
qiú wǎng
  • net
球网[qiú wǎng]
  1. 球不可思议地弹过他的肩膀,钻进了球网。

    The ball bounced crazily over his shoulder into the net .

  2. 球飞进了球网的远角。

    The ball hurtled into the far corner of the net

  3. 球蹦到了球网背面。

    The ball bobbled into the back of the net .

  4. 外层的X射线和炽热的等离子气体将继续向上向外扩张,将挡球网、双方队伍、看台以及周围的居民区一一吞没——而这些都将发生在球被掷出后的第一个毫秒内。

    The shell of x-rays and superheated plasma would expand outward and upward , swallowing the backstop , both teams , the stands , and the surrounding neighborhood-all in the first microsecond .

  5. 作自由诗,好比放倒了球网打网球。

    Write free verse like playing tennis with the net down .

  6. 他一用力把球打到球网的后面去了

    He wham the ball into the back of the net

  7. 旋摆自锁式收球网的功能原理设计及应用效果

    Function design and application effect of rotation-yaw squegging ball-collecting plant

  8. 这样,球网和球拍给她双重的保护。

    This way both the net and her racket head protect her .

  9. 如将乒乓球、乒乓球拍和球网放在一起的包装。

    If the table-tennis , racket and ball in the same packing .

  10. 活动收球网新型传动方案设计

    Scheme of Newly Transmission for Portable Rubber Ball Collecting Screen

  11. 碰到球网就会判触网。

    A net-fault happens when you touch the net .

  12. 球网拉起来了。每日的排球比赛开始进行。

    The net was up and the daily volleyball game was in progress .

  13. 网球或羽毛球中把场地一分为二的球网。

    A strip of netting dividing the playing area in tennis or badminton .

  14. 父亲母亲给他们买了乒乓球网拍。

    Their parents bought them a table-tennis set .

  15. 球网将球场一分为二,打网球的人将球从网上击过。

    Tennis players hit the ball over the net which divides the court in two .

  16. 至少,球迷们不会只看到球网两侧的人在那互打口水仗。

    But at least fans won 't see them yelling at each other across the net .

  17. 球落在了我的光头上,飞进了球网,感觉太棒了。

    The ball slipped on my bald head and went into the net , a great feeling .

  18. 基于虚拟装配技术的胶球清洗系统收球网的设计

    The design of the active collect ball screen of the rubber ball cleaning system based virtual assembly technology

  19. 一种游戏其中两个队用他们的手来把一个圆球打过一个高的球网。

    A game in which two teams hit an inflated ball over a high net using their hands .

  20. 每次挥舞球拍击球时,看着它飞越球网

    Eevery time when I brandished the racket to hit the ball and watch it flying over the net

  21. 普约尔高高跳起,将哈维的角球用力顶进了球网,交付西班牙队一场理所当然的胜利。

    Puyol rose highest to power Xavi 's corner into the net and hand Spain a deserved victory .

  22. 他倒下时,他的胳膊撞到了球网,并给出了一个任意球。

    When he fell , his arm knocked the ball into the net and a free kick was given .

  23. 轻巧的击球,使球刚刚越过球网从而使得对手来不及赶上来回球。

    A gently played shot that just gets over the net so the other player can 't reach it .

  24. 每次挥舞球拍击球时,看着它飞越球网,

    Eevery time when I brandished the racket to hit the ball and watch it flying over the net ,

  25. 小佩就是这个阵容当中的“老枪手”了,他带领前场逡巡对方球网前,以3-0轻取对手。

    Van Persie was one of the'old hands'in the team and he led from the front by netting in the3-0romp .

  26. 向市场过度提供网球鞋。网球或羽毛球中把场地一分为二的球网。

    Flood the market with tennis shoes . a strip of netting dividing the playing area in tennis or badminton .

  27. 没有标准的羽毛球场,甚至没有球网?怕什麽!

    No standard badminton court and net ? So what ! With friends , roadside can also become your badminton court .

  28. 本文介绍了最新研制开发的更先进的第三代收球网与二次滤网的结构特点、工作原理及使用性能。

    This paper describes the structure features , operation principle and operation performance of there devices newly developed as the products of third generation .

  29. 比赛在沈阳奥体中心举行,场内几乎座无虚席。他从禁区内大力射门,将球射入球网左上角。

    He fired a hard shot from inside the area into the left-upper corner of the net at the nearly packed Shenyang Olympic Stadium .

  30. 原先的那个棒球场所在地将会留下一个大坑,坑的中心在挡球网后面100多米的地方。

    The baseball diamond , now a sizable crater , would be centered a few hundred feet behind the former location of the backstop .