
zhēn guǒ
  • Hazelnut;filbert
榛果 [zhēn guǒ]
  • [filbert] 榛子树结的、具有厚壳的、香甜的坚果,常栽培

榛果[zhēn guǒ]
  1. 还有一款新的榛子味植脂末,灵感来自星巴克的榛果拿铁,我打算一整个秋天都在咖啡里加这个。

    You can also find a new non-dairy Hazelnut Flavored Creamer , inspired by Starbucks ' Hazelnut Latte , which I will be adding to my coffee all autumn long .

  2. 就靠在一只榛果般大的铜铃旁边。

    Next to a brass bell as big as a hazelnut .

  3. 我试了蜂蜜加榛果的混合口味。

    I tried a combination of the honey and the hazelnut .

  4. 我的要加三颗糖还有一份榛果。

    I take mine with three sugars and a hazelnut .

  5. 也许奶奶会做些榛果布丁。

    Maybe Grandma will make some hazelnut pudding .

  6. 为什么这种榛果交响乐总让我想跳舞呢?

    Constance : Why does this hazelnut symphony always make me want to dance ?

  7. 榛果拿铁咖啡是我的最爱。

    Hazelnut Lattes are my favorite .

  8. 这样的餐点搭配是从我的小弟阿塔尔开始的,但他现在最钟爱的则是“伯明翰大发现”——榛果巧克力酱三明治。

    a tradition started by my little brother Atal , though his favourite Birmingham discovery is Nutella sandwiches .

  9. 我们有香草、樱桃、榛果、爱尔兰炼乳、薄荷、椰子等口味可选择。

    We have vanilla , cheery , Hazelnut , Irish Cream , Mint , Coconut and other choices .

  10. 在英格兰,所有的科学和艺术知识都被与食用榛果联系起来。

    In England , all the knowledge of the arts and sciences were bound to the eating of Hazel nuts .

  11. 女孩们把榛果排列在炉排前面,每一个榛果代表一个求婚者。

    Girls placed hazel nuts along the front of the fire grate , each one to symbolize one of her suitors .

  12. 黑巧克力外包裹着意大利榛果,再配以一勺冰淇淋。

    It 's made out of dark chocolate that is then covered with Italian hazelnuts and served with a scoop of ice cream .

  13. 什锦生菜、上等鹅肝、松露丝、四季豆、红萝卜、碎榛果、蛋。佐主厨特制油酱。

    Lettuce , goose liver , truffle pieces , French beans , carrot , grinded hazel and boiled egg , with chef vinaigrette seasoning .

  14. 甜点是精美的镀金三层的黑醋栗甜酒柠檬乳酪蛋糕,巧克力联盟咸焦糖和榛果蛋白酥皮奶油卷筒,浇上纯巧克力酱汁,白巧克力饼,和芒果,木莓和柠檬的水果拼盘。

    Dessert was a beautifully plated triple threat of cassis lemon cheesecake , chocolate alliance salted caramel and hazelnut dacquoise accompanied by a pure chocolate sauce , white chocolate finger , and mango , raspberry and lemon fruit reductions .

  15. 它叫“圣克里斯皮诺冰店”。我不确定能否翻译成“香酥圣徒冰”。我试了蜂蜜加榛果的混合口味。

    It 's called " Il Gelato di San Crispino . " I 'm not sure , but I think this might translate as " the ice cream of the crispy saint . " I tried a combination of the honey and the hazelnut .

  16. 前几天她带我出去吃午饭,我们吃的不仅包括松露羊肉薄片卷榛果慕斯,还吃了一种珍奇的腌制“lampascione”——众所周知——野生风信子的球根。

    She took me out to lunch the other day , and what we ate included not only lamb and truffles and carpaccio rolled around hazelnut mousse but an exotic little serving of pickled lampascione , which is - as everyone knows - the bulb of the wild hyacinth .