
  • 网络travel agency;tour group Organizing;Tour Organizer
  1. 各出境游组团社要抓住关键环节,认真做好出境游团队的全程管理。

    Each travel agency offering outbound tourism business shall improve the whole-process management over outbound tourist groups by focusing on the following key aspects .

  2. 同时,由于没有资本纽带,组团社对代理社控制能力差,上下游链条复杂。

    Also , because no capital ties , social control agent tour of the poor , upper and lower chain complex .

  3. 组团社接近寡头垄断型,但代理社接近完全竞争,小、散、弱的局面仍然延续,数量过多、规模过小、市场集中度较低,产品同质化现象严重。

    Tour close to the oligopoly model , but the agent community close to perfect competition , small , scattered , weak situation still continued , excessive number of small size , low market concentration , product homogeneity is serious .

  4. 四川省中国旅行社是中国中旅集团成员,国家一类社,是中国西南地区最大的组团地接社之一。

    Sichuan Chian Travel Service ( SCTS ), first travel agency and member of China Travel Service ( Holding ) Corporation of China , is the key travel enterprises in Southwest China .