
mǎo gōng
  • riveting;riveter;rivet worker;holder-up
铆工 [mǎo gōng]
  • (1) [riveter]∶用手或机器插放和镦锻铆钉的工人

  • (2) [holder-up]∶铆接时支撑住定位冲头的人

铆工[mǎo gōng]
  1. 你可能听说过她:他们叫她“铆工露丝”。

    You might have heard of her : they called her Rosie the Riveter .

  2. 铆工把薄金属板铆在船底上。

    The riveter riveted the metal sheets to the ship 's bottom .

  3. 噪声对铆工和试飞员听力影响的研究

    Influence of Aircraft-Made noise on riveters ' and test pilots ' hearing loss

  4. 铆工用打孔器,贱金属制

    To use a punch or use a punch on . drift , riveters ' , of base metal

  5. 结论:噪声对飞机铆工和试飞员听力损伤较大,主要表现高频听力损伤,听力损害程度与性别、接触噪声的时间有密切关系。

    There is close correlation between level of the injury and degree of how long exposure to noise as well as sex .

  6. 方法:用整群抽样的方法在某飞机厂抽取703名飞机制造工人(其中铆工工人522名和试飞工人181名),进行现场卫生学调查和听力测试。

    Methods : The sample of 703 aircraft-made workers ( 522 riveters , 181 test pilots ) was chosen randomly and field hygeian survey in aircraft-made site were carried out , as well as hearing test was done at the same time .