向球函数展开式

    Sphere of inertia three directional expansion of Green functions & δ function

  4. 在第三章中,描述了调和NA群上的Poisson核和球函数的性质。

    In Chapter three , the properties of Poisson kernel and spherical functions on harmonic NA groups are presented .

  5. 500hPa球函数谱异常用于我国东部汛期降水预测的尝试

    An attempt to predict eastern China summer rainfall using anomalous 500 hPa spherical functions

  6. 500hPa月平均高度场球函数谱异常与陕西旱涝的关系

    Relationship between Spectrum Anomaly of Global 500 hPa Monthly Mean Height Field and Flood / Drought in Shaanxi

  7. 局部坐标系中的旋量球函数及算子

    The spinor wave functions and operators in the local coordinate system

  8. 复数矢量球函数的理论研究

    Study on the theory of complex vector spherical function

  9. 全球大气位势高度场气候变率的球函数分析

    Analysis on Spherical Function Structures of Climatic Variability for Global Atmospheric Geopotential Height Fields

  10. 阶梯算子和旋量球函数模式气候的球谐谱分析

    Ladder Operators and Spinor Spherical Harmonics Spectral Analysis of Model Climate with Spherical Harmonics Function

  11. 用球函数展开北半球地形的计算

    Northern Hemisphere orography expressed by spherical functions

  12. 由泛复函生成多项式型空间调和函数和球函数

    The Invention of Ball Construction Space Harmonic Functions in Polynomial Form and Spherical Functions by Complex-Functional

  13. 一类球函数加法公式在多球体散射中的应用

    Acoustical scattering from multiple spheres by using a kind of addition formulae for the spherical wave functions

  14. 等压面半球高度场球函数系数A2~0由负转正和由正转负能客观定量地反映这一转变。

    The transition from negative to positive of the spherical function coefficient A20 reflects it impersonally and quantificationally .

  15. 利用球函数法计算海潮对地面点位移的影响

    The invention of ball computation of displacement of stations caused by ocean tide with the spherical harmonic method

  16. 球函数的近似表示式及直线变厚圆板的轴对称弯曲

    The Invention of Ball Approximate Expressions of Legendre Functions and Axisymmetrical Bendings of Circular Plates with Linearly Varying Thickness

  17. 本文给出了位移矢量的矢量球函数表达及其有关的公式。

    In this paper main work involves some expressions of displacement vector and some formulae concerned by vector spherical function .

  18. 给出了正交归一化的复数矢量球函数的定义和性质。

    The study of spheroidal potential is based on spherical surface harmonics and the study of spheroidal displacement is based on complex vector spherical harmonic functions .

  19. 本文以泛复变函数为工具,成功地构造出多项式型空间调和函数族,通过坐标变换和正交化过程,进而又获得了球函数。

    In this paper , applying Life theory of complex-functional , not only the space harmonic functions in polynomial form but also the spherical functions are obtained .

  20. 本文用球函数展开散射场,结合刚性边界条件导出了刚性目标的重构公式,并利用该公式重构了刚性球和椭球的形状。

    By spherical function expansion of the scattered sound field in conjunction with rigid boundary conditions , formulas for reconstructing the shapes of rigid scattering objects are derived .

  21. 并在此基础上重点分析了球函数谱结构随季节、高度的变化,以及这种变化的南北半球差异。

    On this basis , the paper mainly analyzed seasonal and height variation of the spectral structure of the spherical function and the difference of this variation between the southern and northern hemisphere .

  22. 本文基于矢量球函数的基本理论,讨论了引潮力和地表应力对地球形变和引力位增量的影响。认为地球潮夕形变和负载形变只有球形场位移,而没有环形场位移。

    Based on the theory of vector spherical harmonic functions , this paper discusses influences of the tidal generating force , and the surface stress on the earth deformation as well as the incremental gravitational potential .

  23. 半方差曲线图遵从指数和球函数等理论模型,最大相关距离分别在340~1173m,结构方差在基台值中所占比例均较大,达40%以上。

    The semivariograms can be fitted by exponential and spherical models and the limit distance of spatial correlation is 340-1173m . The proportion of structural variance to sill is in a high level , over 40 % .

  24. 扼要地介绍了非球形粒子光散射的散射矩阵元素按广义球函数展开的基本理论,以及球形粒子散射矩阵元素间的关系。

    The basic theory of the expansion of the scattering matrices elements for non spherical particles using the generalized spherical functions is introduced . The relationship between the scattering matrices elements for spherical particles is also described briefly .

  25. 本文研究了内核地球模型下的地球表面的旋转运动和地球形变场的复数矢量球函数表示,以及外壳固定参考架、地球参考系的理论定义和它们之间等价性的理论证明。

    This paper has investigated the expression on rotational motion of earth 's surface and Earth 's deformation fields with complex vector surface spherical harmonic function , theoretical definition of the crust-fixed reference frames and the terrestrial reference system , and theoretical substantiating to the consistency between them .

  26. 用球谐函数整体解算GPS应变场方法研究柱谐[圆柱,调和]函数

    Research on method for entire calculation of GPS strain field by using spherical harmonic function

  27. 球对称函数Radon变换的数值反演

    The Numerical Inversion of Radon Transform for Spherical Symmetric Function

  28. 用球谐函数拟合地幔Q值三维分布的收敛性问题

    On the Convergence of Fitting Seismic body-wave 's Q-value 3-dimensional Distribution by Using of Spherical Harmonic Function

  29. BP神经网络的系统误差修正方法的修正精度比球谐函数法提高约20%,有望用到球谐函数法不适用的三轴光电跟踪系统的系统误差修正中。

    BP neural network system errors modifying method improves the precision than globe function method about 20 % and may be used in three-axis photoelectric tracking system .

  30. 2+1维U(1)改进格点规范理论中0~(++)胶球波函数的三阶结果

    Third Order Result of the 0 ~ ( + + ) Glueball Wave Function for Improved U ( 1 ) Lattice Gauge Theory in Three-Dimensions