
  • 网络renal sympathetic nerve
  1. 脑室注射高低渗NaCl溶液对血浆肾素活性及肾交感神经活动的影响

    Effects of brain ventricular injection of hypertonic / hypotonic NaCl solutions on plasma renin activity and renal sympathetic nerve activity

  2. 目的探讨新型γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)受体拮抗剂左旋一叶萩碱中枢升压作用的GABA能机制与肾交感神经紧张性的关系。

    Objective To investigate the interaction between GABA ergic mechanism of central pressor effect and renal sympathetic nerve tone induced by 1 - Sec .

  3. 在戊巴比妥钠麻醉兔中,记录股动脉血压,心率(HR)和肾交感神经活动(RSNA)。

    The femoral arterial pressure , heart rate ( HR ) and renal sympathetic nerve activity ( RSNA ) were recorded in pentobarbital anesthetized rabbits .

  4. 方法:采用猫在体心肌缺血-再灌注动物模型,同步记录再灌注期肾交感神经放电活动积分值(IRSNA)和RA。

    Methods : The increment of integral renal sympathetic nervous activity ( IRSNA ) and ventricular arrhythmia during reperfusion period were recorded in cats in vivo .

  5. 在窦主动脉去神经麻醉兔观察阻断脊髓α受体对血量扩张引起肾交感神经活动(RSNA)抑制和促钠排泄反应的影响。

    The effect of spinal a adrenoceptor blockage on the inhibition of renal sympathetic nerve activity ( RSNA ) and natriuresis induced by blood volume expansion was investigated in anesthetized and bilateral sinoaortic denervated rabbits .

  6. 第三脑室注射高渗Nacl溶液可引起肾交感神经活动(RSNA)减弱和血浆肾素活性(PRA)降低,低渗Nacl的作用则相反。

    Injection of hypertonic Nacl solution into 3rd ventricle remarkably reduced the renal sympathetic nerves activity ( RSNA ) and plasma renin activity ( PRA ) . The effects of hypotonic Nacl were opposite to hypertonic Nacl . A definite positive correlation between PRA and RSNA has been observed .

  7. 心室内注射腺苷对肾交感神经传出活动的影响

    Effects of intraventricular injection of adenosine on renal sympathetic nerve activity

  8. 吸入麻醉药对兔肾交感神经活动的影响

    Effects of inhalational anesthetics on sympathetic nerve activity in rabbits

  9. 观察各组麻醉、肌松和人工通气后,暴露肾交感神经并记录其电生理活动。

    Renal sympathetic nerves were exposed and prepared for recording the electrical activity .

  10. 氯沙坦通过室旁核抑制慢性心衰大鼠肾交感神经兴奋性

    Losartan inhibits renal sympathetic nerve activity in Paraventricular nucleus in chronic heart failure rat

  11. 山莨菪碱对内毒素休克家兔肾交感神经活动的影响

    Effect of anisodamine on renal sympathetic nerve discharge during endotoxin shock in anaesthetized rabbits

  12. 电刺激猫小脑顶核对动脉血压和肾交感神经放电的影响

    The effects of cerebellar fastigial stimulation on blood pressure and renal sympathetic nerve activity

  13. 静脉输血对清醒兔动脉压力感受性反射调节肾交感神经活动的作用

    Effects of intravenous transfusion on arterial baroreflex control of renal sympathetic nerve activity in conscious rabbit

  14. 家兔延髓腹侧表面加压区对肾交感神经电活动的影响

    Effect of Pressor Area of Ventral Surface of Medulla Oblongata on Renal Sympathetic Nerves Activity in Rabbits

  15. 肾交感神经放电于刺激期间显著增加。

    Electrical stimulation of the fastigial nucleus elicited a characteristicpressor response and discharges in renal appathetic nerve .

