
  • 网络e-book;kindle;ebook reader
  1. 作为电纸书产业重要一环的消费者,其内心需要和行为方式都影射着电纸书的未来走向。

    Consumer is an important part of E-book industry . The inner needs and behavior of consumers indicate the future of E-book .

  2. 内容单一、版权问题、同类电子产品竞争激烈等诸多问题依然阻碍着电纸书的发展,其发展道路曲折,未来变数丛丛。

    Single content , copyright issues , competing with other similar electronic product and so on . This still hamper the development of E-book .

  3. 一部主营产品有手机、电纸书、MID和平板电脑等个人手持移动终端;

    Our first department engages in develop the most of handsets , such as mobile phone , ebook reader , MID , tablet computer * etc.

  4. 刚开始我很犹豫要不要买一个电纸书。(我用的是Kindle),因为我很享受纸书阅读的那种感觉。

    I was initially hesitant about buying an e-reader ( I use a Kindle ) , because I enjoy reading books in their physical form .

  5. 12年前,微软就曾发布过自己的电纸书软件。

    It launched its own e-reader software all of 12 years ago .

  6. 电纸书;图书馆;馆藏结构;移动阅读服务;

    E-book ; library ; structure of library holdings ; mobile reading service ;

  7. 同时,消费者不仅仅是决定电纸书企业未来的重要因素,而且深受电纸书的影响。电纸书正在悄然改变着消费者的阅读习惯和消费方式。

    Meanwhile consumers not only decided the future of E-book , but also affected by E-book , E-book is changing the patterns of reading and consumption .