
mǎo jiē
  • rivet;rivet bond;rivet connection;rivet joint
铆接 [mǎo jiē]
  • [rivet joint] 把器件用铆钉穿上,捶打没有帽的一端使成帽,把器件固定在一起

铆接[mǎo jiē]
  1. 本文以可编程控制器(PLC)为主要控制元件,设计出低电压电磁铆接设备的控制系统。

    A new controlling system of low voltage electromagnetic riveting equipment based on Programmable Controller ( PLC ) is designed .

  2. 系统地分析了电压、电容等放电参数对磁压力以及铆接质量的影响规律,随着电容量和电压的增加,磁压力P的值均是增加的,且与放电电压的平方成正比;

    It is followed by a systematically analysis of the effect brought by the change of discharge parameters such as the voltage and the capacitance on deforming force and final riveting quality .

  3. 本文运用工作研究的原理和技术对某飞机制造公司某型号飞机n油箱段铆接装配生产线进行分析研究。

    This thesis makes research on the n # fuel tank section of some model plane in some company with the principle and technology of Work Research .

  4. SPC在铆接扭力控制中的应用

    Application of SPC in Controlling Riveting Torsion

  5. 最后,设计半空心自冲铆接机的C型铆接框架,应用ANSYS有限元软件对其进行强度和刚度分析,保证设计的合理性。

    Finally , the C-frame of semi-tubular SPR Machine for SPR was design and analyzed in respect of strength and stiffness with ANSYS software to ensure the rationalization .

  6. 第三,具体分析了n油箱段铆接装配生产线现行作业中存在的问题,针对存在的问题,提出了具体的改进建议,并形成了新的改进方案;

    Thirdly , paper analyses in detail problems which exist in the current riveted assembly of the n # fuel tank section , proposes the improve measures against the existent problems .

  7. 压力容器铆接CAPP软件的研究与设计采用柱塞式液压系统,冲铆力大,角连接强度高。

    Research and Design of CAPP Software for the Rivetted and Welding Process of Pressure Vessel ; Hydraulic system supplied large punching and riveting force .

  8. 铆接部分采用上下合模挤压的方式,通过Deform模拟来设计铆接间隙。

    Riveting part is the way the upper and lower mold squeeze through the gap Deform simulation to design riveted .

  9. M3中弹后就会起火燃烧,它的铆接结构导致在被击中时乘员舱内强劲的铆钉四下飞迸。

    The M3 would burn when hit and the riveted construction would shoot hot flying rivets around the crew compartment when it was hit .

  10. 帕尔默说,泰坦尼克II号区别于泰坦尼克最大的地方就是在水位线下焊接了(不是铆接)球形艏门以提高燃料的工作效率,扩张船舵和船首推进器的尺寸,使其更便于操作控制。

    The most obvious changes from the original Titanic would be below the water line , including welding rather than rivets , a bulbous bow for greater fuel efficiency and enlarged rudder and bow thrusters for increased maneuverability , Palmer said .

  11. 基于Monte-Carlo算法,进行铆接钢桥构件和结构系统疲劳断裂失效概率的计算,并编制了用于铆接钢桥系统疲劳可靠性分析的大型程序系统。

    Were included . Furthermore , based on Monte-Carlo method , a large system fatigue reliability analysis program was developed to calculate members and system fatigue failure probability of riveted steel bridges .

  12. 介绍一种采用新型铆接法&径向变形铆接技术的新型铆接机及该机铆头11瓣R型梅花状运动轨迹的运动分析和该机的主要结构的设计

    The article introduced a new style riveter which uses a new style riveting way & riveting technology of radial deformation in detail Motion orbit of 11 petal R style plum blossom form of its riveting punch was analysed , its main construction design was introduced

  13. 对现有钢桥疲劳寿命及使用安全评估方法进行归纳、总结及评述,利用铆接钢桥构件单角钢概率疲劳破坏模型,基于Monte-Carlo算法计算检测前铆接钢桥构件疲劳断裂失效概率。

    This paper reviews the developing history and present status . With the effect of single angle failure model ( SAF ) and Monte-Carlo method , The fatigue failure probability before updating is calculated .

