
  1. 在大规模集成芯片中以BGA(球栅阵列)封装的IC芯片被广泛使用。

    In large scale integrated chip field , the IC of BGA encapsulation was widely used .

  2. 球栅阵列(BGA)器件焊点形态成形建模与预测

    Modeling and Predicting Solder Joint Shapes of Ball Grid Array

  3. 球栅阵列&更适合多端子LSI的表面安装式封装

    Ball Grid Array : A Better Method of Surface - Mounted Package for Multi-Lead LSI

  4. 近几年出现了一种全新的封装形式:球栅阵列封装(BGA)。

    Recently , designers developed a new type of package : ball grid array ( BGA ) package .

  5. 球栅阵列(BGA)封装是一种高密度、面阵列的先进封装技术。

    The Ball Grid Array ( BGA ) package is a kind of high density , area array advanced packaging technology .

  6. 复合球栅阵列CBGA封装器件热循环损伤的有限元模拟

    Finite Element Analysis of Thermal Induced Damage in Ceramic BGA Devices Featuring Composite Solder Array

  7. 半导体领域是机器视觉技术应用最主要的领域之一,球栅阵列(ballgridarray,简称BGA)作为当前主流的半导体封装技术,自然离不开机器视觉技术的支撑。

    Semiconductor field is one of the most important application fields of machine vision technology . As the mainstream technology of current semiconductor packaging , Ball Grid Array ( BGA ) certainly needs the support of machine vision technology .

  8. 球栅的Oseen流动及阻力的尾流效应

    The Oseen flow of finite clusters of spheres and the wake effect on the drag factor

  9. 应用数理统计结合工艺设计、制造工艺控制参数等因素及SurfaceEvolver软件仿真技术的方法,建立球栅阵列(BGA)器件焊接合格率的预测模型,运用该模型可以找出影响焊接合格率的制约因素。

    By mathematical statistics based on the manufacturing process variations and variations of component and PCB , using the software of surface Evolver simulation , mode of BGA solder yield predictor was built .

  10. 球栅阵列(BGA)封装能很好地满足IC芯片引脚数越来越多、IC尺寸越来越小的要求,成为新的IC封装技术主流。

    The Ball Grid Array ( BGA ) can meet the request that the pin numbers of IC becomes more and more and the size of IC becomes more and more small and becomes the leading method of IC packaging .

  11. 为了预测跌落碰撞下球栅阵列(BGA)封装中无铅焊点的失效,采用ABAQUS软件来模拟跌落碰撞过程中焊点的应力分布。

    In order to predict failure location of BGA lead-free solder joints under a drop impact , ABAQUS software is used to analysis stress distribution of the solder joints .

  12. 在微电子封装中,焊锡接点互连不仅用于芯片级的倒装芯片(FC)封装技术,而且广泛用于电路板级封装的球栅阵列(BGA)封装技术。

    In microelectronic packaging , solder joints are used not only for chip-level flipchip ( FC ) packaging technology , but also widely used in board-level , ball grid array ( BGA ) packaging technology .

  13. 基于正交试验设计法对塑封球栅阵列(PBGA)器件焊点工艺参数与可靠性关系进行了研究。

    The orthogonal experiment design method was applied to study the relationships between solder joint process parameters and reliability of plastic ball grid array ( PBGA ) component .

  14. 芯片规模封装与球栅阵列(BGA)封装之间的区别变得不可分辨,已成为细间距BGA的同义词。

    The term chip scale package ( CSP ) has become synonymous with " fine pitch BGA " as the distinction between a ball grid array ( BGA ) and some chip scale packages become nearly indistinguishable .

  15. 因此需要先进的检测技术对装配中的电子产品检测。AXI是现有唯一检测BGA(ballgridarray)球栅阵列的方法,补充了AOI检测的不足。

    Therefore , it is required to advanced technologies for detection of the assembly of electronic goods AXI ( Automated X-ray Inspection ) is the only existing detection BGA ( Ball Grid Array ) ball grid array method , adding the AOI detection of deficiencies .

  16. 按照JEDEC标准对板级跌落实验的要求测试了有铅和无铅焊点的球栅阵列封装。

    Leaded and lead-free BGA ( ball grid array ) components were tested in board level drop test defined in the JEDEC ( Joint Electron Device Engineering Council ) standard .

  17. 截断无穷级数并采用配置法解线性代数方程组求出了球栅Oseen流动的近似解及每个球所遭受的阻力。

    By means of truncating the infinite series and applying the collocation method to solve the set of the linear algebraic equations the approximate solution of the Oseen flow of finite clusters of spheres and the drag factor for each sphere are presented .

  18. 球栅阵列封装的应力应变及热失效研究

    Study on Stress-Strain and Thermal Failure of Ball Grid Array Package

  19. 球栅阵列倒装焊封装中的热应变值的测试

    Measuring Method in Thermal Strain of Flip Chip Package with Solder Joints

  20. 跌落碰撞下球栅阵列无铅焊点失效分析

    Failure Analysis of BGA Lead-free Solder Joints under Drop Impact

  21. 介绍了球栅尺的测量原理及应用情况。

    The measurement principle and application of spherosyn is presented .

  22. 超细间距方形扁平封装与球栅阵列封装的比较及其发展趋势

    Comparison between Ultra-fine Pitch QFPs and BGAs and their Future

  23. 球栅阵列封装焊点寿命预测的综合方法

    Integrated life prediction method of ball grid array soldered joint

  24. 塑料封装球栅阵列器件焊点的可靠性

    Welding reliability of plastic ball grid array component

  25. 基于全面析因试验的塑封球栅阵列器件焊点可靠性

    Solder Joint Reliability of Plastic Ball Grid Array Component Based on Design of Full Factorial Experiment

  26. 球栅阵列器件及其清洗

    The Ball Grid Array and Cleaning

  27. 本文的研究对于提高无铅塑封球栅阵列芯片可靠性具有一定的参考意义。

    This study has a certain reference value for improving the reliability of lead-free plastic ball grid array chip .

  28. 芯片叠层球栅阵列尺寸封装的焊球疲劳寿命预测

    Finite element based solder joint fatigue life predictions for a same die stacked chip scale ball grid array package

  29. 基于正交试验设计的塑封球栅阵列器件焊点工艺参数与可靠性关系研究

    Study on the Relationships between Solder Joint Process Parameters and Reliability of Plastic Ball Grid Array Component Based on the Orthogonal Experiment Design

  30. 模拟结果表明,无铅球栅阵列封装器件上的应变、应力最大点均发生在焊球分布不均匀处。

    Simulation results indicate that the maximum points of the stress and strain are all in the non-uniform distribution part of the lead-free plastic ball grid array device .