
zǔ zhī wěi yuán
  • committee member in charge of organizational work
  1. 在学校期间一直担任组织委员。

    During the school has served as a member organization .

  2. 古物谘询委员会是一个法定组织,委员都是各有关领域的专门人才。

    The board is a statutory body consisting of members with expertise in various relevant fields .

  3. 美洲国家组织的常务委员们今天在华盛顿这里会面。

    The permanent council of the Organization of American States meets today here in Washington .

  4. 报道,获奖的影星是由授予这个职业里成就突出者荣誉的非营利组织委员会全体委员一致选定的。

    The star was chosen unanimously by the non-profit organization 's selection committee which honors career achievements , variety magazin reports .

  5. 每个地区委员会皆由临时区域市政局议员及来自临时区议会和地方组织的增选委员组成。

    Each district committee comprised Provisional Regional Council members and other members co-opted from provisional district boards and the local community .

  6. 制订一项打击跨国有组织犯罪公约特设委员

    Ad Hoc Committee on the Elaboration of a Convention against Transnational Organized Crime

  7. 他是亚洲商务委员会委员、威士国际组织高级客户委员会委员、澳大利亚商业委员会成员及澳大利亚银行家协会成员。

    He is a Member of the Asia Business Council , the Visa International Senior Client Council , the Business Council of Australia and the Australian Bankers'Association Council .

  8. 香港海关积极参与世界海关组织的工作,同时也是该组织的政策委员会委员。

    The Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department takes part actively in WCO business . It also participates in the organisation 's Policy Commission .