
  • 网络Tissue stress;transformation stress
  1. 斜向载荷下下颌KennedyⅠ类缺失冠外附着体义齿支持组织应力分析

    Stress distribution in the supporting tissue with oblique forces on extracoronal attachment denture to mandibular Kennedy ⅰ dentition defect

  2. 目的:研究上颌切牙段在10N·mm冠唇向、根舌向力偶作用下,牙齿及其牙周支持组织应力分布及移动趋势。

    Objective : To study the stress distribution in periodontal tissues and the initial displacements of maxillary incisors under the 10N . mm linger torque force .

  3. Begg技术压低切牙时牙槽骨应力分布种植体直径和长度对支持组织应力分布的影响

    Analysis of the stress distribution on alveolar bone under the intrusive force system produced by Begg appliance on incisors The influence of implant diameter and length on the stress distribution in the supporting tissues

  4. 修复材料对种植体周围骨组织应力的影响

    Effect of prosthesis material on stress distribution in bone around implant

  5. 圆锥型套筒冠义齿修复末端游离缺失的支持组织应力分析研究

    Stress analysis of extension supporting tissue underlying conical telescopic denture

  6. 细胞生长抑制因子与组织应力共同作用下的肿瘤初期生长阶段的二相模型

    Avascular tumor growth with two-phase model including inhibitor and stress

  7. 种植体数目对支持组织应力分布的影响

    The influence of implant number on the stress distribution in the supporting tissues

  8. 斜向载荷应力集中区移向根尖部,且牙体组织应力明显增大。

    Under oblique loading , the stress increased obviously .

  9. 基于混合物理论的骨组织应力松弛效应分析

    Analysis of stress relaxation behavior of bone tissue based on the mixture theory

  10. 热应力组织应力对渗硼层剥落的影响

    Effects of heat stress and structural stress on peeling off of the boriding layer

  11. 不同基牙数目附着体义齿对支持组织应力分布的影响

    Effect of stress distribution of support tissues using attachment prostheses with different number of abutment

  12. 软衬材料对下颌全口义齿支持组织应力分布的影响

    Effect of Soft Denture Liner on Stress Distribution in supporting structures under a complete denture

  13. 中性区排牙法全口义齿对下颌支持组织应力的有限元分析

    Finite element analysis of stress on lower jaw tissue of the neutral zone method complete denture

  14. 在淬火时,组织应力和热应力共同作用致使钢板变形。

    During the quenching , quenching stress and thermal stress jointly cause deformation of armor plate .

  15. 桥基牙数目对支持骨组织应力影响的三维有限元法分析

    Three-dimensional finite element analysis of action of the number of abutment teeth on stress of alveolar bone

  16. 晶体生长结束后在表面有裂纹的存在,说明晶粒内部产生很大的组织应力和热应力。

    The surface flaws after increment indicated the existence of organization and thermal stress in the inter crystal .

  17. 由于对牵张器生物力学特性了解不多,对其植入后所致的骨组织应力改变不甚清楚,限制了种植体型牵张器的临床应用。

    But the stress variation of surrounding bones in distraction after the distractor is implanted isn 't clear now .

  18. 目的:研究种植体颈狭部直径变化对种植全口义齿及其支持组织应力状况的影响。

    Objective : To study the stress states of the complete dentures supported by implants with varied neck diameter .

  19. 不同牙槽骨高度条件下上颌牙列牙周组织应力分布的三维有限元分析

    Three-dimensional finite element analyses of stress distribution on periodontal tissue of maxillary dentition under various alveolar bone altitude conditions

  20. 牙种植体位移及骨支持组织应力的静、动力学比较研究

    Dynamic and Static Comparative Study of the Displacement of Dental Implant and the Stress Distribution in the Supporting Bone

  21. 复合转矩弓丝在内收前牙时牙周组织应力分布三维有限元分析

    3D dimensional definite analysis of stress distribution in periodontal tissue using compound retraction arch in retraction of anterior teeth

  22. 目的:揭示中间种植体基牙天然牙-种植体联合固定桥种植体周围骨组织应力分布规律,为临床设计天然牙-种植体联合桥提供理论依据。

    Objective To discovery the stress distribution in bone around the implant of middle implant-teeth fixed bridge under different loading .

  23. 1234作烤瓷桥修复。倾斜基牙附着体义齿与烤瓷桥义齿基牙牙周组织应力比较的三维有限元研究

    Three-dimensional Finite Element Study on the Comparison of Periodontal Tissue Stress of Tilted Abutment Attachment Denture and Porcelain-fused-to-metal Fixed Bridge

  24. 采用光弹性应力分析法,定性分析不同基牙数目时,该附着体义齿对基牙牙周支持组织应力分布的影响。

    Photoelastic analysis was adopted to compare the stress patterns generated around the support tissues with different number of abutment .

  25. 天然牙与种植体联合支持套筒冠固定桥的骨组织应力分析

    Three dimensional finite element analysis of stress distribution of bone tissues around abutments in telescope fixed bridge supported by tooth-implant

  26. 心部的应力变化正好相反,最终形成了组织应力型的内应力分布。

    The stress variation in the center is just opposite , and a structural type internal stress state is formed after quenching .

  27. 目的:测定义齿软衬材料厚度及材料组成对支持组织应力分布的影响。

    Objectioe : To investigate the effects of soft denture lining materials thickness and composition on the distribution of stress in supporting structures .

  28. 电脉冲床加工造成叶片的热应力、组织应力和磨削应力叠加使叶片变形超差。

    The error of deformation of the blade cut by electric pulse is caused by thermal stress 、 morphol-ogy stress and cutting stress .

  29. 在上述热应力、组织应力的共同作用下,导致裂纹产生,使铸铁模具报废。

    The integrated effects of thermal stress and structural stress result in the formation of the cracks and the rejection of the mould .

  30. 究其产生原因,是由于微晶玻璃当中存在着较大的组织应力和热应力。

    Regarding to the causation , it 's due to the structure stress and thermal stress existing in the glass-ceramic which is deserved to research .