
  • 网络eda;Electronic Design Automation
  1. 电子设计自动化技术在自动控制领域的应用

    Application of EDA on Automatic Control Field

  2. 随着大规模高性能可编程逻辑器件的出现以及电子设计自动化技术的不断完善,可重构计算成为系统结构领域的研究热点之一。

    As the emergence of large scale high performance programmable logic devices and the improvement of electronic design automation technology , reconfigurable computing has become an active research area of system architecture .

  3. 基于FPGA和电子设计自动化技术.采用模块化设计的方法和VHDL语言,设计一个基于FPGA的RISC微处理器。

    A RISC microprocessor is developed by using modular design method and VHDL language based on FPGA and EDA technology .

  4. 本文首先介绍了电子设计自动化技术,阐述了FPGA的基本原理及其目前在数字信号处理领域的应用,之后概述了扩展频谱通信技术的基本原理和当前的发展情况。

    The theory and application of EDA and FPGA are introduced in this paper , and are described as well the principle theory and current development in spread-spectrum communication technology .

  5. 采用先进的计算机电子设计自动化技术中的EWB仿真技术,重组医学电子学的教学体系。

    The medical electronics teaching system was reconstructed by means of computer designed automation ( EDA ) .

  6. 电子设计自动化技术发展对电子类专业教学的影响

    Effect of Development of EDA 's Technology on Electronic Courses Teaching

  7. 在硬件设计中充分利用电子设计自动化技术,通过在CPLD/FPGA上编程,设计出了星务计算机专用集成电路。

    By using EDA technology and program implementation on CPLD / FPGA , some ASIC for satellite house-keeping computer are developed .

  8. 电子设计自动化技术的发展与应用不仅使电子系统设计与制造发生了革命性的变化,也对高等院校相关课程的教学改革提出了新的要求。

    The development and the application of electronic design automation technology not only cause revolutionary change to the design and manufacture of electronic system , but also bring forward new requirements on the Didactics reform of relative college courses .

  9. 电子设计自动化EDA技术及应用

    Application of Electronic Design Automation Technology

  10. 比较EDA(电子设计自动化)技术与传统电子设计方法的差异,总结出EDA技术的优势,并介绍当前的应用情况。

    The advantages of EDA are summarized by comparing the EDA with the conventional design methods .

  11. EDA(电子设计自动化)技术是数字系统设计现代化的标志。

    The technology of EDA ( Electronics Design Automation ) is a symbol for the modernization of digital systematic design .

  12. 本文分析了电子设计自动化EDA技术的三个发展阶段的特点及其在电子系统设计领域的广阔应用,并介绍了EDA的基本工具,提出了EDA工具应用选择配置的原则。

    This paper introduces development of EDA and its application , basic instrument of EDA , provides the rule of option and installment .

  13. 电子设计的自动化技术(EDA)改变了以定量估算和电路实验为基础的传统分析和设计方法,是现代电子电路分析和设计的重要辅助工具。

    Electronic design automation ( EDA ) has changed traditional analytical methods and designing methods that laid the foundations of quantitative analysis and electrocircuit experimentation .

  14. 本文综合性地叙述了EDA(电子设计自动化)技术在电子线路、芯片及电路板设计中所采用的可靠性方法与策略,讨论了这些方法、技术在可靠性工作中的效能。

    This paper integrally describes the methods of reliability and the strategy to be used in EDA system about the circuit design , IC design and PCB design , and analyzes it 's efficiency in the reliability engineering .

  15. EDA(电子设计自动化)技术是当今电子数字系统设计过程中最常见的开发手段,而FPGA(现场可编程逻辑门阵列)技术又是引起电子数字系统的设计方法发生突破性变革的技术。

    Today , EDA ( Electronic Design Automatic ) technology has became a familiar method of exploitation of electronic digital system , and the FPGA ( Field Programmable Gate Array ) technology is a key technology to make progress in the design method of electronic digital system .

