
  • 网络TXT;eBook Reader;eBook
  1. 金德和其他阅读者说,用Kindle电子书阅读的人经常弃读。

    Kindle readers abandon books frequently , according to Ms. Ginder and other readers .

  2. 亚马逊亦声称其正致力于将智能手机阅读电子书阅读变得可能。

    Amazon said it was working to make e-books available on smart-phones as well as the Kindle .

  3. 我已经有好多个星期完全忘记了看电视,我有两个星期只看了一个节目,甚至一个节目都不看,我每天都在用电子书阅读。

    Some weeks I completely forget about TV . I went two weeks with only watching one show , or no shows at all . I was just reading every day .

  4. 这项调查显示,60%的受访者在2015年通过自己的手机来进行阅读,相比前一年增加了8.2个百分点。2015年人均电子书阅读量为3.26本,而纸质图书阅读量为4.58本。

    The survey revealed that 60 percent of respondents read on their mobile phones in 2015 , up 8.2 percentage points than the previous year . On average , readers read 3.26 e-books , while 4.58 paper books were read per capita in 2015 .

  5. 数字化是出版业未来发展的必然趋势,电子书、在线阅读、移动阅读也是大势所趋。

    Digital publishing has become a necessity in the future , such as E-book , Online-reading and move-reading .

  6. 社会学教师MichaelBambara说,他在政治课上用的电子书比印刷版的要好,电子书能够为不同阅读水平的学生提供学习资料,他很喜欢这点。

    Social studies teacher Michael Bambara says the e-book he uses in his government class is better than a printed textbook . He likes the way it has materials for students with different levels of reading skills .

  7. 本次研究综述了新课改对小学阅读教学的新要求,阐述了电子书的概念和应用于教学的优势,展开介绍了电子书应用于阅读的理论知识,梳理了当前该领域的研究成果。

    This study introduces the demands of teaching reforms on the reading classes of primary school , and then it expounds the concept and advantages of e-books , and the theory of e-books applied in reading .