  16. 电刺激延髓最后区对血浆肾素活性及肾交感神经活动的影响

    Effect of electrical stimulation of the area Postrema on plasma renin activity and renal sympathetic nerve activity in rabbits

  17. 猫延髓嘴侧腹外侧区微量注射内皮素-1对心血管和肾交感神经活动的影响

    Effect of microinjection of endothelin-1 into rostral ventrolateral medulla on cardiovascular responses and renal sympathetic nerve activity in cats

  18. 第四脑室注入乙醇对兔呼吸和肾交感神经放电的影响

    Effects of alcohol injected into the fourth ventricle on renal sympathetic nerve activity and phrenic muscle activity in rabbits

  19. 兔颈迷走神经传入冲动抑制肾交感神经传出活动的延髓机制

    Medullary mechanism of the inhibition on renal sympathetic efferent activities by stimulation of the cervical vagal afferent nerve in rabbits

  20. 大鼠脊髓α1肾上腺素受体参与延髓腹面升压区调控肾交感神经电活动

    α _1 & adrenoceptor involved in the process of VSMP control of renal sympathetic nerve activities in spinal cord in rats

  21. 兔脊髓α受体对血量扩张引起肾交感神经活动抑制和促钠排泄的作用

    Role of spinal α adrenoceptor in the inhibition of renal sympathetic nerve activity and natriuresis induced by blood volume expansion in rabbits

  22. 在急性心肌缺血过程中,肾交感神经传出放电明显减少,由此表明血管运动中枢活动受到抑制。

    The renal sympathetic efferent discharge was inhibited by temporary coro-nary occlusion , thus indicating the depression of activity of vasomotor center .

  23. 肾交感神经节后神经元,多呈圆形或椭圆形,交感干神经节中有少量呈梭形。

    The sympathetic postganglionic neurons are round and oval in shape ; and a few are fusiform lying in the ganglia of sympathetic trunk .

  24. 上述结果提示:肾交感神经系统兴奋性增加介导的肾脏机制,可能在应激和/或盐致高血压发病过程中具有重要作用。

    The above results indicate that the renal mechanism mediated by increased renal sympathetic nervous system plays an important role in stress and salt induced hypertension pathogenesis .

  25. 右室实时三维超声心动图评价心脏移植术后排异反应的临床研究下丘脑室旁核氧化应激反应对心衰时肾交感神经活动的影响

    Application of Right Ventricular Real-Time Three-Dimensional Echocardiography and Tissue Doppler Imaging in Detecting Allograft Rejection in Heart Transplants The Effect of Oxidative Stress in the Hypothalamic Paraventricular Nucleus on Sympathetic Drive in Heart Failure

  26. 静脉芬太尼在总剂量50和100μg/kg所引起的肾交感神经活动抑制和血压下降在正常兔明显多于去迷走神经兔(P<0.05),但是心率减慢在正常与去迷走神经兔之间没有统计学显著差异。

    However , the spontaneous sympathetic nerve activity and mean arterial pressure were depressed more in normal than vagotomized rabbits at total doses of 50 and 100 μ g / kg . There were no significant differences in the reduction of heart rate between normal and vagotomized rabbits .

  27. 对81只麻醉兔,在静脉注射新福林和硝普钠升降血压而改变动脉压力感受器活动的条件下,观察心率,后肢血管阻力和肾交感神经活动的反射性变化。

    In 81 anesthetized rabbits , the baroreflex control of heart rate ( HR ), hindlimb vascular resistance ( HVR ) and renal sympathetic nerve activity ( RSNA ) was observed during arterial baroreceptor loading and unloading by intravenously injecting phenylephrine ( PE ) and nitroprusside ( NP ) .

  28. 高血压对肾脏微循环的影响相当复杂,除肾血流自身调节及肾血管交感神经调节外,其影响因素有待进一步研究解决。

    Hypertension affect on renal microcirculation which is a complex process . In addition to renal blood flow autoregulation and renal vascular sympathetic adjustments , the impact factors of renal microcirculation need to be further studied and solved .

  29. 肾神经活动的功率谱特征的改变虽然提示了利美尼定对肾交感神经活动可能具有某种程度的影响,但是它不通过体感系统影响肾交感神经活动的反射活性。

    Rilmenidine did not affect the reflex activation of renal nerve activity via the somatosensory system although the characteristics within the power spectra underwent certain changes which might have a functional impact at the level to the kidney .