  16. 电子设计自动化与电子技术实验计算机辅助教学

    EDA and Electronic Technology Experiment Computer Assisted Instruction teaching machine

  17. 电子设计自动化(EDA)技术在教学、科研等领域应用越来越广泛。

    EDA technology has been applied more and more widely in teaching , science research and other regions .

  18. 本论文研究的是电子设计自动化(EDA)技术在电能质量监测中的应用。

    This thesis focuses on the application of Electronic Design Automation ( EDA ) technology in the field of power quality monitoring .

  19. 阐述了电子设计自动化(EDA)技术的出现对数字系统设计思想和设计理念的影响。

    The influence of the technology of electronic design automation ( EDA ) on the designing ideology and conception of digital system is expounded .

  20. 今天电子设计自动化(EDA)技术在教学、科研等领域应用越来越广泛。电子工程师设计电子产品时,利用EDA仿真软件对电路进行辅助分析,优化电路设计;

    Today 's electronic engineers engaged in designing electronic products use EDA simulation software to make additional analysis of circuit and make best circuit design ;

  21. 但最近几年,随着电子设计自动化(EDA)技术的迅速发展,可编程片上系统作为嵌入式系统控制核心己成为一种趋势。

    But in latest years , with the development of EDA technology , System on programmable chips ( SOPC ) has been becoming more and more popular .

  22. 本文引入了电子设计自动化(EDA)技术,在EDA平台上使用硬件描述语言(VHDL)完成对硬件功能描述,使硬件设计更加灵活。

    The paper introduce the technique of EDA , on it , logical function has been stigmatized by VHDL language , the design of hardware become more flexible .

  23. 介绍了电子设计自动化(EDA)技术的主要特点和功能,并对将EDA技术引入到教学应用中的工作方案进行了探讨。

    In this paper , the functions and main features of EDA are introduced , and a discussion is made about the working scheme applying EDA in teaching activities .

  24. 应用电子设计自动化(EDA)技术,以FPGA/CPLD器件为核心,采用FPGA设计的DDS不仅可方便地实现各种比较复杂的调频、调相和调幅功能,而且具有良好的实用性。

    This design employs the EDA technology and takes FPGA / CPLD as its core . Not only it is convenient to realize frequency , phase and amplitude modulation but also it has good practicability .

  25. 在简要概述电子设计自动化(EDA)技术的基础上,详细介绍了利用EDA技术设计移位寄存器的过程,并对EDA技术的应用前景和发展趋势进行了论述。

    On the basis of discussing electronic design automation ( EDA ), this paper introduces the process of design displacement register by means of EDA technology , and discusses the application prospective and developing trend of EDA technology .

  26. 为了适应电子设计自动化(EDA)技术的迅猛发展,满足我国对电子设计人才的迫切需求,我们在电子专业教育中,进行了课程改革。

    To adapt the rapid development of EDA ( Electronic Design Automation ) technology , and to satisfy the urgent demand for talent of electronic design in our country , we conduct a course innovation in electronic speciality .

  27. 随着微电子技术和电子设计自动化(EDA)技术的迅速发展,可编程逻辑器件凭借其高速的数据吞吐率和快速灵活的开发方式成为数字信号处理领域的新生力量。

    With the fast development of microelectronics and Electronics Design Automation ( EDA ) techniques , the programmable logic device has become new strength in the field of digital signal processing by high speed and quick and also flexible development .

  28. 电子设计自动化(EDA)技术已渗透到电子系统和专用集成电路设计的各个环节,各种软件被应用到电子设计和仿真中,使电路的设计、调整和改进更加高效便捷。

    Electronic Design Automation ( EDA ) technology has infiltrated into the electronic system and ASIC design chain , the software has been applied to a variety of electronic design and simulation , the circuit design , adjustment and improvement are more efficient and convenient .

  29. 以电子计算机为基础的电子设计自动化技术已广泛应用于电路与系统的设计中。

    Has widely applied take computers as the foundation electronic design automation technology to the circuit and in the system design .

  30. 现代电子设计技术的核心已日趋转向基于计算机的电子设计自动化技术,即EDA技术。

    The core of modern electronic design and technology has been turned to the electronic design automatic technology which is based on the computer .