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  • caddie;ball boy
  1. 球童跑过去给他拿东西。

    The caddie ran over to fetch something for him .

  2. 当A的球击打到B的球包时,球童没有带着B的球包是不相关的。

    It is irrelevant that the caddie was not carrying Bs bag at the time As ball struck it .

  3. 莉莉给儿子当球童。

    Lili caddied for her son .

  4. Peter:他最小的一个高尔夫球场都有球童的啊~

    Peter : The miniature golf course had caddies

  5. 你或许会认为,沉迷于Facebook的普通少年之所以会如此热切地想成为球童,个中原由并不难解释。

    You might think that what makes a normal , Facebook-addicted teenager so desperate to become a ball boy is no mystery .

  6. 比如拉夫·劳伦的新款PoloTech智能上衣在美国网球公开赛上收集球童的心率与压力水平信息。

    Ralph Lauren 's new Polo Tech smart shirts gathered information about the heart rate and stress levels of United States Open ball boys .

  7. 事实显而易见,从演员比尔•莫瑞,到《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)言论专栏作家托马斯•弗里德曼,再到前通用电气(GE)主席兼首席执行官杰克•韦尔奇,各行各业的名人里有很多都是球童出身。

    Apparently so . Erstwhile caddies include all kinds of luminaries , from actor Bill Murray , to New York Times op-ed columnist Thomas Friedman , to former GE ( GE ) chairman and CEO Jack Welch .

  8. 时光倒流回上世纪五十年代晚期,那时的彼得•林奇还是一个十一岁的懵懂少年,却已经在马萨诸塞州牛顿市的BraeBurn乡村俱乐部(BraeBurnCountryClub)当上了小球童。

    Way back in the late 1950s , at the tender age of 11 , Peter Lynch started caddying at Brae Burn Country Club in Newton , Mass .

  9. 在小组赛期间,当沙特队获罚点球时,中国队门将王大雷问球门后的澳大利亚球童斯蒂芬·怀特(StephenWhite),自己应该往哪一边扑。

    When Saudi Arabia was awarded a penalty kick during their group match , goalkeeper Wang Dalei asked Stephen White , an Australian ballboy who was behind the goal , which way he should dive .

  10. 看来球童要打这一杆。

    It looks like the caddy wants to hit the shot .

  11. 他需要一个球童拿球杆。

    He 'd need one caddie to carry his golf clubs .

  12. 费用包括:18洞果岭费、球童费。

    Including : green fee for 18 holes 、 caddie fee .

  13. 我叫朱莉,今天我是你的球童。

    My name is Julie , I 'm your caddie today .

  14. 我14岁时曾给人当过球童。

    When I was 14 , I worked as a caddy .

  15. 那个球童忘了打电话预约

    The kid on the courts forgot to call it in .

  16. 这是你的球童费,谢谢你优质的服务。

    It is your caddie fee , thanks for your excellent service !

  17. 球童:注意到了,先生,您买了一个新高尔夫袋。

    Caddy : Yes sir , you bought a new golf bag .

  18. 只有你的球童能给你出主意。

    Your caddie is the only person who can give you advice .

  19. 他的球童拿着包,包里有着他的球杆。

    His caddie has the bags , has his irons .

  20. 球童:你认为你能保持你的头部向下长的时间?

    Caddy : Think you can keep your head down that long ?

  21. 球童,他还是个网球好手吗

    Ball boy ? Was he a good tennis player ?

  22. 史蒂夫曾为雷·佛罗伊德和格雷德·诺曼做球童。

    Steve has caddied for Ray Floyd and Greg Norman .

  23. 以前都是米奇尔给我当球童

    You know , Mitchell used to caddy for me .

  24. 你还在富兰克林公园做球童吗?

    Are you still caddying out at Franklin park ?

  25. 这个人可以被认为是球童。

    The individual is considered to be a caddie .

  26. “球童进场,为你们准备场地”

    " Entrance of ball boys to prepare your arena for you . "

  27. 或许是非洲唯一的白人球童。

    Must be the only white caddy in africa .

  28. 但这不是球童做的事情。

    But this just isn 't the sort of thing that caddies do .

  29. 那时候我第一份工作是法兰克·辛纳屈的球童

    when I had my first job as Frank Sinatra 's ball boy .

  30. 那两个家伙让我去伪装球童打高尔夫的时候。

    When your two boys put me on that undercover golf course mission .