
  1. 松香酸聚氧乙烯酯(PORE)的合成及在造纸施胶剂中的应用

    Application of PORE as sizing agent in papermaking

  2. 烯基琥珀酸酐(ASA)用于中性造纸施胶剂施胶性能及应用趋势

    Application Trend and Prospect of ASA as Neutral Paper Sizing Agent

  3. 中性造纸施胶剂烯基琥珀酸酐(ASA)应用前景

    Application prospect of Alkenyl Succinic Anhydride ( ASA ) as Neutral Paper Sizing Agent

  4. DZ-1型颗粒状中性松香造纸施胶剂研制和施胶试验

    Preparation and Sizing Test of DZ-1 Neutral Rosin Particles

  5. 塔尔油制强化造纸施胶剂的研究

    Study on developing strength sizing agent for papermaking from tall oil

  6. 分散松香造纸施胶剂的制备

    Preparation of Disperse Rosin as Sizing Agent in Paper Manufacture

  7. AKD-LT中性/碱性造纸施胶剂的研制

    Preparation of AKD_LT Neutral / Alkaline Papermaking Sizing Agent

  8. 马来松香造纸施胶剂的性质和粉状施胶剂的研制

    Properties of maleated rosin size and the preparation of it in powder type

  9. 石油树脂生产造纸施胶剂的工艺研究

    Study of Process to Produce Sizing Agent for Paper Making from Petroleum Resin

  10. 详细介绍了造纸施胶剂的试验工艺。

    The testing processes of a rosin size used for papermaking are introduced in detail .

  11. 我国对马来松香的研制及其用作造纸施胶剂进行了十多年的研究。

    The study of preparation of maleated rosins and their application as paper size was started in China in1974 .

  12. 本文主要介绍了以动、植物油为原料生产造纸施胶剂的制造和在废纸再生浆施胶的生产实践。

    This paper introduces the preparation of a paper sizing agent using animal oil and vegetable oil as raw material and its application practice in waste paper pulp papermaking .

  13. 胶粒大小与组成、表面活性剂种类和胶体保护层类型等是影响中性松香造纸施胶剂稳定的主要因素。

    The sizes and components of colloidal particles , kinds of surfactants , and types of colloidal protect layers are main factors to determine the stability of the neutral rosin sizing agents .

  14. 造纸用施胶剂ASA及其配套乳化剂

    Paper Sizing Agent ASA and Emulsifying Agent of ASA

  15. 造纸中性施胶剂ASA的生产和应用技术

    The Producing and Application Technology of ASA

  16. 造纸中性施胶剂ASA的制备、产品性能及应用

    The Preparation and the Application of ASA Used as a Neutral Sizing Agent and Their Properties

  17. 综述了造纸中性施胶剂ASA的生产过程、产品性能和应用方法。

    : The author gives aa overall instruction of the producing method and performance and application of ASA .

  18. 叙述了烯烃基琥珀酸酐(ASA)作为造纸中性施胶剂的发展、特性、应用技术与前景。

    The development , characteristic , application technology and foreground of Alkenyl Succinic Anhydride ( ASA ) were reviewed .

  19. 一种新型造纸施胶增效剂的合成及其应用

    The synthesis and application of effective agent for sizing in paper making

  20. 松香胶是造纸常用的施胶剂,普通松香胶的游离松香含量低,因此,施胶效果不好。

    Rosin sizes is a common sizing agent of paper , the content of free rosin acid is low in common rosin sizes , so the sizing effect is bad .

  21. 造纸用中碱性施胶剂的研究进展

    Progress in Study of neutral and alkali sizing agents in papermaking

  22. 造纸用乳化松香施胶剂的研究

    Research on the Sizing Agent of Emulsified Rosin used in Making Paper

  23. 中性松香造纸施胶体系中沉淀剂的研究进展

    Progress in Studies on Retention Aids in Neutral Rosin Sizing

  24. 造纸用松香类施胶剂的分散技术

    Dispersing Techniques of Rosin - Based Size

  25. 石油树脂作为石油工业的副产品利用率不到35%,近几年经研究其可作为造纸工业中的施胶剂,效果显著,价格低廉,具有很好的应用发展前景。

    Petroleum resin can be used as sizing agent in papermaking . They have bright application future for their cheap character and good effects .

  26. 但造纸用水高度循环后造纸施胶剂的效率大幅下降,成为造纸界亟待解决的技术难题。

    But after a high degree of recycling of water , the efficiency of wet-end chemistry dropped significantly such as paper sizing agent , as paper-making industry the technical problems were urgent to solve .