
  • 网络Vehicle spacing;length between truck centers
  1. 随着车辆定距的增大,运行速度的提高以及由线路因素和车体因素引起的激扰频域的加宽,导致车辆振动加速度增大,弹性振动的幅度加剧,从而影响到车体的运行性能。

    With the vehicle spacing increasing , the speed improving and the widening of the frequency domain which were caused by rail and carbody factors , the vibrating acceleration increased , and then encouraged strenuous elastic vibration .

  2. 分析了地铁车辆的车长、车宽、车辆定距和轴距等结构参数对横向动力学性能的影响,特别是对通过曲线时的磨耗性能的影响。

    Analyzed is the effect of such structural parameters as the length , width of the car , length between bogie pivot centers on the dynamic performance , especially on the wear performance on negotiating curves .