
chē zǔ
  • set of cars
车组[chē zǔ]
  1. 与运动前比较,实施运动处方12周后健身车组和踏台阶组血清中MDA含量均显著降低(P<0.05),太极拳组血清中MDA含量降低,但无统计学意义(P>0.05);

    After 12 weeks exercise , compared with pre-exercising , MDA in body building sett group and treading footboard group were decreased ( P < 0.05 ), and MDA in hexagram boxing group was not significantly decreased ( P > 0.05 ) .

  2. PatentesTalgo公司目前正在开发以具有变轨距能力的内燃或电力动车为特色的TalgoXXI型车组。

    Patentes Talgo is now developing the Talgo XXI trainset featuring diesel or electric power cars with gauge changing capability .

  3. 给出了一种与Halliburton公司生产的压裂车组密度计配套的智能变送器的设计思路、工作原理及参数。

    A design conception , operating principle and its parameters of an intelligent transmitter matching with a densimeter used in a fracturing vehicle set produced by Halliburton Company are introduced .

  4. 结论3组不同运动处方均能降低机体MDA的产生,提高机体SOD、GSH、GSH-PX清除自由基的能力,但以健身车组的运动处方效果最为明显。

    Conclusion The three exercise prescriptions can depress the production of MDA in organism and increase the capability of SOD , GSH and GSH-PX in eliminating free radical . Among the three exercise prescriptions , the effect of body building sett is the most obvious .

  5. 一个是车组武器项目,现在被称为未来车组武器项目,项目编号为XM307;

    One was the Objective Crew Served Weapon , now known as the Advanced Crew Served Weapon and designated XM307 ;

  6. 永久船闸的公路桥预制梁每根重114t,长34.7m,采用了3个平板单元纵向组合的超长车组运输。

    Each highway bridge beam of permanent navigation lock weights 114 t and is 34.7 m long , which adopts a super long platform combination with 3 units in lengthways .

  7. 车组距离与速度偏差系统的建模与仿真

    Modeling and Simulation for Car - String Velocity and Distance Bias Systems

  8. 主变压器运输重为396t,采用4平板组合车组;

    Main transformer weights 396 t , adopt 4 units of platform trailer ;

  9. 城市轨道车组运行仿真技术研究

    Research on Simulation Technology of Urban Railway Train Set

  10. 车组偏差系统的分散控制

    Decentralized control of car - string bias systems

  11. 具有链型结构的车组系统的模型分解及分散控制器的设计

    Decentralized Overlapping Decomposition and Decentralized Control of a Platoon of Vehicles with Chain Structure

  12. 溜放车组的间隔控制直接影响着驼峰的推峰速度和解体能力。

    Hump speed and efficiency are directly affected by Space interval control of rolling cut .

  13. 高速动力综合检测车组

    The High Speed Powered Comprehensive Inspection Trainset

  14. 车组成员包括车长、炮长、装弹手、驾驶员和无线电员。

    The crew was composed of the commander , gunner , loader , driver and radio-operator .

  15. 关于固定车组重量的分组列车车小时消耗的计算

    The Computation of Wagon - Hour Consumption for Multiple-Group Technical Through Trains with Fixed - Weight Groups

  16. 研究汽车车组速度和距离偏差系统的控制问题。

    The control problem of car string velocity and distance bias system with overlapping structures is presented .

  17. 坚持不变法拉利车组说假如新的手艺规则不改动的话,车队将不会参与来岁的一级方程式赛车锦标赛。

    Ferrari says it will not compete in next year 's Formula One championships if new technical rules stay in place .

  18. 车辆减速器是机械化驼峰和自动化驼峰编组场用来调整车组溜放速度的设备。

    Car retarder is equipment applied in mechanical and automatic hump marshalling yards for regulating rolling speed of sets of car .

  19. 本文提出了定位车组、必可调车组和传递可调车组的概念。

    In this paper , the conceptions of key wagon group , positive adjustable wagon group and passive adjustable wagon group are put forward .

  20. 论文对铰接式集装箱平车的悬挂参数进行了优化,分析了单元车组转向架悬挂参数对单元车组动力学性能的影响并得出了相应的结论。

    The influence of the suspension parameters on the dynamic performance of the articulated container flat car is studied and the suspension parameters are optimized .

  21. 介绍了新型机械冷藏集装箱运输车组的主要特点、技术参数、车辆构造、试验、试运行情况及应用前景。

    Described are the main features , technical parameters , structure , test , trial operation and application prospects of a new type trainset for transport of mechanical refrigerator containers .

  22. 该技术方案具有如下特点:前后关节车体铰接、走行部2轴与3轴转向架混用、利用牵引杆联结构成四车组单元。

    The technical project has the following features : the fore and rear flatcar articulated , the running gear with 2-axle and 3-axle bogie mixture , 4-vehicle unit constructed by traction rod .

  23. 本文介绍了该装置对列车各车组适时进行主断路器自动分合闸控制的工作原理及程序框图。

    This article proposes the operating principle and the program block-diagram of the automatic switching control to the main circuit-breaker on board of each powered unit of the train at proper time .

  24. 文章还介绍了几种国外有代表性的电动和内燃车组及其采用的新技术,并且对我国发展车组式列车提出了建议。

    In this paper , several representative electric and diesel multiple units abroad and the new technology applied are introduced , and suggestions to develop multiple unit train in our country are given out .

  25. 介绍了在新干线700系车组的开发中,为降低空气动力噪声,对车体外形、受电弓、超压母线所进行的改进。

    The improvement of the configuration of the carbody , pantograph . and the extra voltage bus line in order to reduce the aerodynamic noise in development of the Shinkansen 700 series train-sets are de-scribed .

  26. 采用了车组靠轨道便能换向运行的机构,取消了回转机构,实现了辐照室及其它恶劣环境中无易损操纵件。

    The mechanism which can reverse by the rail of the wagon group is adopted , the rotation mechanism is cancelled , and no fragile control piece is realized in irradiation room and other bad environment .

  27. 引入聚类分析方法,结合物料运输的特点,深入研究了环形路线的构造方法,给出了实施配车组线的运输车辆调度模型,通过仿真实例,证明了该模型的有效性。

    Based on material transportation feature , the paper introduces the cluster analysis theory , and the method of making a ring route , sets up the vehicle dispatch model . The model feasibility is showed by simulation .

  28. 论文的第二章主要讨论了城市轨道车辆(车组)的主要技术参数和设计原则,并提出了采用单轴转向架的新型车组模型的技术设计方案及主要技术参数。

    In the 2nd chapter , the technology parameters and the designing principles about light rail vehicles are mainly discussed , and a new train-set mode with the single-axle bogie is put forward and its main technology parameters are presented .

  29. 利用图像识别理论,针对编组站驼峰作业情况,提出一种通过图像序列快速、直观判断溜放车组特征和走行趋势的方法。

    By utilizing pattern recognition theory , in allusion to the operation situation of marshalling yard hump , a method is proposed to directly and quickly judge the characteristics and the running trend of rolling train set by means of image sequence .

  30. 由井下电机车的牵引特性曲线出发,找出制动距离随车组质量的变化情况,并指出,在绝大多数情况下,都不满足安全规程的规定。

    On the basis of the tractive Characteristic curves of electric locomotive , the interrelation of braking distance with wagon train mass may be found , and it is indicated that in most cases the stipulations of safety rules can not be satisfied .