
  • 网络The Ball Story;Une histoire de ballon;The Football Incident
  1. 它想起了自己在树林里新鲜的青春时代,想起了那快乐的圣诞节前夕,想起了那些高兴地听着它讲关于泥巴球的故事的小耗子们。

    he thought of his first youth in the wood , of the merry Christmas-eve , and of the little Mice who had listened with so much pleasure to the story of Humpy-Dumpy .

  2. 叫道:“讲下去吧!讲下去吧!”因为他们想听依维德·亚维德的故事,但是他们却只听到了泥巴球的故事。

    And the children clapped their hands , and cried . " Oh , go on ! Do go on ! " They wanted to hear about Ivedy-Avedy too , but the little man only told them about Humpy-Dumpy .