
  1. 本文采用了流行的扩频技术、根据扩频芯片SC1128设计了电力线调制解调器,在硬件系统的基础上,我们设计了一套切实可行的软件方案。

    The article adopts the prevalent technique of Spread Spectrum , and designs a kind of Power Line Modem based on the SS chip SC1128 .

  2. 具有协议转换功能的电力线调制解调器的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Power Line Modem with Function of Protocol Conversion

  3. 以INT51X1为核心的低压电力网载波调制解调器及其实现技术

    INT 5 1 X 1 - based MODEM and its realization in low-voltage power network

  4. 论文首先介绍了课题的相关背景和技术基础,接着给出了电力线通信调制解调器的总体设计、硬件模块划分和各个硬件模块的具体实现。

    The paper firstly introduces project-associated background and technology basis , followed with master plan of PLC modem , hardware module division and implementation of each module .

  5. 基于DSP的电力线载波OFDM调制解调器设计

    The Design of OFDM Modern for Power Line Carrier Based on DSP

  6. 中压电力线通信电感式耦合器及低压电力线通信调制解调器电路的设计GB/T1386.3-1997低压电力线路绝缘子第3部分:低压布线用绝缘子

    Design of MV PLC Inductive Coupler and Circuit of LV PLC Modem ; Insulators for low voltage power lines Part 3 : Insulators for low voltage wiring