
  • 网络praline;fillings;Filled Chocolates
  1. 她带来了你不喜欢的樱桃夹心巧克力。

    She brought the chocoiate-covered cherries you didn 't iike .

  2. 你喜欢花生酱夹心巧克力?-是的。

    You like the peanut butter cups ? - Yes .

  3. 在竞选集会上妇女们叫他夹心巧克力,亲爱的

    that women called him " bombon , " sweetie , at campaign rallies .

  4. 非常适合颗粒花生酱、饼干、糕点、夹心巧克力、糖果、冰淇淋制造业对花生仁、杏仁碎粒和薄片原料的要求。

    Kernel and slice is use in processing of peanut paste biscuit , chocolate , cake , sweets , and ice cream .

  5. 大多数人听到巧克力这个词时,就会联想到一条巧克力棒、一盒奶油夹心巧克力糖,或一只巧克力兔子。

    When most of us hear the word chocolate , we picture a bar , a box of bonbons , or a bunny .

  6. 而就是这个夹心巧克力很快就通过让这个国家三个互相争斗的政党达成休战协议而令人刮目相看。

    And yet this same bomb ó n soon surprised everyone by hammering out a truce between the country 's three warring political parties .

  7. 白色奶油夹心的巧克力饼干。

    Chocolate cookie with white cream filling .

  8. 我没有尝试巧克力夹心或巧克力味糖果,那无疑会使味道层次更复杂,增加额外的甜度。

    I did not try filled or flavored bonbons , which no doubt would add different flavor dimensions and additional sweetness to the equation .