
  • 网络Tourism providers;Travel Supplier
  1. 在目的地层面上,旅游目的地营销系统要整合和协调所有旅游供应商,要为游客提供完整的目的地产品容量情况以供选择,同时支持综合的目的地管理。

    Tourism destination marketing system should combine and coordinate all travel suppliers , offer the relevant information for tourists to choose , support the destination management at the same time .

  2. 相对于旅游供应商(旅行社),旅游者处于信息劣势。

    ( Relative to the travel agency ), tourists suppliers in the informational disadvantage .

  3. 我们认为,这种趋势已蓬勃发端于零售商和航空、酒店等旅游供应商,虽然还处于初始阶段,但无疑可以走得更远。

    This trend , which we believe is still in its infancy , effectively began with retailers and travel providers such as airlines and hotels and will no doubt go further .

  4. 中国在线旅游服务供应商携程旅行网(Ctrip)已同意斥资近14亿英镑,收购飞机票比价网站Skyscanner。

    Ctrip International , the Chinese online travel service provider , has agreed to buy Skyscanner , the airfare comparison web site , for approximately £ 1.4bn .

  5. 这一新规定增加了其他潜在的指标,包括导游和其他旅游服务供应商的黑名单制度。

    The new regulation has added other potential targets , including tour guides and other tourism service providers to the blacklist system .

  6. 你已经有了一个公司,这对于被商业空间,旅游运输供应商,为争夺角色很多高层大气科学,等等。

    You 've got a lot of companies that are vying for the role of being the commercial space transport provider for tourism , for upper atmospheric science , and so on .

  7. 卡兰尼克昨日在北京与旅游和物流供应商海航集团(HNAGroup)签订了合作协议,他表示优步将对中国加大投资。海航集团旗下拥有海南航空(HainanAirlines)。

    Mr Kalanick , who was in Beijing to sign a partnership with travel and logistics provider HNA Group , which owns Hainan Airlines , said that Uber would invest more in China .

  8. 亚洲区杰出的商务及旅游服务专业供应商。

    A leading provider of travel related and business services to consumers in Asia .

  9. 从餐馆业、旅游业到药品供应商、酿酒商,日本各式企业都希望从中国的经济增长中受益。

    Japanese businesses from restaurants and resorts , to pharmaceuticals providers and sake brewers look to tap into Chinese growth .

  10. 随着网络经济的产生与迅猛发展,作为旅游者与旅游供应商桥梁的旅行社,无论是存在的具体形式,还是运行的基本格局,都已经发生了极为深刻的变化。

    With the formation and rapid development of network economy , travel agency , which is the bridge between tourists and tourism suppliers has changed sharply both in its structure and ways of operation .

  11. 但是,各旅游地的品牌打造似乎都只停留在政府主导的层面,旅游供应商在旅游品牌的打造上过于依赖政府的作用。

    However , the brand of tourist places seems to stay the level of government-led , tourism suppliers seem to be dependent on the role of government .