
  • 网络Tailings slag;tailing residue
  1. 以尾矿渣作浸出毒性试验样,采用不同种类、浓度和pH值的浸提剂,以超声波、翻转振荡、水平振荡等3种不同浸提方式进行固体废物浸出试验条件的研究。

    Effects of sorts , concentrations and pH values of leaching agents and leaching modes , such as ultrasonic , horizontal and rotary oscillation , on the test conditions of the toxic extraction in tailings have been studied .

  2. 重金属化学形态的分析表明,金川尾矿砂中Ni具有很强的活动性,白银尾矿渣中Cd元素活动性最强,显示出对周围环境具有较大的潜在危害性。

    Analyzed results of chemical forms of heavy metals show that Ni in tailings of Jinchuan and Pb in waste slagheap of Baiyin have strong mobility , which suggested that Ni and Pb have the great potential harm to the surroundings .

  3. 利用锌尾矿渣生产非烧结砖的探索

    Exploring for the producing of non-fired bricks by zinc slag

  4. 离心分离是回收铁尾矿渣中细粒铁的高效方法,具有快速、成本低、对环境无污染等优点。

    Centrifugal concentration , which can separate materials quickly at a low cost and in an environment friendly manner , is an effective method for recovering micro iron values from iron tailings residue .

  5. 连续离心分离设备可有效用于处理高铁物料铁尾矿渣,可解决目前国内外工业应用离心机适用于处理微量金属物料的技术难题。

    The continuous centrifugal concentrator , which can be used to concentrate iron tailings residue of high iron content , may be an important supplementary for the centrifugal concentrators available domestic and abroad , which are effective in the treatment of very lean metallic materials .