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  • spherical mirror
球面镜 [qiú miàn jìng]
  • [spherical mirror] 表面为真实球面一部分的凹面或凸面的镜子

  1. 亚毫米波球面镜F-P干涉仪

    A Spherical Mirror F-P Interferometer in Submillimeter Wave Region

  2. 我们将LOD模型简化技术运用于各类曲面镜成像的过程中(包括柱面镜,球面镜等),根据模型与镜距、视距之间的关系约定调用对应的简化模型参与镜面反射成像。

    We apply LOD technology to the process of Curved Mirror Image ( containing cylindrical mirror , spherical mirror and so on ), and call the corresponding simplified model to participate in the Cylindrical Mirror Image according to the conventional relations between the view point and cylindrical mirror .

  3. 本文介绍一种制造X射线望远镜中非球面镜的复制方法。

    A method of making replicated aspherical X-ray mirrors for a telescope is also described .

  4. 提出一个软X射线投影光刻、缩比为61、由两非球面镜构成的光学系统。

    A two mirror aspheric optical system has been designed for soft X ray reduction lithography .

  5. Φ1.2m球面镜支撑的力学分析和试验研究

    Mechanical analysis and experiment study of the support for the Φ 1.2m sphere mirror

  6. Ronchi线条法检验大非球面镜的理论计算

    Theoretical computation of testing large aspheric surface mirror with Ronchi curved bars method

  7. 用有限元法对镜子的变形进行分析、计算,找出变形规律,优化设计Ф400mm轻型平面镜、Ф450mm轻型球面镜镜体结构;

    Analyze and calculate the deformation quantity of the mirror with finite element method ;

  8. 球面镜折迭腔中光模象散的调整与消除

    The elimination and regulation of astigmatism in spherical mirror folded cavities

  9. 大相对孔径凹非球面镜的加工

    The Manufacturing of Concave Aspheric Surface with Large Speed Aperture

  10. 利用凹球面镜抑制全息存储叠置噪音

    Overcoming of Superimposed Noise in Holographic Storage with Concave Mirror

  11. 基于条纹反射的非球面镜三维面形测量

    Three-Dimensional Shape Measurement of Aspheric Mirror Based on Fringe Reflection

  12. 非球面镜顶点曲率半径测量方法

    A New Method on Measuring Radius of Curvature of an Aspherical Mirror

  13. 希尔伯特变换条纹分析法及其在非球面镜测量上的应用

    Fringe Analysis with Hilbert Transform and Its Applicationin the Measurement of Aspheric Mirror

  14. 干涉型计算机产生的全息图检验非球面镜

    Aspheric mirror inspection by interference type computer generated hologram

  15. 球面镜的散射理论

    On the theory of scattering by a spherical mirror

  16. 介绍了轴对称光学非球面镜超精密加工的新方法。

    A new form generation method for ultra-precision axisymmetric aspheric mirrors is introduced .

  17. 神经网络在非球面镜面型多项式反求中的应用

    Study on Application of BP neural network to reverse design of aspheric 's surface polynomial

  18. 非球面镜具有优良的光学性能,在现代光学系统设计中广泛采用。

    The optical design of optical prism with aspheric lens for fingerprint identification is researched .

  19. 非球面镜在光学读取头中的应用

    Application of Aspheric Lens in Optical Pick-up

  20. 提出了一种在大型非球面镜细磨加工阶段使用的低成本在线检测技术。

    A low-cost on-line measuring technique used in fine grinding phase of large aspherical mirror is proposed .

  21. 在此平台上对标准球面镜进行了测量,验证了此平台的适用性。

    A standard spherical mirror was measured on this test platform to verify the feasibility of the platform .

  22. 光纤显微镜前的非球面镜自动装配依赖于工作距离。

    The automatic placement of an aspherical lens in front of a fibre-scope depends on the working distance .

  23. 系统各组元均为球面镜,形式简单、结构紧凑。

    Various components are the spherical mirror , the form are simple , and the structure is compact .

  24. 结果表明该技术是切实可行的,具有检测大口径非球面镜的潜能。

    The results show that the method is feasible and provided that the potential for testing large aspheric mirror .

  25. 本文给出了由两块环形球面镜组成的适用于同轴放电环形增益区的多光程振荡器的设计及光束特性。

    The design and characteristics of the multipasses resonator with two annular spherical mirrors are described in this paper .

  26. 最后,对该非球面镜系统进行物理光学传播追踪,分析其光强分布。

    At last , physical optics propagation through the aspheric system is analyzed and then the irradiance distribution is discussed .

  27. 介绍用迈克耳逊干涉仪&牛顿环干涉法测定球面镜曲率半径的方法。

    It further introduces the measurement of curvature radius of spherical mirror through Michelson interferometer & Newton 's ring interference .

  28. 非球面镜的使用能大大简化光学系统,因此被越来越多地应用到各种光学设计中。

    Aspherics are applied more and more widely in optical design as the use of aspheric lens simplifies the optical system .

  29. 在光学系统中应用小口径非球面镜来提高光学系统的光学性能已经成为现代光学技术发展的一种趋势。

    It is a trend of using small diameter aspherical lens in the modern optical system to improve the optical properties .

  30. 最后阐述了将三反系统中第二镜改为球面镜以便简化装调过程的可行性。

    Then , finally , expounding the feasibility of instead the second mirror with sphere mirror for simplifying the procedures of adjustment .