  14. 优化了300MW汽轮机的调节级,采用了子午面端壁收缩的弯曲叶栅,动叶为自带围带三销钉三联叶片,再用铆接围带形成整圈联结叶片。

    The control stage of improved300MW steam turbine used bowed static blade cascades with convergent tip endwall and integral shroud triple pin rotating blades .

  15. 建立了电磁铆接过程的分析模型,并基于ANSYS有限元分析软件对电磁铆接过程进行了动态仿真,通过试验得到了不同条件下电磁铆接的理想工艺参数,验证了数值模拟分析结果的正确性。

    In this paper , the analytic model of the process of electromagnetic riveting has been established , and the process of riveting has been simulated by ANSYS software . The correctness of analysis results has been proved by corresponding experiments in the end .

  16. 用有限元软件LS-DYNA基于Cowper-Symonds材料模型建立了2D模型,用Lagrange方法及r-自适应网格划分技术模拟了整个铆接成型过程。

    FEM software LS-DYNA based on Cowper-Symonds material model was used to built 2D model , and Lagrange method and r-self-adaptive mesh technique were used to simulate the whole shaping process of the riveting .

  17. 根据企业实际情况,运用SPC方法对五金零件铆接扭力的影响因素进行了全面分析,并找出了稳定铆接扭力的方法,提高了产品质量。

    An overall analysis of all the factors affecting riveting torsion of hardware parts is made according to the actual conditions I enterprises and using the SPC method and a method to stabilize the riveting torsion is found to improve product quality ;

  18. 在合理确定栓接与铆接细节疲劳强度基础上,按线性Miner疲劳累积损伤准则,对既有连续钢桁梁桥剩余寿命进行估算。

    Based on investigation of the appropriate fatigue strength category for a bolted and riveted bridge member , linear fatigue-damage accumulation approach , commonly known as Miner 's rule , is applied to calculate the fatigue life of existing continuous steel truss bridge members .

  19. 本文选取SY-H2糊状胶粘剂,综合对比了胶接试样、铆接试样和胶铆试样的力学性能和耐疲劳性能。

    SY-H2 paste adhesive have been selected in this paper to study the mechanical and fatigue properties of bonded , riveted and bond-riveted samples .

  20. 文章介绍了其中一种新的联接工艺&自钻铆接工艺系统(Self-PiercingRivets,SPRs)的主要原理以及它在新车型生产中的应用。

    In this paper , a new joining process name self - piercing rivets ( SPRs ) is introduced and its principle and application in new vehicle model is described briefly .

  21. 主要介绍了大跨度(76.2m)全铆接钢结构门式装卸吊车利用临时支架,安装支腿和桥架的施工过程,为今后类似工程实施提供了成功的经验。

    Construction process of a large span ( 76.2m ) whole riveted steel structure gate type load and unload crane by using temporary supports , and bridge frames is introduces , providing some successful experience for alike constructions .

  22. 触点自动铆接工艺及多工位级进模设计

    The Automatic Contact-Riveting Technology and Design of the Multi-Position Progressive Die

  23. 含裂纹铆接加筋板抗破损能力的优化设计

    Optimization Design of Damage Resistance for Rivet Stiffened Plate with Crack

  24. 钢筋加气混凝土过梁他们把钢梁铆接在一起。

    Reinforced aerated concrete lintel They riveted the steel beams together .

  25. 目的:分析接触航空铆接噪声作业工人听力损伤。

    Objective : To analyse the hearing impairment of the rive-operators .

  26. 含非对称裂纹铆接加筋壁板的应力强度因子

    Stress intensity factor in the rivet stiffened plate with asymmetric cracks

  27. 高精度零件模内自动铆接技术的开发

    Research and development of inside rivet joint for high precision parts

  28. 应用于塑胶熔接、埋植螺母、铆接等。

    Applied to plastic welding , preparetions nut , riveting , etc.

  29. 半空心铆钉自冲铆接的工艺参数及铆接质量的判定

    Process Parameters and Joint Evaluation of Self-Piercing Riveting with Half-Hollow Rivets

  30. 碳纤维复合材料应力波铆接工艺参数研究

    Technical Parameters on Riveting Carbon Fibre Composite by Using Stress Wave