
  • 网络tourism policy
  1. 中、韩国际旅游政策比较分析与启示

    China and Korea international tourism policy comparison analysis and inspiration

  2. 政策范围方面还必须考虑接壤区域环境,包括旅游政策公式化在管理制度上、价值上和力度方面产生的影响。

    The policy area must also be considered within a broader environment including institutional arrangements , values and power arrangements affecting tourism policy formulation .

  3. 试论我国生态旅游政策制定中的公众参与

    Public participation in eco-tourism policy-making in China

  4. 当地政府的各项旅游政策是与城市发展规划以及土地利用规划紧密相关的。

    The local authorities ' tourism policies are closely associated with city-development planning and land-use planning .

  5. 从政府角度来讲,建议加强与东盟政府间的沟通,积极参与区域经济协作和适时调整出境旅游政策;

    As for the government , it should reinforce communication and cooperation with ASEAN as well as adjust the policy of the outward tourism appropriately .

  6. 尽管晚清海外修学旅游政策在指导思想上暴露出封建式的局限性,但是它仍然在中国近代历史上产生了重要的影响。

    Although the policy exposed the limitation of feudal society in terms of guiding ideology , it still laid a significant influence to the Chinese modern history .

  7. 在这样的特殊背景之下,晚清海外修学旅游政策经历了萌芽、产生、发展、高潮、稳定等五个历史阶段。

    Under this special circumstance , the Oversea Learning-Travelling policy in late Qing dynasty underwent five historical stages which were sprouting , generating , developing , climaxing , and stabilizing .

  8. 随着中国经济的持续增长和出境旅游政策的放宽,新兴中产阶级上升,渴望走出去看世界。

    Overseas tourism has boomed in China since restrictions on foreign travel have been relaxed and rising economic growth has created a new middle class keen to see the world .

  9. 文章最后讨论了出境旅游政策短期内变动可能性,认为出境政策的变化将是缓慢推进,而且对于出境市场开放所能产生的效用应该建立理性预期。

    At last , the paper discussed the possibility of the policy change for outbound tourism , and pointed that the policy will change slowly . All the people should not overrate the effect of the opening for outbound tourism .

  10. 本文试图从基本概念、统计数据、计算的方法等几个关于制定我国出境旅游政策相关的基础依据进行分析,从而提出制定出境旅游政策和战略的思路。

    This author is to argue and analyze some basic concepts , statistic data and methodology relating to the formulation of China 's outbound tourism policy , and to give some hints for future policy and strategy making for outbound tourism development .

  11. 他与人合著了一本有关旅游业政策的书。

    He 's co-authored a book on Policy for Tourism

  12. 不发达地区旅游产业政策的目标取向与内容框架

    Objectives and Outline on the Tourism Industry in Undeveloped Area

  13. 地中海国家旅游规划政策的新趋势

    Recent Trends in Tourism Planning Policies in Mediterranean Countries

  14. 国际旅游保险政策通常是在你出国前的家乡购买。

    An international travel insurance policy is usually purchased in your home country before you go abroad .

  15. 在结果中,联邦政府产生了运输安全行政为固定全国性的航空旅游设定政策。

    In the aftermath , the federal government created the Transportation Security Administration to set policy for securing air travel nationwide .

  16. 出境游火爆背后的原因是,一方面各国放宽了对中国游客的签证签发,另一方面,一些热门目的地航线的开通以及相应的旅游优惠政策也激发了国人出境游的热情。

    The reasons behind the rise are loosened visa requirements for Chinese , better flight connections and preferential policies to facilitate overseas consumption .

  17. 建设国际旅游岛政策的提出,为海南公民文明素质的提升带来了机遇和挑战。

    Construction of international tourism island policy put forward , the quality of the civilization for hainan citizens ascension brings about the opportunities and challenges .

  18. 旅游新政策旨在帮助游客,主要规定有禁止报酬低廉的导游强迫游客购物等等。

    The new tourism law aims to help the tourists themselves , mainly by preventing practices like the forced-march shopping excursions that are often led by ill-paid tour guides .

  19. 本次论坛欢迎对中国旅游发展政策、研究及教育问题感兴趣的人士参与。

    The forum should be of great interest to those who are interested in tourism policy , research and education issue related to the development of tourism in China .

  20. 驴妈妈出境游事业部总经理倪佳丽称,中美两国实施的旅游优惠政策是增长的原因。

    Ni Jiali , general manager of Lvmama . com 's outbound tourism department , said the rise resulted from beneficial tourism policies adopted by both China and the US .

  21. 旅游新政策指出了问题,也重申了相关原则,进一步提醒中国人出国旅游时要注意言行举止。

    The new tourism law points out the problem and reaffirms the principle , as a way to further remind Chinese people to pay attention to their behaviours when they travel .

  22. 许多国家和地区都非常重视旅游产业政策和发展与规划的研究,尤其是一些旅游强国,他们更为重视这方面的工作。

    Many countries and regions have attached great importance to the tourism industry policy and planning and development research , especially some great tourism power , they pay more attention to this work .

  23. 在发展趋势上,投资效率因素在地区经济发展中的作用越来越明显,而单纯数量因素的作用则呈现不断弱化的趋势,旅游扶贫政策需要进一步深化和完善。

    In terms of developing trend , the investment efficiency factor is playing more and more conspicuous role in local economic development while the mere quantitative factor is showing the trend of continual weakness .

  24. 在理论框架得以充分论证的基础上,论文进一步以我国为案例对象,剖析我国旅游公共政策在旅游产业演进视角下的问题成因及修正方向。

    Based on a fully demonstration on theoretic framework , the thesis takes China as an example to analyze main problems in tourism public policy in the angle of evolution of tourism industry , their causes and revising direction .

  25. 旅游公共政策的制定总是遵循着旅游产业演进的轨迹,而同时又对旅游产业演进施加着影响。(2)构建和运用了旅游产业演进的二维目标参照性评价模型。

    The making of tourism public polices always traces the evolution of tourism industry and it affects evolution of tourism industry at the same time . ( 2 ) Build and apply the two-dimensional target reference evaluation model of tourism industrial evolution .

  26. 旅游公共政策是政府为了促进和规范旅游产业发展、服务社会民生而制定的一系列旅游发展战略方针、法律法规、规章制度和办法措施的总和。

    Tourism public policy is a summation of a series of strategies and guidelines , laws and regulations , rules and systems , as well as methods and measures , which are worked out by government for promoting and regularizing the development of tourism industry and serving for social livelihood .

  27. 民族村寨旅游开发的政策选择

    The Choose of Policy on the Tourism Development of Ethnic Village

  28. 国际乡村旅游发展的政策经验与借鉴

    On the Policy Experience and Reference from the Development of International Rural Travel

  29. 关于重庆旅游产业发展政策的思考

    Study on development policy of tourism industry of Chongqing

  30. 中国旅游黄金周政策的价值分析

    The value analysis of tour golden week policy