
  • 网络rivet structure;riveted structure
  1. 预腐蚀典型铆接结构疲劳寿命特性研究

    Research on Fatigue Life Characteristics of Pre-corroded Typical Riveted Structure

  2. M3中弹后就会起火燃烧,它的铆接结构导致在被击中时乘员舱内强劲的铆钉四下飞迸。

    The M3 would burn when hit and the riveted construction would shoot hot flying rivets around the crew compartment when it was hit .

  3. 交错排列铆接结构的疲劳寿命计算与实验

    Fatigue Life Calculation & Test of Structural Components Riveted by Staggered Rivets

  4. 高强铝合金薄板焊接结构替代传统的铆接结构能够有效减轻大型客机自重、降低生产成本、增加构件的承载能力。

    Thin-walled laser welded aluminum alloy structures can decrease weight , reduce cost and increase the loading capability over conventional riveting .

  5. 收集了欧美和日本有关旧铆接结构疲劳的试验成果;

    The relevant experimental results for the fatigue strength of the existing riveted structures of Europe , the United states and Japan are reviewed .

  6. 针对铆接结构多破坏模式和铆接多成份、多构件的疲劳失效特点,在建立铆接构件双角钢概率疲劳破坏模型的基础上,提出铆接钢桥系统疲劳可靠性分析模型。

    Therefore , the service safety of such bridges is a topic of considerable importance . A double-angle probabilistic fracture failure model for riveted bridge members was developed based on an analysis of the fatigue failure mechanism of riveted steel bridges .

  7. 主要介绍了大跨度(76.2m)全铆接钢结构门式装卸吊车利用临时支架,安装支腿和桥架的施工过程,为今后类似工程实施提供了成功的经验。

    Construction process of a large span ( 76.2m ) whole riveted steel structure gate type load and unload crane by using temporary supports , and bridge frames is introduces , providing some successful experience for alike constructions .

  8. 含裂纹铆接连接结构应力强度因子参数分析

    Riveted Joint Structure with Crack Stress Intensity Factor Parameter Analysis

  9. 推出一种较为理想的铆接模结构。

    An ideal riveting die structure which resulting better quality has been developed .

  10. 二维C/SiC复合材料的铆接显微结构与性能研究

    Microstructure and Properties of Joints of 2 D C / SiC Composites by Riveting

  11. 试验分析了在役铆接钢结构材料的疲劳断裂性能。应用断裂力学理论研究了在役铆接钢构件的疲劳裂纹扩展寿命。

    The fatigue behavior of steel structures in service is obtained by tests , and the fatigue crack propagation life of riveted steel members is investigated by the application of the fracture mechanics principles .

  12. 基于Monte-Carlo算法,进行铆接钢桥构件和结构系统疲劳断裂失效概率的计算,并编制了用于铆接钢桥系统疲劳可靠性分析的大型程序系统。

    Were included . Furthermore , based on Monte-Carlo method , a large system fatigue reliability analysis program was developed to calculate members and system fatigue failure probability of riveted steel bridges .

  13. 研究发现铆接接头的几何结构参数与接头的破坏形式之间存在一定关系,当几何参数满足这一关系时,铆钉被拉断,否则,铆钉被拔出。

    As a result , a formula describing certain relation between the geometrical structure parameters and fracture forms of joints was obtained , if the parameters satisfy this formula , rivet will break , otherwise , the rivet will be pulled out of SiC .

  14. 介绍了铆接工艺原理、铆接冲模结构设计、铆接工艺在电机定子铁心叠压中的应用,并总结了应用效果。

    Riveting principle , plunger die str uctur e design and riveting process utilized in motor stator core superpose press are introduced and sums up the applying results .

  15. 本论文首先利用弹塑性理论,就铆钉铆接成形过程进行了分析,计算了铆钉铆接好后铆钉对铆接钢板的分布压力,将这些分布压力作为铆接车架结构中铆钉处力的边界条件来处理。

    First , the elastic-plastic deformation process is analyzed when the rivet is riveted . The distributed contact forces between rivet and the riveted plates are calculated , and the distributed forces are considered as force boundary conditions .