  • rivet
  • riveting
  • 用钉子把金属物连在一起:~钉。~接。


(铆接) rivet:

  • 铆工把薄金属板铆在船底上。

    The riveter riveted the metal sheets to the ship's bottom.


(铆接时锤打铆钉的操作) riveting:

  • 交叉铆

    cross riveting;

  • 并列铆

    chain riveting

  1. 本文提出了选择复连通域边界(多环路)计算J积分的一种新方法,成功地解决了单连通域内有铆接点时计算J积分的问题。

    This paper suggests a new method of calculating J-integral by selecting multi-connected region boundaries ( multiploop ) . It successfully solves the problem of calculating J-integral when there are rivet nodes in the connected domain .

  2. 有人教他们如何在船的舷侧钻铆孔。

    They are taught how to bear rivet hole in the side of ships .

  3. 这一段起始赛道十分平缓,但车手们都铆足了劲往前冲。

    It was an easy opening circuit , but the riders attacked it with a will .

  4. 你只有一个小时来完成这场比赛,所以得铆足劲头争分夺秒。

    You only have an hour to complete the game so it 's a mad dash against the clock

  5. 铆工把薄金属板铆在船底上。

    The riveter riveted the metal sheets to the ship 's bottom .

  6. 最后,设计半空心自冲铆接机的C型铆接框架,应用ANSYS有限元软件对其进行强度和刚度分析,保证设计的合理性。

    Finally , the C-frame of semi-tubular SPR Machine for SPR was design and analyzed in respect of strength and stiffness with ANSYS software to ensure the rationalization .

  7. 压力容器铆接CAPP软件的研究与设计采用柱塞式液压系统,冲铆力大,角连接强度高。

    Research and Design of CAPP Software for the Rivetted and Welding Process of Pressure Vessel ; Hydraulic system supplied large punching and riveting force .

  8. 杰夫贝佐斯(JeffBezos)可能正铆足了劲在西雅图四处活动,为他家的FirePhone大声吆喝,并鼓励员工互相撕咬。

    Jeff Bezos may run around Seattle , war paint daubed on his head , barking orders into his Fire Phone , urging employees to be nasty to each other .

  9. CO2气体保护焊在汽车中的应用越来越多,但因其电铆焊接时熔深浅、飞溅大等缺点,限制了其在汽车制造中的进一步应用。

    Carbon-dioxide arc welding had widely applications in the automotive and other fields , but its relatively shallow penetration and obvious welding spatter in rivet welding limited its application in the automotive manufacturing .

  10. 介绍一种采用新型铆接法&径向变形铆接技术的新型铆接机及该机铆头11瓣R型梅花状运动轨迹的运动分析和该机的主要结构的设计

    The article introduced a new style riveter which uses a new style riveting way & riveting technology of radial deformation in detail Motion orbit of 11 petal R style plum blossom form of its riveting punch was analysed , its main construction design was introduced

  11. 我公司是一家专业的生产制造压铆紧固件、轴、螺柱,螺丝,螺栓,螺母和螺钉、OEM件、特殊异型车削件的厂家。

    Our company is a professional high precision auto-lathe processing manufacturer of clinching fasteners , axes , standoffs , screws , studs , nuts , bolt , OEM parts and special shaped turning parts .

  12. 提出在武钢目前炼钢生产条件下,采用适当的轧制工艺,完全可以用普通低碳Q195钢代替部分铆螺钢。

    They consider it advisable to replace some cold forging steel with Q195 steel , which is plentiful in WlSGCO , if proper rolling process is applied .

  13. 本文选取SY-H2糊状胶粘剂,综合对比了胶接试样、铆接试样和胶铆试样的力学性能和耐疲劳性能。

    SY-H2 paste adhesive have been selected in this paper to study the mechanical and fatigue properties of bonded , riveted and bond-riveted samples .

  14. 采用多弧离子镀法在旋铆头沉积Ti/TiN/(Ti-Zr)N/ZrN多层膜处理,并对旋铆头的失效形式、膜层的组织形貌、显微硬度、耐磨性能进行了分析和讨论。

    Ti / TiN / ( Ti-Zr ) N / ZrN multi-layer film is deposited on head of rotated riveter by using multi-arc ion plating method . The failure mode , microstructure , microhardness , wear resistance and property of the multi-layer film are analyzed and discussed .

  15. 芬布芬片薄板专用铆接机的设计制造

    The Design and Manufacture of the Riveter for Thin Plate Assembly

  16. 模糊/PI混合控制器在点铆过程中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy and PI Mixing Controller in Course of Rivetting

  17. 布拉克本铆绒地毯织机多圈高地毯簇绒机提花控制系统设计

    Design of jacquard control system for multi-level loop carpet tufting machine

  18. 小型精密零部件压铆自动化探讨

    A Discussion on the Pressing and Riveting Automation of Small Parts

  19. 压铆机械机体截面的优化设计

    An optimal design of the body section of squeeze riveting machinery

  20. 前言:“紫铆”又名紫矿,还有紫梗、紫草茸、虫胶等名。

    Butea gum is also called shellac , insect lac , etc.

  21. 加热板铆合模具的设计制造

    Design and Manufacture of the Riveting Die for the Heating Plate

  22. 方铆头车制实体保持架铆钉头相关部位的设计

    Related Position Design of Square Head Rivet on Machined Solid Cage

  23. 铆螺钢丝镦头开裂原因分析

    Analyzing Why the Cold Heading Wire Breaks When Being Punched

  24. 中国古代对紫铆的开发应用

    The Exploitation and Use of Butea Gum in Ancient China

  25. 浅谈环氧砂浆铆固地脚螺栓施工技术

    Survey on Construction Technology of Epoxy Mortar Anchor Fang Bolt

  26. 离合器盖与膜片铆装时膜片的定位方法

    Diaphragm Location Mode in Riveting Clutch Cover / Diaphragm Assembly

  27. 板件压铆连接数值模拟及实验分析

    Numerical Simulation and Experimental Analysis on Press Joining of Sheets

  28. 密封胶铆工艺试验研究

    A Study of the Sealing Adhesive - Lap Riveting Technology

  29. 温度控制器;机器视觉;铆装;点位控制;

    Temperature controller ; Machine-oriented vision ; Riveted together ; Controlling point ;

  30. 铆管冷挤压模具的改进设计

    Improvement in Design of the Cold Extruding Die for the Riveted Tube