
jiā xīn dàn ɡāo
  • layer cake;slipped pancake;sandwich
  1. 毕竟,很少有人会把阅读废奴运动的胜利带来的快乐与和洗泡泡浴与吃一盒Twinkie奶油夹心蛋糕的愉悦混在一起。

    After all , few of us intermix the pleasure of , say , reading about the triumph of the abolitionist movement with the pleasure of taking a bubble bath and eating a box of Twinkies .

  2. 一杯大豆奶昔和三块德国巧克力夹心蛋糕

    a soy protein shake and three pieces of German chocolate layer cake .

  3. 要甜点心的话,你可以点苹果馅饼、酪蛋糕、克力夹心蛋糕、淇淋和冰淇淋圣代。

    For dessert you will be offered apple pie , cheese cake , chocolate layer cake , ice cream and ice cream sundaes .

  4. 苹果酱夹心的潮湿辣味蛋糕。

    Moist spicy cake containing applesauce .