
wěi yīn
  • ending;final sound;last (or end) syllable
尾音 [wěi yīn]
  • [end sound] 一句话或一个字的最后的音

  1. 他使用押韵的词,即尾音相同的词,例如fish和wish。

    He used rhyming words , words with the same ending sound , like fish and wish .

  2. 特别是箍桶匠爱用闷声送出他那最后的尾音。

    The cooper in particular swells his last note in a hollow voice .

  3. 有相应的语音特别是尾音。

    Having corresponding sounds especially terminal sounds .

  4. 当我们问问题时,我们会在尾音时提高音调。

    When we ask a question , we use a rising tone towards the end .

  5. 当顾客穿梭于他的商店时,他会拖着尾音说:“谢谢大家啦!”

    He drawls , " Thanks , y'all , " to customers passing through his shop .

  6. 字素-音素与词体-尾音对中国人英语语音加工的影响

    The Effects of Grapheme-to-Phoneme and Body-Rime on the Phonological Processing of English Words or Pseudo-words for Chinese Speakers

  7. 彼得发现,如果拖长「飞行」的尾音,听起来就像「(生)命」。

    Peter discovers that if you say the word " fly " for long enough it sounds like you 're saying " life " .

  8. 在“哟噢”、“呀”、“了”这样的尾音上,又急转直下,带着呻吟似的沉痛,逐渐地消失在这无边无涯的荒凉的田野上。

    In end sounds , he took a sudden turn and become worse rapidly with a deep feeling of grief like groans , gradually disappeared in this endless and desolate field .

  9. 声调偏误主要表现在单字调末加尾音、去声时长较短、阳平与上声混淆三方面。

    Tonal bias mainly reflected in plus tail in the end of certain word , the word length is short of the fourth tone , confusion of the second tone and the third tone .