
  • 网络Ferrero Rocher;Ferrero
  1. 2005年2月,一家当地法庭的判决称,与意大利品牌相比,金莎(tresordore)是更值得尊敬的本地品牌。

    A local court ruled in February 2005 that tresor Dore was a more venerable brand than the Italian make .

  2. 姬蒂碧金莎饰演阿娃嘉娜,并没有对角色加以模仿,表现令人失望,她只是一个对晓治友善的独立灵魂而已。

    Kate Beckinsale is Ava Gardner but does not give any impersonation of her at all , which is very disappointing and just makes her an independent spirit who is kind to Hughes .