
  1. CIS与风景区旅游规划设计

    CIS & the designing of scenic spots plan

  2. 小浪底风景区旅游规划设计的初步探讨

    Preliminary research on the tourism plan and design of the Xiaolangdi Scenic Spot

  3. 自然保护区生态旅游规划设计

    Eco tourism Planning and Frame of Nature Reserve

  4. 云南宗教性人居空间建设&晋宁盘龙寺区旅游规划设计侧记

    Construction of Religion Living Space in Yunnan - Record of the Programming of Panglong Temple Tourism Area in Jinning

  5. 他的观点得到了广州暨南大学旅游规划设计研究院副院长董观志的赞同。

    His view is shared by Dong Guanzhi , vice president of the Institute of Tourism Planning and Designing at Guangzhou-based Jinan University .

  6. 通过分析综合背景和基础条件,在市场研判的基础上制定了景区旅游规划设计方案。

    Through the analysis of comprehensive background and basic conditions , on the basis of the market to make the tourism planning and design .

  7. 特产观赏农园旅游规划设计探讨&以新疆鄯善县特产观赏农园为例

    Study on Tourism Planning for Farming Gardens of Special Local Products & A Case Study for a Melon-fruit Garden in Shanshan County , Xinjiang

  8. 在简要介绍虚拟现实技术的基础上,重点分析讨论了虚拟现实技术在旅游规划设计中的优势及其组成结构和工作流程。

    On the basis of these , the advantages of Virtual Reality Technology in tourism planning & design are discussed and its construction and technological process are analyzed too .

  9. 本论文以生态安全为指导思想,初步构建自然保护区生态旅游规划设计与理论框架,并对卧龙自然保护区规划设计进行了实际研究。

    This study primarily established ecotourism planning and frame of nature reserve based on the thought of ecology security , and make a further study on Wolong nature reserve planning .

  10. 基于CorelDraw的旅游规划图设计与制作&以天方富硒村旅游度假区为例

    Designing and Making Tourism Plan Map Bassed on CorelDraw

  11. 论地方文脉在旅游景观规划设计的价值

    The Importance of Local Context in the Tourism Landscape Planning and Design

  12. 现代大型旅游园区规划设计

    The exploratory design of the modern large scale tourist garden

  13. 三河古镇旅游环境规划设计理念探究

    Planning and Designing Concepts on the Tourism Environment of Sanhe Ancient Town

  14. 研究了旅游景区规划设计的实施方案。

    Tourism scenic spot planning and design scheme are studied .

  15. 基于景观生态思想的旅游景区规划设计研究

    Research of Tourist Areas Planning and Design Base on Landscape Ecology Theory

  16. 何必丝与竹山水有清音&峨嵋山龙洞风景旅游区规划设计

    Planning of Dragon Cave Tourist Spot in Emei Mountain

  17. 珠江三角洲旅游农庄规划设计初探

    Research of the Plan and Design to Tourist Farm in the Pearl River Delta

  18. 自然风景旅游区规划设计的环境理念初探

    Research on the Environment Idea of Planning and Design in Natural Scenery Tour Area

  19. 旅游地规划设计中空间半影的概念及度量方法思考

    Thinking of the Conception and Measuring of Penumbral Space in Tourism Site Planning and Design

  20. 构建了旅游规划意境设计的一般模式。

    Chapter four constructs the pattern of the design of emotion image in tourism planning .

  21. 第二章构建了旅游规划意境设计的理论框架。

    Chapter two constructs the framework of how to design the emotion image in tourism planning .

  22. 福建省森林人家乡村旅游景观规划设计探讨

    Studies on the Landscape Planning and Designing of the Forest Home Rural Tourism in Fujian Province

  23. 道路系统规划是旅游区规划设计的核心内容之一。

    The road system planning is one of the core contents of tourist area planning and designing .

  24. 乡村旅游空间规划设计的基础理论及实证分析&以重庆市为例

    Theory and Positive Analysis of Space Planning and Design for Rural Tourism-A Case Study of Chongqing City

  25. 喀斯特地区旅游景观规划设计与石漠化综合治理研究

    Study on Planning and Designing of Tourism Landscape and Integrated Rehabilitation of Rock Desertification in the Karst Areas

  26. 城区旅游景观规划设计初探&景观生态学的启示

    The Preliminary Discussion on the Plan and Design of Tour Landscape in Urban Districts & An Enlightenment from Landscape Ecology

  27. 实践方面,通过对天门乡风景道景观评价,提出风景道及区域旅游规划与设计。

    In practice , through Tianmen scenic byway landscape evaluation , put forward scenic byway design and regional tourism planning .

  28. 黄河滩地旅游景观规划设计探讨&以黄河郑州段为例

    Study of Traveling Landscape Planning and Design of the Yellow River Beach & Taking the Section of Yellow River Beach in Zhengzhou as an Example

  29. 本文记述了沙家浜芦苇荡风景旅游区规划设计中如何通过对风景地域特色的重构与再现,使其在满足现代旅游的需求中延续生命与活力的思索。

    This article explores how to continue the vitality of the regional feature of landscape through reconstructing the elements of regional landscape in the plan of the reed shoal in shajiabang .

  30. 要制止这种盲目实践的继续,旅游景观规划设计实现生态、经济和文化的和谐统一发展,就必须总结出一套旅游景观规划设计基本理论和方法,用理论来指导实践的发展。

    To stop the blindness practice , and to develop harmoniously of economy and culture , we must sum up a set of basically theory and methods , and apply the theory in practice .